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Last active November 14, 2023 00:11
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# "output" a waveform of a given length at a given frequency
import time
import math
# frequency in Hz of wave
frequency = 3
# length of the wave, number of samples in the wave
# sine wave values written to the DAC
sin_wave = [
int(math.sin(math.pi * 2 * i / LENGTH) * ((2**15) - 1) + 2**15)
for i in range(LENGTH)
wave_index = 0 # where in the wave we're at
wave_sleep = 1 / (frequency * LENGTH) # how long to sleep between wave samples
print("wave_sleep:", wave_sleep)
while True:
print( "%5d %d" % (sin_wave[wave_index], wave_index) )
wave_index = (wave_index + 1) % LENGTH
time.sleep( wave_sleep )
# "output" a waveform of a given length at a given frequency
# with the ability to change its frequency easily with asyncio
import asyncio
import time
import math
# frequency in Hz of wave
frequency = 5
# length of the sine wave
# sine wave values written to the DAC
sin_wave = [
int(math.sin(math.pi * 2 * i / LENGTH) * ((2**15) - 1) + 2**15)
for i in range(LENGTH)
async def wave_player():
wave_index = 0
while True:
wave_sleep = 1/(frequency * LENGTH)
print( "%5d %2d %f" % (sin_wave[wave_index], wave_index, wave_sleep) )
wave_index = (wave_index + 1) % LENGTH
await asyncio.sleep( wave_sleep )
async def frequency_changer():
global frequency # we change this, so must declare it
while True:
frequency = 5
print("changing frequency to ", frequency)
await asyncio.sleep( 5 )
frequency = 0.3
print("changing frequency to ", frequency)
await asyncio.sleep( 5 )
async def main():
task1 = asyncio.create_task( wave_player() )
task2 = asyncio.create_task( frequency_changer() )
await asyncio.gather(task1,task2)
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