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Created November 18, 2013 01:05
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class Arbiter extends Actor {
var occupants:List[String] = List()
def addOccupant(who: String) = {
occupants = occupants ::: List(who)
def removeOccupant(who: String) = {
val (b, a) = occupants span (x => x != who)
occupants = (b ::: a.drop(1))
def receive = {
case EnterRoom(who) =>
addOccupant(who) // Add the person to the room list.
sender ! Message(s"Hello there, $who!") // Send a greeting to the person.
case IntroduceRoom =>
var message = occupants.foldLeft("")((r,c) => r + (if (r == "") "" else if (occupants.last == c) " and " else ", ") + c)
//var message = occupants.mkString(", ")
sender ! Message(s"Everyone, meet: " + message)
case LeaveRoom(who) =>
sender ! Message(s"Bye, $who!") // Send a farewell to the person.
removeOccupant(who) // Remove the person from the room list.
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