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Forked from swlaschin/JsonParser.fsx
Created January 19, 2016 15:26
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A JSON parser built from scratch using a combinator library.
Related blog post:
module JsonParser
open System
open ParserLibrary
// --------------------------------
JSON spec from
// --------------------------------
The JSON spec is available at []( I'll paraphase it here:
* A `value` can be a `string` or a `number` or a `bool` or `null` or an `object` or an `array`.
* These structures can be nested.
* A `string` is a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters, wrapped in double quotes, using backslash escapes.
* A `number` is very much like a C or Java number, except that the octal and hexadecimal formats are not used.
* A `boolean` is the literal `true` or `false`
* A `null` is the literal `null`
* An `object` is an unordered set of name/value pairs.
* An object begins with { (left brace) and ends with } (right brace).
* Each name is followed by : (colon) and the name/value pairs are separated by , (comma).
* An `array` is an ordered collection of values.
* An array begins with [ (left bracket) and ends with ] (right bracket).
* Values are separated by , (comma).
* Whitespace can be inserted between any pair of tokens.
type JValue =
| JString of string
| JNumber of float
| JBool of bool
| JNull
| JObject of Map<string, JValue>
| JArray of JValue list
// ======================================
// Forward reference
// ======================================
/// Create a forward reference
let createParserForwardedToRef<'a>() =
let dummyParser=
let innerFn input : Result<'a * Input> = failwith "unfixed forwarded parser"
{parseFn=innerFn; label="unknown"}
// ref to placeholder Parser
let parserRef = ref dummyParser
// wrapper Parser
let innerFn input =
// forward input to the placeholder
runOnInput !parserRef input
let wrapperParser = {parseFn=innerFn; label="unknown"}
wrapperParser, parserRef
let jValue,jValueRef = createParserForwardedToRef<JValue>()
// ======================================
// Utility function
// ======================================
// applies the parser p, ignores the result, and returns x.
let (>>%) p x =
p |>> (fun _ -> x)
// ======================================
// Parsing a JNull
// ======================================
let jNull =
pstring "null"
>>% JNull // map to JNull
<?> "null" // give it a label
// ======================================
// Parsing a JBool
// ======================================
let jBool =
let jtrue =
pstring "true"
>>% JBool true // map to JBool
let jfalse =
pstring "false"
>>% JBool false // map to JBool
// choose between true and false
jtrue <|> jfalse
<?> "bool" // give it a label
// ======================================
// Parsing a JString
// ======================================
/// Parse an unescaped char
let jUnescapedChar =
satisfy (fun ch -> ch <> '\\' && ch <> '\"') "char"
/// Parse an escaped char
let jEscapedChar =
// (stringToMatch, resultChar)
("\\\"",'\"') // quote
("\\\\",'\\') // reverse solidus
("\\/",'/') // solidus
("\\b",'\b') // backspace
("\\f",'\f') // formfeed
("\\n",'\n') // newline
("\\r",'\r') // cr
("\\t",'\t') // tab
// convert each pair into a parser
|> (fun (toMatch,result) ->
pstring toMatch >>% result)
// and combine them into one
|> choice
<?> "escaped char" // set label
/// Parse a unicode char
let jUnicodeChar =
// set up the "primitive" parsers
let backslash = pchar '\\'
let uChar = pchar 'u'
let hexdigit = anyOf (['0'..'9'] @ ['A'..'F'] @ ['a'..'f'])
// convert the parser output (nested tuples)
// to a char
let convertToChar (((h1,h2),h3),h4) =
let str = sprintf "%c%c%c%c" h1 h2 h3 h4
Int32.Parse(str,Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) |> char
// set up the main parser
backslash >>. uChar >>. hexdigit .>>. hexdigit .>>. hexdigit .>>. hexdigit
|>> convertToChar
/// Parse a quoted string
let quotedString =
let quote = pchar '\"' <?> "quote"
let jchar = jUnescapedChar <|> jEscapedChar <|> jUnicodeChar
// set up the main parser
quote >>. manyChars jchar .>> quote
/// Parse a JString
let jString =
// wrap the string in a JString
|>> JString // convert to JString
<?> "quoted string" // add label
// ======================================
// Parsing a JNumber
// ======================================
/// Parse a JNumber
let jNumber =
// set up the "primitive" parsers
let optSign = opt (pchar '-')
let zero = pstring "0"
let digitOneNine =
satisfy (fun ch -> Char.IsDigit ch && ch <> '0') "1-9"
let digit =
satisfy (fun ch -> Char.IsDigit ch ) "digit"
let point = pchar '.'
let e = pchar 'e' <|> pchar 'E'
let optPlusMinus = opt (pchar '-' <|> pchar '+')
let nonZeroInt =
digitOneNine .>>. manyChars digit
|>> fun (first,rest) -> string first + rest
let intPart = zero <|> nonZeroInt
let fractionPart = point >>. manyChars1 digit
let exponentPart = e >>. optPlusMinus .>>. manyChars1 digit
// utility function to convert an optional value to a string, or "" if missing
let ( |>? ) opt f =
match opt with
| None -> ""
| Some x -> f x
let convertToJNumber (((optSign,intPart),fractionPart),expPart) =
// convert to strings and let .NET parse them! - crude but ok for now.
let signStr =
|>? string // e.g. "-"
let fractionPartStr =
|>? (fun digits -> "." + digits ) // e.g. ".456"
let expPartStr =
|>? fun (optSign, digits) ->
let sign = optSign |>? string
"e" + sign + digits // e.g. "e-12"
// add the parts together and convert to a float, then wrap in a JNumber
(signStr + intPart + fractionPartStr + expPartStr)
|> float
|> JNumber
// set up the main parser
optSign .>>. intPart .>>. opt fractionPart .>>. opt exponentPart
|>> convertToJNumber
<?> "number" // add label
// ======================================
// Parsing a JArray
// ======================================
let jArray =
// set up the "primitive" parsers
let left = pchar '[' .>> spaces
let right = pchar ']' .>> spaces
let comma = pchar ',' .>> spaces
let value = jValue .>> spaces
// set up the list parser
let values = sepBy1 value comma
// set up the main parser
between left values right
|>> JArray
<?> "array"
// ======================================
// Parsing a JObject
// ======================================
let jObject =
// set up the "primitive" parsers
let left = pchar '{' .>> spaces
let right = pchar '}' .>> spaces
let colon = pchar ':' .>> spaces
let comma = pchar ',' .>> spaces
let key = quotedString .>> spaces
let value = jValue .>> spaces
// set up the list parser
let keyValue = (key .>> colon) .>>. value
let keyValues = sepBy1 keyValue comma
// set up the main parser
between left keyValues right
|>> Map.ofList // convert the list of keyValues into a Map
|>> JObject // wrap in JObject
<?> "object" // add label
// ======================================
// Fixing up the jValue ref
// ======================================
// fixup the forward ref
jValueRef := choice
Demonstrates how to build a JSON parser from scratch.
Related blog post:
#load "ParserLibrary.fsx"
open System
open ParserLibrary
// --------------------------------
JSON spec from
// --------------------------------
The JSON spec is available at []( I'll paraphase it here:
* A `value` can be a `string` or a `number` or a `bool` or `null` or an `object` or an `array`.
* These structures can be nested.
* A `string` is a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters, wrapped in double quotes, using backslash escapes.
* A `number` is very much like a C or Java number, except that the octal and hexadecimal formats are not used.
* A `boolean` is the literal `true` or `false`
* A `null` is the literal `null`
* An `object` is an unordered set of name/value pairs.
* An object begins with { (left brace) and ends with } (right brace).
* Each name is followed by : (colon) and the name/value pairs are separated by , (comma).
* An `array` is an ordered collection of values.
* An array begins with [ (left bracket) and ends with ] (right bracket).
* Values are separated by , (comma).
* Whitespace can be inserted between any pair of tokens.
type JValue =
| JString of string
| JNumber of float
| JBool of bool
| JNull
| JObject of Map<string, JValue>
| JArray of JValue list
// ======================================
// Parsing a JNull
// ======================================
let jNull_v1 =
pstring "null"
|>> (fun _ -> JNull) // map to JNull
<?> "null" // give it a label
// ======================================
// Utility function
// ======================================
// applies the parser p, ignores the result, and returns x.
let (>>%) p x =
p |>> (fun _ -> x)
// ======================================
// Parsing a JNull again
// ======================================
let jNull =
pstring "null"
>>% JNull // using new utility combinator
<?> "null"
// --------------
// Test
// --------------
module Null_Test =
run jNull "null"
// Success: JNull
run jNull "nulp" |> printResult
// Line:0 Col:3 Error parsing null
// nulp
// ^Unexpected 'p'
// ======================================
// Parsing a JBool
// ======================================
let jBool =
let jtrue =
pstring "true"
>>% JBool true // map to JBool
let jfalse =
pstring "false"
>>% JBool false // map to JBool
// choose between true and false
jtrue <|> jfalse
<?> "bool" // give it a label
// --------------
// Test
// --------------
module Bool_Test =
run jBool "true"
// Success: JBool true
run jBool "false"
// Success: JBool false
run jBool "truX" |> printResult
// Line:0 Col:0 Error parsing bool
// truX
// ^Unexpected 't'
// misleading error due to backtracking issue discussed in previous post
// ======================================
// Parsing a JString
// ======================================
/// Parse an unescaped char
let jUnescapedChar =
let label = "char"
satisfy (fun ch -> ch <> '\\' && ch <> '\"') label
/// Parse an escaped char
let jEscapedChar =
// (stringToMatch, resultChar)
("\\\"",'\"') // quote
("\\\\",'\\') // reverse solidus
("\\/",'/') // solidus
("\\b",'\b') // backspace
("\\f",'\f') // formfeed
("\\n",'\n') // newline
("\\r",'\r') // cr
("\\t",'\t') // tab
// convert each pair into a parser
|> (fun (toMatch,result) ->
pstring toMatch >>% result)
// and combine them into one
|> choice
<?> "escaped char" // set label
/// Parse a unicode char
let jUnicodeChar =
// set up the "primitive" parsers
let backslash = pchar '\\'
let uChar = pchar 'u'
let hexdigit = anyOf (['0'..'9'] @ ['A'..'F'] @ ['a'..'f'])
// convert the parser output (nested tuples)
// to a char
let convertToChar (((h1,h2),h3),h4) =
let str = sprintf "%c%c%c%c" h1 h2 h3 h4
Int32.Parse(str,Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) |> char
// set up the main parser
backslash >>. uChar >>. hexdigit .>>. hexdigit .>>. hexdigit .>>. hexdigit
|>> convertToChar
/// Parse a quoted string
let quotedString =
let quote = pchar '\"' <?> "quote"
let jchar = jUnescapedChar <|> jEscapedChar <|> jUnicodeChar
// set up the main parser
quote >>. manyChars jchar .>> quote
/// Parse a JString
let jString =
// wrap the string in a JString
|>> JString // convert to JString
<?> "quoted string" // add label
// --------------
// Test
// --------------
module String_Test =
// test jUnescapedChar
run jUnescapedChar "a" // Success 'a'
run jUnescapedChar "\\" |> printResult
// Line:0 Col:0 Error parsing char
// \
// ^Unexpected '\'
// test jEscapedChar
run jEscapedChar "\\\\" // Success '\'
run jEscapedChar "\\t" // Success '\009'
run jEscapedChar "a" |> printResult
// Line:0 Col:0 Error parsing escaped char
// a
// ^Unexpected 'a'
// test \u263A - smiley
run jUnicodeChar "\\u263A" // Success '☺'
// test
run jString "\"\"" // Success ""
run jString "\"a\"" // Success "a"
run jString "\"ab\"" // Success "ab"
run jString "\"ab\\tde\"" // Success "ab\tde"
run jString "\"ab\\u263Ade\"" // Success "ab☺de"
// ======================================
// Parsing a JNumber
// ======================================
/// Parse a JNumber
let jNumber =
// set up the "primitive" parsers
let optSign = opt (pchar '-')
let zero = pstring "0"
let digitOneNine =
satisfy (fun ch -> Char.IsDigit ch && ch <> '0') "1-9"
let digit =
satisfy (fun ch -> Char.IsDigit ch ) "digit"
let point = pchar '.'
let e = pchar 'e' <|> pchar 'E'
let optPlusMinus = opt (pchar '-' <|> pchar '+')
let nonZeroInt =
digitOneNine .>>. manyChars digit
|>> fun (first,rest) -> string first + rest
let intPart = zero <|> nonZeroInt
let fractionPart = point >>. manyChars1 digit
let exponentPart = e >>. optPlusMinus .>>. manyChars1 digit
// utility function to convert an optional value to a string, or "" if missing
let ( |>? ) opt f =
match opt with
| None -> ""
| Some x -> f x
let convertToJNumber (((optSign,intPart),fractionPart),expPart) =
// convert to strings and let .NET parse them! - crude but ok for now.
let signStr =
|>? string // e.g. "-"
let fractionPartStr =
|>? (fun digits -> "." + digits ) // e.g. ".456"
let expPartStr =
|>? fun (optSign, digits) ->
let sign = optSign |>? string
"e" + sign + digits // e.g. "e-12"
// add the parts together and convert to a float, then wrap in a JNumber
(signStr + intPart + fractionPartStr + expPartStr)
|> float
|> JNumber
// set up the main parser
optSign .>>. intPart .>>. opt fractionPart .>>. opt exponentPart
|>> convertToJNumber
<?> "number" // add label
// --------------
// Test
// --------------
module Number_Test =
// test
run jNumber "123" // JNumber 123.0
run jNumber "-123" // JNumber -123.0
run jNumber "123.4" // JNumber 123.4
// test failures
run jNumber "-123." // JNumber -123.0 -- should fail!
run jNumber "00.1" // JNumber 0 -- should fail!
let jNumber_ = jNumber .>> spaces1
// test int part only
run jNumber_ "123" // JNumber 123.0
run jNumber_ "-123" // JNumber -123.0
run jNumber_ "-123." |> printResult
// Line:0 Col:4 Error parsing number andThen many1 whitespace
// -123.
// ^Unexpected '.'
// test fraction only
run jNumber_ "123.4" // JNumber 123.4
run jNumber_ "00.4" |> printResult
// Line:0 Col:1 Error parsing number andThen many1 whitespace
// 00.4
// ^Unexpected '0'
// test exponent only
run jNumber_ "123e4" // JNumber 1230000.0
// test fraction and exponent
run jNumber_ "123.4e5" // JNumber 12340000.0
run jNumber_ "123.4e-5" // JNumber 0.001234
// test error
run jNumber "A" |> printResult
// Line:0 Col:0 Error parsing number
// A
// ^Unexpected 'A'
// ======================================
// Parsing a JArray
// ======================================
let jArray =
// set up the "primitive" parsers
let left = pchar '[' .>> spaces
let right = pchar ']' .>> spaces
let comma = pchar ',' .>> spaces
let value = jValue .>> spaces // compiler error
// set up the list parser
let values = sepBy1 value comma
// set up the main parser
between left values right
|>> JArray
<?> "array"
/// Create a forward reference
let createParserForwardedToRef<'a>() =
let dummyParser=
let innerFn input : Result<'a * Input> = failwith "unfixed forwarded parser"
{parseFn=innerFn; label="unknown"}
// ref to placeholder Parser
let parserRef = ref dummyParser
// wrapper Parser
let innerFn input =
// forward input to the placeholder
runOnInput !parserRef input
let wrapperParser = {parseFn=innerFn; label="unknown"}
wrapperParser, parserRef
let jValue,jValueRef = createParserForwardedToRef<JValue>()
let jArray =
// set up the "primitive" parsers
let left = pchar '[' .>> spaces
let right = pchar ']' .>> spaces
let comma = pchar ',' .>> spaces
let value = jValue .>> spaces
// set up the list parser
let values = sepBy1 value comma
// set up the main parser
between left values right
|>> JArray
<?> "array"
// --------------
// Test
// --------------
module Array_Test =
// run jArray "[ 1, 2 ]"
// System.Exception: unfixed forwarded parser
jValueRef := jNumber
// warning: only int values supported for parsing!
run jArray "[ 1, 2 ]"
// Success (JArray [JNumber 1.0; JNumber 2.0],
run jArray "[ 1, 2, ]" |> printResult
// Line:0 Col:6 Error parsing array
// [ 1, 2, ]
// ^Unexpected ','
// ======================================
// Parsing a JObject
// ======================================
let jObject =
// set up the "primitive" parsers
let left = pchar '{' .>> spaces
let right = pchar '}' .>> spaces
let colon = pchar ':' .>> spaces
let comma = pchar ',' .>> spaces
let key = quotedString .>> spaces
let value = jValue .>> spaces
// set up the list parser
let keyValue = (key .>> colon) .>>. value
let keyValues = sepBy1 keyValue comma
// set up the main parser
between left keyValues right
|>> Map.ofList // convert the list of keyValues into a Map
|>> JObject // wrap in JObject
<?> "object" // add label
// --------------
// Test
// --------------
module Object_Test =
// warning: only int JValues supported still!
run jObject """{ "a":1, "b" : 2 }"""
// JObject (map [("a", JNumber 1.0); ("b", JNumber 2.0)]),
run jObject """{ "a":1, "b" : 2, }""" |> printResult
// Line:0 Col:18 Error parsing object
// { "a":1, "b" : 2, }
// ^Unexpected ','
// ======================================
// Finishing up
// ======================================
// fixup the forward ref
jValueRef := choice
// ======================================
// Test: Example 1
// ======================================
let example1 = """{
"name" : "Scott",
"isMale" : true,
"bday" : {"year":2001, "month":12, "day":25 },
"favouriteColors" : ["blue", "green"]
run jValue example1
[("bday", JObject(map
[("day", JNumber 25.0);
("month", JNumber 12.0);
("year", JNumber 2001.0)]));
("favouriteColors", JArray [JString "blue"; JString "green"]);
("isMale", JBool true);
("name", JString "Scott")
// ======================================
// Test: Example 2
// ======================================
let example2= """{"widget": {
"debug": "on",
"window": {
"title": "Sample Konfabulator Widget",
"name": "main_window",
"width": 500,
"height": 500
"image": {
"src": "Images/Sun.png",
"name": "sun1",
"hOffset": 250,
"vOffset": 250,
"alignment": "center"
"text": {
"data": "Click Here",
"size": 36,
"style": "bold",
"name": "text1",
"hOffset": 250,
"vOffset": 100,
"alignment": "center",
"onMouseUp": "sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90;"
}} """
run jValue example2
[("debug", JString "on");
[("alignment", JString "center");
("hOffset", JNumber 250.0); ("name", JString "sun1");
("src", JString "Images/Sun.png");
("vOffset", JNumber 250.0)]));
[("alignment", JString "center");
("data", JString "Click Here");
("hOffset", JNumber 250.0);
("name", JString "text1");
("onMouseUp", JString "sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90;");
("size", JNumber 36.0);
("style", JString "bold");
("vOffset", JNumber 100.0)]));
[("height", JNumber 500.0);
("name", JString "main_window");
("title", JString "Sample Konfabulator Widget");
("width", JNumber 500.0)]))]))]),
// ======================================
// Test: Example 3
// ======================================
let example3 = """{"menu": {
"id": "file",
"value": "File",
"popup": {
"menuitem": [
{"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"},
{"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"},
{"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"}
run jValue example3
[("id", JString "file");
[("onclick", JString "CreateNewDoc()");
("value", JString "New")]);
[("onclick", JString "OpenDoc()");
("value", JString "Open")]);
[("onclick", JString "CloseDoc()");
("value", JString "Close")])])]));
("value", JString "File")]))])
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