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Tobias Nyström tobnys

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tobnys / chaserCode.js
Created December 5, 2017 16:50
Chaser Code Test
// You have an array of objects in JavaScript. Each one contains a name (a string) and ranking (a number).
// Write two functions, one to return the objects ordered by ranking and another to return the average ranking
let sampleArray = [{
name: "sampleString0",
ranking: 0
name: "sampleString1",
ranking: 1
Person 1:
Q: Did the user interface make sense to you?
A: In general, yes, there was a few quirks that could be fixed such as the portfolio items could be more obvious to interact with.
Q: How did you feel about the design of the website?
A: The design felt very basic and simplistic and for me it was easy to understand.
Q: Anything you didn't like?
A: I think the header text sort of blends in too much with the background
tobnys / gist:21bc68f0618136154a1da5d01c781abe
Last active November 15, 2017 16:40
Portfolio Content Planning
Tobias Nyström
Software Engineer
I am a software engineer that has recently graduated from a full-stack web development bootcamp called Thinkful.
I consider myself being a proficient software engineer due to the fact that I have a heavy passion for development in general, I am also well exposed to modern web development on the front and backend.
tobnys / bigodrills.js
Last active November 2, 2017 22:33
Big O drills
// Even or odd
// No matter how big the dataset is, the algorithm remains constant due to only a single calculation.
// ANSWER: O(1)
function isEven(value){
if (value % 2 == 0){
return true;
return false;
tobnys / gist:971f98582e9c2b61188e87230c8f0abf
Created October 6, 2017 23:43
HTML wireframes and user flows
Name: "Webdev Toolkit"
Screen names & User flows:
1. Landing page
1.1. User is able to navigate through the application using the navigation bar.
1.2. The user is also exposed to the landing page information and can also view a footer which has several links in it that the user can click.
2. Login page
2.1. User enters valid information in all forms --> Successful login and redirection back to previous page
The end-user should be able to...
1. Generate a random or fixed lorem ipsum text.
2. Generate a random or fixed placeholder image.
3. View and navigate through different cheat sheets based on category
4. View and navigate through different quick links for documentation and other useful links for a web developer.
tobnys / gist:b8d56d4f75b0736f2299ea2bfa1bbef0
Last active October 4, 2017 14:02
Web toolkit user stories
The end-user should be able to...
1. Generate a random or fixed lorem ipsum text in order to copy a placeholder text.
2. Generate a random or fixed placeholder image in order to copy a placeholder image.
3. View and navigate through different cheat sheets based on category so that they can browse different cheat sheets.
4. View and navigate through different quick links for documentation and other useful links for a web developer so that they can browse documentation and other useful links.
5. View and navigate through different commonly used fonts as well as sorting them by category or "points" so that they can browse through and pick different fonts to use.
6. Enter a URL and ping the server to check the response object so that they can ping and check another website.
tobnys / gist:9d5e714ef91245f7d8c3d6291b9ec908
Created October 2, 2017 16:49
Conceptualization of capstone
Name: Web developer toolkit
Purpose statement: A full-stack application aimed towards web developers that has a collection of tools that web developers use in their day to day development of applications.
tobnys / gist:eaebd660985947cd6f7b409c25085c90
Created September 20, 2017 21:38
React Router drills
Email client drill!/join/8c3ff99e-4b2e-4010-9a24-799d1ddab244
Interest calculator I: Connecting!/join/6268da70-6098-4238-911e-90edbec7d6b1
Interest calculator II: Dispatching!/join/c0a2083e-2e8a-4d74-a309-e7060cfa0d65