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Last active March 25, 2021 20:36
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Github Audit Script


./audit.bash <repo name> <org name>

Will output all logs to the current working directory grouped by github workflow id

Will additionally output all of the unique shell commands ran on the affected date range

A manual review of the unique commands is then required to conduct the audit.


  • bash
  • gnu core utils
  • gh
  • jq
  • jar


This script has no error handling at all and is just a one off tool for the job For future workflow auditing, this should accept a date range too.

# TODO This script has absolutely zero error handling
# hard code below for some defaults if needed
to_timestamp() {
date --date="$1" +%s;
audit() {
local repo_name="${1:-$REPO_NAME}"
local org_name="${2:-$ORG_NAME}"
local start_date=`to_timestamp '2021-02-03'`
local end_date=`to_timestamp '2021-02-06'`
local actions_base_url="repos/$org_name/$repo_name/actions/runs"
local total_count=`gh api "$actions_base_url" | jq '.total_count'`
local elements_per_page=100
local total_pages=$((total_count/elements_per_page+1))
for page_num in `seq 1 $total_pages`
local workflows=$(gh api "$actions_base_url?page=$page_num&per_page=$elements_per_page" | jq -r '.workflow_runs')
for row in $(echo "${workflows}" | jq -r '.[] | @base64'); do
_jq() {
echo ${row} | base64 --decode | jq -r ${1}
local log_created_date=$(echo $(_jq '.created_at'))
local created_at_ts=$(to_timestamp $log_created_date)
if [[ $created_at_ts -gt $end_date ]]; then
elif [[ $created_at_ts -lt $start_date ]]; then
local run_id=`echo $(_jq '.id')`
local output_dir="logs/$repo_name/$run_id"
echo "Downloading workflow log for run: $run_id for repo: $repo_name to $output_dir"
mkdir -p $output_dir
local cwd=`pwd`
cd $output_dir
gh api "$actions_base_url/$run_id/logs" | jar xvf /dev/stdin
cd $cwd
local unique_cmd_out="logs/$repo_name/"
shopt -s globstar
echo "Parsing out all shell commands to $unique_cmd_out"
grep "\[command\]" logs/**/*.txt | sed 's/^.*]//' | sort -u > $unique_cmd_out
audit $@
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