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Created September 12, 2022 01:27
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Two tables containing reported statistics from nvidia's tegrastats utility.


Statistic X Y Z
RAM X/Y (lfb NxZ)Largest Free Block (lfb)\nis a statistic about the memory allocator. It refers to the largest contiguous block of physical memory that can currently be allocated: at most 4 MB. It can become smaller with memory fragmentation. The physical allocations in virtual memory can be bigger. Amount of RAM in use in MB. Total amount of RAM available for applications. Z is the size of the largest free block, N the number of free blocks of this size.
SWAP X/Y (cached Z) Amount of SWAP in use in megabytes. Total amount of SWAP available for applications. Amount of SWAP cached in megabytes.
IRAM X/Y (lfb Z) IRAM is memory local to the video hardware engine. Amount of IRAM memory in use, in kilobytes. Total amount of IRAM memory available. Size of the largest free block.
CPU [X%,Y%, , ]@Zor CPU [X%@Z, Y%@Z,...] X and Y are rough approximations based on time spent in the system idle process as reported by the Linux kernel in /proc/stat. Load statistics for each of the CPU cores relative to the current running frequency Z, or 'off' in case a core is currently powered down. Load statistics for each of the CPU cores relative to the current running frequency Z, or 'off' in case a core is currently powered down. CPU frequency in megahertz. Goes up or down dynamically depending on the CPU workload.
APE Y APE is the audio processing engine. The APE subsystem consists of ADSP (Cortex®-A9 CPU), mailboxes, AHUB, ADMA, etc. N/A APE frequency in megahertz. N/A
GR3D X%@Y GR3D is the GPU engine. Percent of the GR3D that is being used, relative to the current running frequency. GR3D frequency in megahertz N/A
EMC X%@Y EMC is the external memory controller, through which all sysmem/carve-out/GART memory accesses go. Percent of EMC memory bandwidth being used, relative to the current running frequency. EMC frequency in megahertz. N/A
MSENC Y MSENC is the video hardware encoding engine. N/A MSENC frequency in megahertz. N/A
NVDEC Y NVDEC is the video hardware decoding engine. It is shown only when hardware decoder/encoder engine is used. N/A NVDEC frequency in megahertz. N/A
MTS fg X% bg Y% Time spent in foreground tasks. Time spent in background tasks. N/A
[temp name] C [temp name] is one of the names under the nodes /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zoneX/type. Temperature in degrees Celsius. N/A N/A
[VDD_name] X/Y Current power consumption in milliwatts. Average power consumption in milliwatts. N/A


Statistic X Y Z
RAM X/Y (lfb NxZ) Largest Free Block (lfb) is a statistic about the memory allocator. It refers to the largest contiguous block of physical memory that can currently be allocated: at most 4 MB. It can become smaller with memory fragmentation. The physical allocations in virtual memory can be bigger. Amount of RAM in use in MB. Total amount of RAM available for applications. Z is the size of the largest free block, N the number of free blocks of this size.  
CPU [X%,Y%, , ]@Z or CPU [X%@Z, Y%@Z,...] X and Y are rough approximations based on time spent in the system idle process as reported by the Linux kernel in /proc/stat. Load statistics for each of the CPU cores relative to the current running frequency Z, or 'off' in case a core is currently powered down. Load statistics for each of the CPU cores relative to the current running frequency Z, or 'off' in case a core is currently powered down. CPU frequency in megahertz. Goes up or down dynamically depending on the CPU workload.
GR3D_FREQ X%@Y GR3D2_FREQ X%@Y GR3D is the iGPU engine. GR3D_FREQ is for GPC0, GR3D2_FREQ is for GPC1 Percent of the GR3D that is being used, relative to the current running frequency. GR3D frequency in megahertz N/A
X1@Y1C X2@Y2C X3@Y3C... X1, X2, X3 denote the list of the available sensors The sensor name The sensor's temperature in Celsius N/A
EMC_FREQ @Y EMC is the external memory controller. N/A EMC frequency in megahertz N/A
NVENC @Y NVENC1 @Y NVENC is NVIDIA video encoder. NVENC1 is the 2nd instance of NVENC. NVENC1 may be reported if it is present and enabled.   Load stats is added. If both frequency and load are enabled, the output looks like NVENC X%@Y. If only frequency is enabled: NVENC_FREQ @Y. If only load: NVENC_LOAD X%. NVENC frequency in megahertz N/A
NVDEC @Y NVDEC1 @Y NVDEC is NVIDIA video encoder. NVDEC1 is the 2nd instance of NVDEC. NVDEC1 may be reported if it is present and enabled.   Load stats is added. If both frequency and load are enabled, the output looks like NVDEC X%@Y. If only frequency is enabled: NVDEC_FREQ @Y. If only load: NVDEC_LOAD X%. NVDEC frequency in megahertz N/A
VIC @Y VIC is the video image compositor. Load stats is added. If both frequency and load are enabled, the output looks like VIC X%@Y. If only frequency is enabled: VIC_FREQ @Y. If only load: VIC_LOAD X%. VIC frequency in megahertz N/A
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