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Created March 30, 2022 01:58
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playing with palette animation in CircuitPython
# -- playing with palette animation
# 29 Mar 2022 - @todbot / Tod Kurt
# Tested on ESP32-S2 Feather, but doesn't require it
# Needs "pinwheel_30.bmp", a 30x30 8-color pinwheel, where color0 is background
# created with ImageMagick:
# convert pinwheel.png -resize 30x30 -colors 8 -type palette -compress None BMP3:pinwheel_30.bmp
import time
import board
import displayio
import random
display = board.DISPLAY
maingroup = displayio.Group() # put main group on display, everything goes in maingroup
yaccel = 0.1
yaccel_max = 3.2
num_balls = 5
ball_w = 30
balls = [None] * num_balls # holds the ball Tile_Grid objects w/ x,y
ball_pos = [(0,0,0,0,)] * num_balls # holds ball position & acceleration (xvel, yvel, xaccel, yaccel)
for i in range(num_balls):
# bmp balls
bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(open("/pinwheel_30.bmp", "rb"))
pal = bitmap.pixel_shader
balls[i] = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=pal)
ball_pos[i] = (30,30, 1+random.random()*3, random.random()*3 )
def rotate_palette(pal):
tmp = pal[7] # save topmost color
for i in range(8, 0, -1):
pal[i+1] = pal[i] # move all colors up
pal[1] = tmp # add back saved color (pal[0] is transparent)
last_weird_time = time.monotonic()
while True:
for i in range(num_balls):
(x,y,xvel,yvel) = ball_pos[i]
x = x + xvel
y = y + yvel
yvel = min(yvel + yaccel, yaccel_max) # add "gravity"
# if we hit an edge, bounce & change color!
if x < 0 or x > (display.width - ball_w):
xvel = -xvel
yvel = yvel - yaccel_max/2 # add a little spice
if y > (display.height - ball_w):
yvel = -yvel
balls[i].x = int(x)
balls[i].y = int(y)
ball_pos[i] = (x,y,xvel,yvel) # save position & velocity for next time
if time.monotonic() - last_weird_time > 0.1:
last_weird_time = time.monotonic()
for i in range(num_balls):
rotate_palette( balls[i].pixel_shader )
display.refresh( target_frames_per_second = 60 )
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todbot commented Mar 30, 2022

The image used

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