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Created July 31, 2011 11:07
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Serial/Parallel functions in CoffeeScript
# Asynchronous DSL for CoffeeScript
serial = (f) ->
next = -> arr.shift().apply(null, arguments) if arr.length
arr = (v for k, v of f(next))
parallel = (f, after = ->) ->
res = {}; arrc = 0
arrc++ for k, v of f
for k, v of f
do (k, v) ->
v (args...) ->
res[k] = args
if not --arrc then after(res)
# serial test w/ mock fs
fs =
open: (_, _, cb) -> console.log('[]'); cb(0, {a_fake: 'file object'})
write: (f, _, cb) -> console.log('[fs.write]', f); cb(0, f)
close: (f, cb) -> console.log('[fs.close]', f); cb(0, f)
# serial accepts a function with one "next" continuation,
# which returns a list of steps to execute in order
# you can label your steps anything, but numbers look good:
serial (next) ->
1: ->'file', 'w', next)
2: (err, f) -> fs.write(f, 'Apples', (a...) -> next(a..., f))
3: (err, written, f) -> fs.close(f, next)
last: -> console.log 'Serial test complete.'
# parallel test with timeouts
console.log('Waiting for parallel test...')
# parallel accepts a list of steps to execute in any order
# (each step is passed a "done" continuation to call when finished)
# and an (optional) last function to call with results of each step
A: (done) -> setTimeout((-> done(new Date)), 1000)
B: (done) -> setTimeout((-> done(new Date)), 3000)
C: (done) -> setTimeout((-> done(new Date)), 2000)
(res) -> console.log 'Parallel results:', JSON.stringify(res)
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