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Last active April 11, 2024 06:52
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A quick script to remove old AWS Lambda function versions
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import boto3
def clean_old_lambda_versions():
client = boto3.client('lambda')
functions = client.list_functions()['Functions']
for function in functions:
versions = client.list_versions_by_function(FunctionName=function['FunctionArn'])['Versions']
for version in versions:
if version['Version'] != function['Version']:
arn = version['FunctionArn']
#client.delete_function(FunctionName=arn) # uncomment me once you've checked
if __name__ == '__main__':
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stbth01 commented Dec 3, 2021


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bdairo commented Jan 7, 2022

Hi. I’m still new to aws but I have a question. Is there any way to do some damage control if the script accidentally deletes all the lambda versions available?

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tobywf commented Jan 7, 2022

I think it's great you're being cautious; it's also why I commented out the "danger-zone" function calls. There's several mitigations (although obviously you're on your own and I take no responsibility).

To mitigate the worst case, you should make sure you're in a position to be able to re-deploy the Lambda code and supporting infrastructure if needed. Whether this is via CI/CD or e.g. downloading the most current package manually.

Obviously, it's best not to delete the version you're using in the first place. The original script should already check and not delete the version currently running. You could also modify the script to only delete e.g. the oldest 10 versions - similar to this comment. This should free up enough space without getting dangerous, unless you somehow use old versions for a long time.

As you can see in this thread, the original script is just a starting point. Make sure you understand every line of it (or whatever script you start with). Modify it to fit your needs. Run it with print statements and the delete call commented out. Get someone else to double-check the script and the dry-run (an extra set of eyes helps). Unfortunately, everyone's workflow is different, so I can't (and won't) help with specifics, but hopefully it's enough to get you started!

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chexov commented Jan 10, 2022

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wattry commented Jan 28, 2022

Came here looking for a nodejs solution. We needed to completely empty out the Layers.

import AWS from 'aws-sdk'

const lambda = new AWS.Lambda({
  region: 'us-east-1'

async function deleteAll() {
  const { Layers } = await lambda.listLayers().promise();
  const promises = [];

  for (let layer of Layers) {
    const {
      LatestMatchingVersion: { Version }
    } = layer;

    for (let i = parseInt(Version, 10); i >= 1; i--) {
      const params = {
        LayerName: LayerName,
        VersionNumber: i


  return Promise.all(promises);

  .then(promises => {
    await promises;
  .catch(error => {
    console.log('error', error);

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Sorry for the dumb question but is this script supposed to be executed via lambda itself?
If yes, it doesn't help if the account has already breached the 75 GB limit, as we can't create new lambdas. Would you suggest manually deleting the lambda versions (until AWS Support grants the quota increase request)

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devonik commented Jul 25, 2022

More revisions. We don't use aliases, so this keeps the most recent two by version number.

import boto3

def clean_old_lambda_versions(client):
    functions = client.list_functions()['Functions']
    for function in functions:
        arn = function['FunctionArn']
        all_versions = []

        versions = client.list_versions_by_function(
        # Page through all the versions
        while True:
            page_versions = [int(v['Version']) for v in versions['Versions'] if not v['Version'] == '$LATEST']
                marker = versions['NextMarker']
            versions = client.list_versions_by_function(
                FunctionName=arn, Marker=marker)

        # Sort and keep the last 2
        print('Which versions must go?')
        print('Which versions will live')
        for chopBlock in all_versions[0:-2]:
            functionArn = '{}:{}'.format(arn, chopBlock)
            print('When uncommented, will run: delete_function(FunctionName={})'.format(functionArn))
            # I want to leave this commented in Git for safety so we don't run it unscrupulously
            # client.delete_function(FunctionName=functionArn)  # uncomment me once you've checked

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = boto3.client('lambda', region_name='us-east-1')

Nice. I tried all above. And this Code were what I need thank you. Even care about the pagination. Cleanup everything except two latest version numbers

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unilynx commented Sep 18, 2022

And a nodejs version to delete function versions (not layers as the earlier nodejs code does)


import AWS from 'aws-sdk';

//Delete all but 'keepversions' highest numbered numeric versions
const keepversions = 1;
const lambda = new AWS.Lambda({ region: 'us-east-1' });

async function main()
  const listfunctions = await lambda.listFunctions().promise();

  for(let func of listfunctions.Functions)
    let versions = (await lambda.listVersionsByFunction({FunctionName: func.FunctionArn}).promise()).Versions;
    versions.forEach(_ => _.versionnumber = parseInt(_.Version) ) //eliminate '$LATEST'
    versions = versions.filter(_ => !isNaN(_.versionnumber))
    //sort in reverse order
    versions = versions.sort((lhs,rhs) => rhs.versionnumber - lhs.versionnumber);

    let keep = versions.slice(0,keepversions);
    let remove = versions.slice(keepversions);
    console.log(`${func.FunctionArn}: Keeping ${JSON.stringify( => _.Version))}, deleting ${JSON.stringify( => _.Version))}`);

    for(let version of remove)
      await lambda.deleteFunction({ FunctionName: version.FunctionArn }).promise() //version FunctionArn embeds the version number

main().then(() => process.exit(0)).catch(e => { console.error(e); });

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hoIIer commented Oct 27, 2022

This worked for me to delete all but the live alias/most recent version:

import boto3

functions_paginator = client.get_paginator('list_functions')
version_paginator = client.get_paginator('list_versions_by_function')

for function_page in functions_paginator.paginate():
    for function in function_page['Functions']:
        aliases = client.list_aliases(FunctionName=function['FunctionArn'])
        alias_versions = [alias['FunctionVersion'] for alias in aliases['Aliases']]
        for version_page in version_paginator.paginate(FunctionName=function['FunctionArn']):
            for version in version_page['Versions']:
                arn = version['FunctionArn']
                if version['Version'] != function['Version'] and version['Version'] not in alias_versions:
                    print('  🥊 {}'.format(arn))
                    # client.delete_function(FunctionName=arn)
                    print('  💚 {}'.format(arn))

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jainuls commented May 18, 2023

anybody know how to do this cleanup with terraform ?

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anybody know how to do this cleanup with terraform ?

I don't think this can be done via Terraform (TF) without writing a custom provider in go-lang. Even then, it would be impractical since you'd have to first import each version into TF state before TF would destroy it.

If you're already managing the Lambdas via TF and applying the TF generates additional versions, you could consider setting the publish attribute false: . That will have TF disable the versioning system that's built in to the Lambda service. You'd probably want to make sure you have versioning controlled through some other means before you do that, though. E.g., you could store multiple revisions in S3 and direct the TF to deploy one version or another. In that scenario, rolling back to a prior version would just mean selecting that older revision from S3 and having the TF push that as the one/active version that Lambda is aware of.

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imlanie commented Aug 12, 2023

More revisions. We don't use aliases, so this keeps the most recent two by version number.

import boto3

def clean_old_lambda_versions(client):
    functions = client.list_functions()['Functions']
    for function in functions:
        arn = function['FunctionArn']
        all_versions = []

        versions = client.list_versions_by_function(
        # Page through all the versions
        while True:
            page_versions = [int(v['Version']) for v in versions['Versions'] if not v['Version'] == '$LATEST']
                marker = versions['NextMarker']
            versions = client.list_versions_by_function(
                FunctionName=arn, Marker=marker)

        # Sort and keep the last 2
        print('Which versions must go?')
        print('Which versions will live')
        for chopBlock in all_versions[0:-2]:
            functionArn = '{}:{}'.format(arn, chopBlock)
            print('When uncommented, will run: delete_function(FunctionName={})'.format(functionArn))
            # I want to leave this commented in Git for safety so we don't run it unscrupulously
            # client.delete_function(FunctionName=functionArn)  # uncomment me once you've checked

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = boto3.client('lambda', region_name='us-east-1')

Nice. I tried all above. And this Code were what I need thank you. Even care about the pagination. Cleanup everything except two latest version numbers

More revisions. We don't use aliases, so this keeps the most recent two by version number.

import boto3

def clean_old_lambda_versions(client):
    functions = client.list_functions()['Functions']
    for function in functions:
        arn = function['FunctionArn']
        all_versions = []

        versions = client.list_versions_by_function(
        # Page through all the versions
        while True:
            page_versions = [int(v['Version']) for v in versions['Versions'] if not v['Version'] == '$LATEST']
                marker = versions['NextMarker']
            versions = client.list_versions_by_function(
                FunctionName=arn, Marker=marker)

        # Sort and keep the last 2
        print('Which versions must go?')
        print('Which versions will live')
        for chopBlock in all_versions[0:-2]:
            functionArn = '{}:{}'.format(arn, chopBlock)
            print('When uncommented, will run: delete_function(FunctionName={})'.format(functionArn))
            # I want to leave this commented in Git for safety so we don't run it unscrupulously
            # client.delete_function(FunctionName=functionArn)  # uncomment me once you've checked

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = boto3.client('lambda', region_name='us-east-1')

More revisions. We don't use aliases, so this keeps the most recent two by version number.

import boto3

def clean_old_lambda_versions(client):
    functions = client.list_functions()['Functions']
    for function in functions:
        arn = function['FunctionArn']
        all_versions = []

        versions = client.list_versions_by_function(
        # Page through all the versions
        while True:
            page_versions = [int(v['Version']) for v in versions['Versions'] if not v['Version'] == '$LATEST']
                marker = versions['NextMarker']
            versions = client.list_versions_by_function(
                FunctionName=arn, Marker=marker)

        # Sort and keep the last 2
        print('Which versions must go?')
        print('Which versions will live')
        for chopBlock in all_versions[0:-2]:
            functionArn = '{}:{}'.format(arn, chopBlock)
            print('When uncommented, will run: delete_function(FunctionName={})'.format(functionArn))
            # I want to leave this commented in Git for safety so we don't run it unscrupulously
            # client.delete_function(FunctionName=functionArn)  # uncomment me once you've checked

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = boto3.client('lambda', region_name='us-east-1')

Nice. I tried all above. And this Code were what I need thank you. Even care about the pagination. Cleanup everything except two latest version numbers

Thanks for this code. I added one extra check to filter only functions with a name like substring. I used it today to clean up one function that had 110 versions. Definitely saved a lot of time!

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JanAbb commented Jan 17, 2024

I had the use case for this due to the deprecation of node versions < 18. I wrote a script to delete all old versions that were not the newest to make the AWS Trusted Advisor happy again. This is my code for people in need to delete for all lambdas all old versions but the newest:

import { LambdaClient, ListVersionsByFunctionCommand, DeleteFunctionCommand, FunctionConfiguration, ListFunctionsCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-lambda';

const lambda = new LambdaClient({
    region: 'eu-central-1'

const fetchAllVersions = async (functionName: string) => {
    let marker: string | undefined;
    let versions: FunctionConfiguration[] = [];
    do {
        const listCommand = new ListVersionsByFunctionCommand({
            FunctionName: functionName,
            Marker: marker
        const partOfVersions = await lambda.send(listCommand);
        versions = versions.concat(partOfVersions.Versions ?? []);
        marker = partOfVersions.NextMarker;
    } while(marker);

    return versions;

const deleteOldVersionsOfLambda = async (functionName: string) => {
    const versions = await fetchAllVersions(functionName);
    const deletionList: string[] = versions?.filter(v => v.Version !== '$LATEST').map(v => v.FunctionArn) as string[];

    for (const arn of deletionList) {
        const deletionCommand = new DeleteFunctionCommand({
            FunctionName: arn

        await lambda.send(deletionCommand);

    return null;

const getAllFunctionsAvailable = async () => {
    const listFunctionsCommand = new ListFunctionsCommand({});

    const functions = await lambda.send(listFunctionsCommand);

    return functions.Functions?.map(f => f.FunctionName).filter(f => f != null);

const deleteAllOldVersions = async () => {
    const allFunctionsNames = await getAllFunctionsAvailable();
    for (const functionName of allFunctionsNames!) {
        await deleteOldVersionsOfLambda(functionName!);


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More revisions. We don't use aliases, so this keeps the most recent two by version number.

import boto3

def clean_old_lambda_versions(client):
    functions = client.list_functions()['Functions']
    for function in functions:
        arn = function['FunctionArn']
        all_versions = []

        versions = client.list_versions_by_function(
        # Page through all the versions
        while True:
            page_versions = [int(v['Version']) for v in versions['Versions'] if not v['Version'] == '$LATEST']
                marker = versions['NextMarker']
            versions = client.list_versions_by_function(
                FunctionName=arn, Marker=marker)

        # Sort and keep the last 2
        print('Which versions must go?')
        print('Which versions will live')
        for chopBlock in all_versions[0:-2]:
            functionArn = '{}:{}'.format(arn, chopBlock)
            print('When uncommented, will run: delete_function(FunctionName={})'.format(functionArn))
            # I want to leave this commented in Git for safety so we don't run it unscrupulously
            # client.delete_function(FunctionName=functionArn)  # uncomment me once you've checked

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = boto3.client('lambda', region_name='us-east-1')

This Helped for my 88 lambda cleanup, thanks!

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