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Last active July 11, 2022 22:43
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A SwiftUI app using The Composable Architecture.
import ComposableArchitecture
import SwiftUI
let appReducer: Reducer<AppState, AppAction, AppEnvironment> = Reducer.combine(
state: \AppState.onboarding,
action: /AppAction.onboarding,
environment: { _ in OnboardingEnvironment() }
Reducer { state, action, _ in
switch action {
case let .onboarding(.loginResponse(user)):
// not firing
state.loggedInUser = user
return .none
case .onboarding(.alert(.login)):
// not firing
return .none
case .onboarding(.alert(_)):
return .none
case .onboarding(.continueWithAppleButtonTapped):
// not firing
return .none
struct User: Equatable {
let email: String
struct AppState: Equatable {
var loggedInUser: User?
var onboarding: OnboardingState?
enum AppAction {
case onboarding(OnboardingAction)
struct AppEnvironment {}
struct AppView: View {
let store: Store<AppState, AppAction>
var body: some View {
WithViewStore( { viewStore in
if viewStore.loggedInUser != nil {
} else {
store: Store(
initialState: OnboardingState(),
reducer: onboardingReducer,
environment: OnboardingEnvironment()
struct AppView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
store: Store(
initialState: AppState(),
reducer: appReducer,
environment: AppEnvironment()
import ComposableArchitecture
import SwiftUI
let onboardingReducer = Reducer<OnboardingState, OnboardingAction, OnboardingEnvironment> { state, action, _ in
switch action {
case .continueWithAppleButtonTapped:
state.alert = .init(
title: TextState("Login"),
message: TextState("Are you sure you want to login?"),
primaryButton: .default(TextState("Login"), action: .send(.login)),
secondaryButton: .cancel(TextState("Cancel"))
return .none
case .alert(.dismiss):
state.alert = nil
return .none
case .alert(.login):
state.alert = nil
// TODO: Perform an async operation that will return user or error.
return Effect<User, Never>.future { callback in
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
let user = User(email: "")
.map { OnboardingAction.loginResponse($0) }
case let .loginResponse(user):
// handle on parent reducer
return .none
struct OnboardingState: Equatable {
var alert: AlertState<OnboardingAction.AlertAction>?
enum OnboardingAction {
case alert(AlertAction)
case continueWithAppleButtonTapped
case loginResponse(User)
enum AlertAction: Equatable {
case dismiss
case login
struct OnboardingEnvironment {}
struct OnboardingView: View {
let store: Store<OnboardingState, OnboardingAction>
var body: some View {
WithViewStore( { viewStore in
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 0.0) {
// ...
VStack(alignment: .center) {
.onTapGesture {
// ...
.alert( \.alert, action: OnboardingAction.alert),
dismiss: .dismiss
struct OnboardingView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
store: Store(
initialState: OnboardingState(),
reducer: onboardingReducer,
environment: OnboardingEnvironment()
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