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Created January 21, 2024 13:32
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Neovim colorchemes I used/use/will use maybe (lazy spec)
return {
priority = 1000,
lazy = false,
enabled = true,
opts = {
transparent = false,
terminal_colors = true, -- Configure the colors used when opening a `:terminal` in Neovim
diff = { mode = "fg" }, -- enables/disables colorful backgrounds when used in diff mode. values : [bg|fg]
borders = true, -- Enable the border between verticaly split windows visible
errors = { mode = "fg" }, -- Display mode for errors and diagnostics
-- values : [bg|fg|none]
search = { theme = "vscode" }, -- theme for highlighting search results
-- values : [vim|vscode]
styles = {
-- Style to be applied to different syntax groups
-- Value is any valid attr-list value for `:help nvim_set_hl`
comments = { italic = true },
keywords = {},
functions = {},
variables = {},
config = true,
lazy = false,
enabled = true,
priority = 1500,
init = function()
vim.g.everforest_better_performance = 1
vim.g.everforest_background = "medium"
vim.g.everforest_enable_italic = 1
vim.g.everforest_dim_inactive_windows = 0
{ "rebelot/kanagawa.nvim", lazy = false, enabled = true, priority = 1000 },
{ "olimorris/onedarkpro.nvim", lazy = false, enabled = true, priority = 1000 },
{ "savq/melange-nvim", lazy = false, priority = 1000 },
{ "morhetz/gruvbox", lazy = false, priority = 1000 },
{ "bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors", name = "nightfly", lazy = false, priority = 1000 },
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
config = true,
init = function()
vim.g.oceanic_next_terminal_bold = 1
vim.g.oceanic_next_terminal_italic = 1
init = function()
vim.g.moonlight_italic_comments = true
vim.g.moonlight_italic_keywords = true
vim.g.moonlight_italic_functions = true
vim.g.moonlight_italic_variables = false
vim.g.moonlight_contrast = true
vim.g.moonlight_borders = false
vim.g.moonlight_disable_background = false
config = function() require("moonlight").set() end,
name = "rose-pine",
opts = { dark_variant = "moon", bold_vert_split = false },
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
opts = {
bold_keywords = true,
italic_comments = true,
transparent_bg = false,
bright_border = true,
reduced_blue = true,
cursorline = {
bold = false,
bold_number = true,
theme = 'dark',
blend = 0.7,
noice = {
style = 'flat',
telescope = {
style = 'flat',
leap = {
-- Dims the backdrop when using leap.
dim_backdrop = false,
ts_context = {
-- Enables dark background for treesitter-context window
dark_background = true,
config = true,
{ "nyoom-engineering/oxocarbon.nvim" },
enabled = false,
opts = {
style = "night",
sidebars = {},
{ "rafamadriz/neon", enabled = false },
{ "ray-x/aurora", enabled = false },
{ "EdenEast/nightfox.nvim", enabled = true, build = ":NightfoxCompile" },
{ "sainnhe/gruvbox-material", enabled = false },
{ "navarasu/onedark.nvim", enabled = false },
{ "KeitaNakamura/neodark.vim", enabled = false },
{ "sainnhe/edge", enabled = false },
{ "shaunsingh/solarized.nvim", enabled = false },
{ "sainnhe/sonokai", enabled = false },
{ "Yazeed1s/oh-lucy.nvim", enabled = false },
{ "felipeagc/fleet-theme-nvim", enabled = false },
enabled = false,
as = "catppuccin",
config = function()
require("catppuccin").setup {
dim_inactive = {
enabled = false,
shade = "dark",
percentage = 0.15,
enabled = false,
lazy = false,
priority = 1500,
dependencies = { "rktjmp/lush.nvim" },
config = function()
require("bluloco").setup {
style = "auto",
transparent = false,
italics = true,
terminal = true,
guicursor = true,
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