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Created January 8, 2013 14:58
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# An `ad-hoc` script to change user interface language
# for Anki2 on Ubuntu 12.04 desktop.
# Usage: [lang]
# Examples:
# # Change to english interface
# $ en
# # Change to japanese interface
# $ ja
# Available language codes are in following URL.
import sys
import os
import sqlite3
import cPickle
# set lang
if 2 <= len(sys.argv):
YOUR_LANG = sys.argv[1]
YOUR_LANG = "en" # english
def fetch_meta_info(db):
# Get default profile
data = db.execute("select data from profiles where name='_global'")
# encode('utf-8') is for fixing "TypeError: must be string, not unicode"
meta = cPickle.loads(data.fetchone()[0].encode('utf-8'))
return meta
# Open config DB
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.expanduser("~/Anki/prefs.db"))
meta = fetch_meta_info(db)
old_lang = meta['defaultLang']
if old_lang == YOUR_LANG:
print "INFO: Already changed lang to `%s`" % YOUR_LANG
# Change lang to YOUR_LANG you want
meta['defaultLang'] = YOUR_LANG
# Update config DB!!
db.execute("update profiles set data = ? where name = ?",
(cPickle.dumps(meta), "_global"))
# Check and notify
new_lang = fetch_meta_info(db)['defaultLang']
if new_lang != YOUR_LANG:
raise Exception("ERROR: Could not change defaultLang")
print "INFO: Updated interface lang `%s` to `%s`" % (old_lang, new_lang)
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Thank you, this really helped!

Make sure to close Anki before running the script.

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