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Last active December 14, 2015 23:09
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Save tobnee/5163430 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import{ActorSystem, Props, Actor}
import collection.mutable
import play.api.cache.Cache
import concurrent.Future
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Akka._
object AsyncCache {
import play.api.Play.current
type AnyFuture = Future[_]
lazy val cacheRef = system.actorOf(
Props(new AsyncCacheActor(system, Cache, play.api.Play.current)),
def setAsync(key: String, get: () => AnyFuture, timeout: Int = 0, strategy: UpdateStrategy = LAST_SUCCESS,
debounce: Long = 0) {
cacheRef ! AsyncUpdate(key, get, timeout, strategy, debounce)
def getOrElseAsync[E](key: String, timeout: Int = 0, strategy: UpdateStrategy = LAST_SUCCESS,
debounce: Long = 0)(orElse: () => Future[E]): Future[E] = {
implicit val to = Timeout(5 seconds)
Cache.getOrElse[Future[E]](key) {
(cacheRef ? AsyncUpdate(key, orElse, timeout, strategy, debounce)).asInstanceOf[Future[E]]
sealed trait UpdateStrategy
case object FIRST_SUCCESS extends UpdateStrategy
case object LAST_SUCCESS extends UpdateStrategy
case object FALLBACK extends UpdateStrategy
case class AsyncUpdate(key: String, get: () => Future[_], timeout: Int, strategy: UpdateStrategy, debounceTime: Long)
class AsyncCacheActor(val actorSystem: ActorSystem, val cache: Cache.type, app: play.api.Application) extends Actor {
implicit val ec = this.actorSystem.dispatcher
implicit val playApp = app
val calledFuturesWithTime = new mutable.HashMap[String, (Long, Future[_])]()
def receive = {
case AsyncUpdate(key, get, timeout, strategy, debounceTime) => {
if (shouldMakeCall(key, debounceTime)) {
strategy match {
val future = get.apply()
val updateFuture =
if (futureInProgress(key)) {
val oldFuture = calledFutures(key)
val firstComplete = Future.firstCompletedOf(Seq(oldFuture, future))
val withFallbacks = firstComplete.fallbackTo(oldFuture).fallbackTo(future)
addCacheHandle(key, withFallbacks, timeout)
} else {
updateFutureQueue(key, updateFuture)
case LAST_SUCCESS => {
addCacheHandle(key, get.apply(), timeout)
case FALLBACK => {
if (futureInProgress(key)) {
val futureWithFallback = calledFutures(key).recover{case _=> addCacheHandle(key, get.apply(), timeout)}
updateFutureQueue(key, futureWithFallback)
} else {
updateFutureQueue(key, addCacheHandle(key, get.apply(), timeout))
def updateFutureQueue(key: String, updateFuture: Future[_]) {
val calltime: Long = System.nanoTime()
calledFuturesWithTime.put(key, (calltime, updateFuture))
def calledFutures(key: String) = calledFuturesWithTime(key)._2
def calledFuturesGet(key: String) = calledFuturesWithTime.get(key).map(_._2)
def lastCall(key: String) = calledFuturesWithTime.get(key).map(_._1)
def shouldMakeCall(key: String, debounceTime: Long): Boolean = {
lastCall(key).filterNot(time => (System.nanoTime() - time) > debounceTime).isDefined
def futureInProgress(key: String): Boolean = {
def futureChain(key: String, future: Future[_], timeout: Int, pipe: Future[_] => Future[_]) {
val f = addCacheHandle(key, future, timeout)
if (futureInProgress(key)) {
val futureWithFallback = pipe(calledFutures(key))
updateFutureQueue(key, futureWithFallback)
} else {
updateFutureQueue(key, f)
def addCacheHandle(key: String, future: Future[_], timeout: Int) = {
future.onSuccess {
case value => cache.set(key, value, timeout)
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