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Created February 14, 2020 10:28
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Created with Fable REPL
module Recharts
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Fable.Recharts
open Fable.Recharts.Props
open Fable.React
open Elmish
open Elmish.React
module R = Fable.React.Standard
module P = Fable.React.Props
module H = Fable.React.Helpers
type PieData =
{ name: string
value: int }
let pieData = [|
{ name= "Group A"; value= 400 }
{ name= "Group B"; value= 300 }
{ name= "Group C"; value= 300 }
{ name= "Group D"; value= 200 }
type Model =
{ Data: PieData array
ActiveIndex: int }
type Msg =
| Refresh
| SetActiveIndex of int
let init () =
{ Data = pieData
ActiveIndex = 0 },
let rnd =
let random = System.Random()
fun min max -> random.Next(min, max)
let randomizePieData (data: PieData) =
{ data with value = rnd 200 800 }
let update (msg:Msg) (model:Model) =
match msg with
| Refresh ->
{ model with Data = pieData |> randomizePieData }, Cmd.none
| SetActiveIndex index ->
{ model with ActiveIndex = index }, Cmd.none
// VIEW (rendered with React)
type ActiveShapeProps =
{ cy: float
cx: float
midAngle: float
innerRadius: float
outerRadius: float
startAngle: float
endAngle: float
fill: string
payload: obj
percent: float
value: float }
type Pie =
| ActiveIndex of int
| ActiveShape of (ActiveShapeProps -> ReactElement)
| OnMouseEnter of (obj -> int -> unit)
interface P.IProp
let renderActiveShape (props: ActiveShapeProps) =
let radian = System.Math.PI / 180.
let sin = sin (-radian * props.midAngle)
let cos = cos (-radian * props.midAngle)
let sx = + (props.outerRadius + 10.) * cos
let sy = + (props.outerRadius + 10.) * sin
let mx = + (props.outerRadius + 30.) * cos
let my = + (props.outerRadius + 30.) * sin
let ex = mx + (if cos >= 0. then 1. else -1.) * 22.
let ey = my
let textAnchor = if cos >= 0. then "start" else "end"
R.g [] [
text [
P.Dy 8.
Text.TextAnchor "middle"
P.Fill props.fill
] [
H.str props.payload?name
sector [
Polar.InnerRadius props.innerRadius
Polar.OuterRadius props.outerRadius
Polar.StartAngle props.startAngle
Polar.EndAngle props.endAngle
P.Fill props.fill
sector [
Polar.StartAngle props.startAngle
Polar.EndAngle props.endAngle
Polar.InnerRadius (props.outerRadius + 6.)
Polar.OuterRadius (props.outerRadius + 10.)
P.Fill props.fill
R.path [
P.D (sprintf "M%f,%fL%f,%fL%f,%f" sx sy mx my ex ey)
P.Stroke props.fill
P.Fill "none"
] [] [
Polar.Cx ex
Polar.Cy ey
P.R 2.
P.Fill props.fill
P.Stroke "none"
] []
text [
P.X (ex + (if cos >= 0. then 1. else -1.) * 12.)
P.Y ey
Text.TextAnchor textAnchor
P.Fill "#333"
] [
H.str (sprintf "PV %.0f" props.value)
text [
P.X (ex + (if cos >= 0. then 1. else -1.) * 12.)
P.Y ey
P.Dy 18.
Text.TextAnchor textAnchor
P.Fill "#999"
] [
H.str (sprintf "(Rate %.2f%%)" props.percent)
let view model dispatch =
R.div [] [
R.h1 [] [
H.str "Sample with Recharts and Elmish"
R.p [] [
H.str "Ported from:"
R.button [
P.OnClick (fun _ -> dispatch Refresh)
] [ H.str "Refresh" ]
pieChart [
Chart.Width 800.
Chart.Height 400.
] [
pie [
Polar.DataKey "value"
Pie.ActiveIndex model.ActiveIndex
Pie.ActiveShape renderActiveShape
Polar.Data model.Data
//Polar.AnimationBegin 10.
//Polar.AnimationDuration 500.
Polar.Cx 300.
Polar.Cy 200.
Polar.InnerRadius 60.
Polar.OuterRadius 80.
P.Fill "#8884d8"
Pie.OnMouseEnter (fun _ index ->
dispatch (SetActiveIndex (int index)))
] []
// App
Program.mkProgram init update view
|> Program.withConsoleTrace
|> Program.withReact "elmish-app"
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