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Created March 13, 2012 13:05
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Inline atan2 function (asm)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
Custom atan2 function calling the FPU directly, for use when the
math library isn't available.
Tobin Fricke <> 2012-03-13
Here's a reference for the GCC inline assembly syntax:
inline double my_atan2 (double y, double x) {
double result;
asm (
: "=t" (result) // outputs; t = top of fpu stack
: "0" (x), // inputs; 0 = same as result
"u" (y) // u = 2nd floating point register
return result;
/* Test program prints results of the custom function along side
the results of the C library function.
Example usage:
tobin@thinktop:~$ gcc -lm -Wall inlineatan2.c -o inlineatan2
tobin@thinktop:~$ echo -1 0 | ./inlineatan2
-1.000000 0.000000 3.141593 3.141593
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
double a, b, x, y;
while (2==scanf("%lf %lf", &x, &y)) {
a = my_atan2(y, x);
b = atan2(y, x);
printf("%lf %lf %lf %lf\n", x, y, a, b);
return 0;
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