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Created December 2, 2019 14:59
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Created with Fable REPL
module private BusinessLogic =
let switchAt pos (str: string) =
let str = Seq.toArray str
let oldpos = (pos + str.Length - 1) % str.Length
let newpos = pos % str.Length
let tmp = str.[newpos]
str.[newpos] <- str.[oldpos]
str.[oldpos] <- tmp
System.String str
let nospaces str =
|> String.filter ((<>)' ')
let spacePositions str =
|> Seq.indexed
|> Seq.fold (fun xs (i, x) ->
if x = ' ' then i::xs
else xs) []
let insertSpaces positions (str: string) =
let positionsr = List.rev positions
let mutable str = str
for pos in positionsr do
str <- str.Insert(pos, " ")
let switchIgnoringSpacesAt pos str =
let nospaces = nospaces str
let spacepos = spacePositions str
let switched = switchAt pos nospaces
insertSpaces spacepos switched
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Fable.React
open Elmish
open Elmish.React
open Fulma
module P = Fable.React.Props
type Model = {
text: string
repeat: int
type Msg =
| SetRepeatCount of int
| UpdateText of string
let init _: Model = {
text = "open data hub"
repeat = 40
let update (msg: Msg) (model: Model): Model =
match msg with
| UpdateText inputStr ->
{ model with text = inputStr }
| SetRepeatCount count ->
if count > 500 then
{ model with repeat = count }
let viewForm model dispatch =
form [] [
Input.text [
Input.Value (string model.text)
Input.OnChange (fun e ->
dispatch (UpdateText
Input.text [
Input.Value (string model.repeat)
Input.OnChange (fun e ->
dispatch (SetRepeatCount (int
Input.Type Input.IInputType.Number
let viewSwitchedList model dispatch =
ol [] [
for x in 1..model.repeat ->
fragment [
P.Key (string x)
] [
li [] [
str (BusinessLogic.switchIgnoringSpacesAt x model.text)
let view (model: Model) (dispatch: Dispatch<Msg>) =
div [] [
Card.card [] [
Card.content [] [
Content.content [] [
viewForm model dispatch
Card.card [] [
Card.content [] [
Content.content [] [
viewSwitchedList model dispatch
Program.mkSimple init update view
|> Program.withConsoleTrace
|> Program.withReactSynchronous "main"
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
<script src="__HOST__/libs/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="__HOST__/libs/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="__HOST__/libs/css/bulma.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="__HOST__/libs/css/all.min.css" />
/* Only needed for icon sample */
.container-sizes .block {
display: flex;
.container-sizes .icon {
background-color: yellow;
margin: 0 5px;
<body class="app-container">
<div id="main" class="elmish-app"></div>
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