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Created February 5, 2021 20:36
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#include <ESP32-Chimera-Core.h>
#define tft M5.Lcd
const uint16_t palette[] = {
63488, 63520, 63584, 63616, 63680, 63712, 63776, 63808,
63872, 63904, 63968, 64000, 64064, 64096, 64160, 64192,
64224, 64288, 64320, 64384, 64416, 64480, 64512, 64576,
64608, 64672, 64704, 64768, 64800, 64864, 64896, 64960,
64992, 65056, 65088, 65152, 65184, 65248, 65280, 65344,
65376, 65440, 65472, 65504, 63456, 63456, 61408, 59360,
57312, 57312, 55264, 53216, 51168, 51168, 49120, 47072,
45024, 45024, 42976, 40928, 38880, 38880, 36832, 34784,
32736, 32736, 30688, 28640, 26592, 26592, 24544, 22496,
22496, 20448, 18400, 16352, 16352, 14304, 12256, 10208,
10208, 8160, 6112, 4064, 4064, 2016, 2016, 2017,
2018, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2021, 2022, 2023,
2024, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029,
2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035,
2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2038, 2039, 2040, 2041,
2041, 2042, 2043, 2044, 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047,
2047, 2015, 1951, 1919, 1855, 1823, 1759, 1727,
1663, 1631, 1567, 1535, 1471, 1439, 1375, 1343,
1279, 1247, 1183, 1151, 1087, 1055, 991, 959,
895, 863, 799, 767, 703, 671, 639, 575,
543, 479, 447, 383, 351, 287, 255, 191,
159, 95, 63, 31, 2079, 2079, 4127, 6175,
8223, 8223, 10271, 12319, 14367, 14367, 16415, 18463,
20511, 20511, 22559, 24607, 24607, 26655, 28703, 30751,
30751, 32799, 34847, 36895, 36895, 38943, 40991, 43039,
43039, 45087, 47135, 49183, 49183, 51231, 53279, 55327,
55327, 57375, 59423, 61471, 61471, 63519, 63519, 63518,
63517, 63517, 63516, 63515, 63514, 63514, 63513, 63512,
63511, 63511, 63510, 63509, 63508, 63508, 63507, 63506,
63505, 63505, 63504, 63503, 63502, 63502, 63501, 63500,
63499, 63499, 63498, 63497, 63497, 63496, 63495, 63494,
63494, 63493, 63492, 63491, 63491, 63490, 63489, 63488,
TFT_eSprite *canvas = new TFT_eSprite( &tft );
static uint8_t currentSprite = 0;
static TaskHandle_t *plasmaTaskHandle = NULL;
uint16_t *fb; // frame buffer
uint8_t *plasma; // pointer to plasma array
uint32_t canvasHeight=0, canvasWidth=0;
// fps counter
unsigned long framesCount = 0;
uint32_t fstart = millis();
int fpsInterval = 100;
float fpsscale = 1000.0/fpsInterval; // fpi to fps
int fps = 0; // frames per second
int lastfps = -1;
float fpi = 0; // frames per interval
void renderFPS() {
unsigned long nowMillis = millis();
if(nowMillis - fstart >= fpsInterval) {
fpi = float(framesCount * fpsInterval) / float(nowMillis - fstart);
fps = int(fpi*fpsscale);
fstart = nowMillis;
framesCount = 0;
} else {
if( fps != lastfps ) {
lastfps = fps;
char text[12] = {0};
snprintf( text, 12, "fps: %3d", fps );
canvas->drawString( text, 0,0 );
void initPlasma()
for ( uint16_t y = 0; y < canvasHeight; y++) {
for ( uint16_t x = 0; x < canvasWidth; x++) {
plasma[ y * canvasWidth + x ] = (
128.0 + ( 128.0 * cos ( x / 16.0 ) )
- 128.0 + (128.0 * sin ( y / 32.0 ) )
- 128.0 + (128.0 * sin(sqrt((x - canvasWidth / 2.0)* (x - canvasWidth / 2.0) + (y - canvasHeight / 2.0) * (y - canvasHeight / 2.0)) / 8.0))
) / 3;
void drawPlasma( uint8_t paletteShift )
for ( uint16_t y = 0; y < canvasHeight; y++) {
for ( uint16_t x = 0; x < canvasWidth; x++) {
int colorIndex = ( plasma[ y * canvasWidth + x ] + paletteShift ) % 256;
uint16_t swapped = (palette[ colorIndex ]>>8) | (palette[ colorIndex ]<<8);
fb[ y * canvasWidth + x ] = swapped;
static void animatePlasma( void * param )
while ( true ) {
for (int paletteShift = 0; paletteShift < 256; paletteShift+=2 ) {
drawPlasma ( paletteShift );
void startPlasmaTask()
if( plasmaTaskHandle == NULL ) {
log_w("Starting plasma task");
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( animatePlasma, "animatePlasma", 2048, NULL, 16, plasmaTaskHandle, 0 );
void stopPlasmaTask()
if( plasmaTaskHandle != NULL ) {
log_w("Stopping plasma task");
vTaskDelete( plasmaTaskHandle );
plasmaTaskHandle = NULL;
void plasma_main()
canvasWidth = tft.width();
canvasHeight = tft.height();
plasma = (uint8_t *) ps_malloc( canvasHeight * canvasWidth * sizeof ( uint8_t ) );
fb = (uint16_t*)canvas->createSprite( canvasWidth, canvasHeight );
if( fb == NULL ) {
log_e("Could not create sprite");
canvas->setTextColor( TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK );
canvas->setTextDatum( TL_DATUM );
void setup()
M5.begin( true );
tft.setColorDepth( 8 );
void loop()
vTaskDelete( NULL );
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