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Started as a demonstration of a simple 'Toner' class to play PWM tones in a non-blocking way. Now? It's noisy. (CircuitPython)
# -- what in the heck
# This started as a demonstration of a simple 'Toner' class to play PWM tones
# in a non-blocking way. I've since messed that all up
# @todbot 14 Aug 2021
import time,random
import board, digitalio, pwmio
import rainbowio
import displayio, terminalio
from adafruit_display_text import bitmap_label as label
from adafruit_displayio_layout.layouts.grid_layout import GridLayout
from adafruit_macropad import MacroPad
from supervisor import ticks_ms # ticks_ms() yay!
macropad = MacroPad(rotation=90)
encoder = macropad._encoder # we want raw encoder
leds = macropad.pixels
macropad._speaker_enable.value = True # we'll control on/off via duty_cycle
# make a da beeps
class Toner:
def __init__(self, pin, frequency, duration, duty_cycle=32768):
self._duration = int(duration*1000) # we're a millisecs house
self._start_time = ticks_ms()
self._tone = pwmio.PWMOut(pin, frequency=frequency, variable_frequency=True)
self._duty_cycle = duty_cycle
self._tone.duty_cycle = duty_cycle
self.isplaying = True
def update(self):
if ticks_ms() - self._start_time > self._duration:
self.isplaying = False
self._tone.duty_cycle = 0 # stop tone
def tone(self, frequency, duration, duty_cycle=None):
self._duration = int(duration*1000)
self._start_time = ticks_ms()
if duty_cycle is not None:
self._tone.duty_cycle = duty_cycle
self._tone.frequency = frequency
self.isplaying = True
# how to fake an enum in Python
class EditMode:
NONE = 0
NOTE = 1
screen = displayio.Group() # a main group that holds everything # add main group to display
ltitle = label.Label(terminalio.FONT,text="noisetoy", x=5, y=5)
ldclfo = label.Label(terminalio.FONT,text="dclfo:000", x=5, y=30)
lplfo = label.Label(terminalio.FONT,text="plfo:000", x=5, y=50)
loct = label.Label(terminalio.FONT,text="oct:0", x=5, y=70)
ldur = label.Label(terminalio.FONT,text="dur:000", x=5, y=90)
lmode = label.Label(terminalio.FONT,text="-", x=56, y=120)
# calling this function really messes up the timing
def update_display(mode=EditMode.NONE):
if mode == EditMode.NONE:
if seq_playing:
leds[11] = 0x00ff00
lmode.text = ">"
leds[11] = 0xff0000
lmode.text = "="
if mode == EditMode.DUTY_CYCLE or mode == EditMode.NONE:
ldclfo.text = "%s:%03x" % ("DCLFO" if duty_cycle_enable else "dclfo",
if mode == EditMode.PITCH or mode == EditMode.NONE:
lplfo.text = "%s:%f" % ("PLFO" if pitch_lfo_enable else "plfo", 0.1) # FIXME
if mode == EditMode.NOTE or mode == EditMode.NONE:
loct.text = "oct:%d" % (note_octave)
if mode == EditMode.DURATION or mode == EditMode.NONE:
ldur.text = "dur:%2.2f" % (note_duration)
notes0 = [130, 147, 165, 174, 196, 220, 247]
notes0a = notes0[::-1] # reversed
# C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4
notes1 = [262, 294, 330, 349, 392, 440, 494]
#notes2 = [n*2 for n in notes1] # this is such a hack
#notes3 = [n//2 for n in notes1]
notes = notes0
note = notes[0] # note currently being played
note_duration = 0.1
note_index = 0
duty_cycle_enable = False
duty_cycle_default = 32768 # 1000 gives lower volume
duty_cycle = duty_cycle_default
duty_cycle_inc = 170
pitch_lfo_enable = False
pitch_lfo = 1.0
pitch_lfo_inc = 0.1 # FIXME: percentage of current note
#pitch_lfo_max = 0.3
seq_playing = True
audio_playing = True
encoder_pos = encoder.position
encoder_pos_save = encoder_pos
note_durs = 10
note_dur_delta = 0.01
if not audio_playing: # FIXME HACK
duty_cycle = 0
toner = Toner(board.SPEAKER, frequency=note,
duration=note_duration, duty_cycle=duty_cycle)
mode = EditMode.NONE
print_time = ticks_ms()
import gc
while True:
# user input: encoder switch
if macropad.encoder_switch_debounced.pressed:
macropad._speaker_enable.value = not macropad._speaker_enable.value
# user input: keys
key =
if key:
print("KEY: ",key.key_number, key.pressed, key.released)
if key.pressed:
if key.key_number == 0:
notes = notes0
elif key.key_number == 1:
notes = notes0a
elif key.key_number == 8: # DUTY_CYCLE LFO edit on
mode = EditMode.DUTY_CYCLE
encoder_pos_save = encoder_pos
elif key.key_number == 9: # PITCH LFO
mode = EditMode.PITCH
encoder_pos_save = encoder_pos
elif key.key_number == 10: # NOTE_DURATION
mode = EditMode.DURATION
encoder_pos_save = encoder_pos
elif key.key_number == 11: # PLAYING
mode = EditMode.NOTE
encoder_pos_save = encoder_pos
#seq_playing = not seq_playing
if key.released:
mode = EditMode.NONE
if key.key_number == 8: # DUTY_CYCLE edit off
if encoder_pos == encoder_pos_save:
duty_cycle_enable = not duty_cycle_enable
elif key.key_number == 9: # PITCH LFO
if encoder_pos == encoder_pos_save:
pitch_lfo_enable = not pitch_lfo_enable
elif key.key_number == 10: # NOTE_DURATION edit off
elif key.key_number == 11: #
if encoder_pos == encoder_pos_save:
seq_playing = not seq_playing
# user input: encoder turn handling
delta = encoder_pos - encoder.position
if delta != 0:
encoder_pos = encoder.position
if mode == EditMode.DUTY_CYCLE: # change duty cycle
duty_cycle_inc = duty_cycle_inc + (delta * 200)
print(" DUTY", duty_cycle_enable, duty_cycle_inc)
elif mode == EditMode.DURATION: # change note duration
note_durs += delta
note_duration = min(max(note_durs * note_dur_delta,0),10)
elif mode == EditMode.PITCH:
pitch_lfo_inc = pitch_lfo_inc + (delta/100)
#pitch_lfo_inc = pitch_lfo_inc + (delta/100)
print(" PITCH", pitch_lfo_inc, pitch_lfo)
elif mode == EditMode.NOTE:
print(" NOTE", note_octave)
note_octave = min(max(note_octave + delta, 0), 4)
if mode != EditMode.NONE:
if audio_playing:
if duty_cycle_enable:
duty_cycle = duty_cycle + duty_cycle_inc
duty_cycle = duty_cycle % 65535
toner._tone.duty_cycle = duty_cycle
if pitch_lfo_enable:
# this is wrong
pitch_lfo = pitch_lfo + pitch_lfo_inc # orbit around 1.0
if pitch_lfo > 1.3 or pitch_lfo < 0.7: # up-down
pitch_lfo_inc = -pitch_lfo_inc
toner._tone.frequency = int(note + pitch_lfo) # FIXME
# note done, go to next note
if not toner.isplaying:
if ticks_ms() - print_time > 1000:
print_time = ticks_ms()
print(ticks_ms(),"mode:%d seq:%d aud:%d dc:%d p:%d (%2.2f) dur:%f note:%d" %
(mode, seq_playing, audio_playing, duty_cycle_enable, pitch_lfo_enable,
pitch_lfo_inc, note_duration, note))
if seq_playing:
note_index = (note_index+1) % len(notes)
note = notes[note_index]
note = note * (note_octave+1)
toner.tone(note, note_duration, duty_cycle=duty_cycle)
n = note_index % len(leds)
leds[ n ] = rainbowio.colorwheel( ticks_ms() %255)
# Misc thoughts:
# - Uses "ticks_ms()" so requires CP7 alpha6 or better
# - Parameters we can control:
# - note scale ; need more scales!
# - note scale length (plus octaves)
# - beats per minute, i.e. note rate
# - note duration? (vs bpm, stacato vs legato, possible?)
# - duty_cycle LFO on/off
# - duty_cycle LFO rate
# - pitch LFO on/off
# - pitch LFO rate
# - Are keys "mode switches" or "sequence note on/off"? (I think mode switches)
# - this is not a sequencer, it's a noisy boi
# - How to do display updates without destroying timing
# - selective update: determine what changes, only update that (CircuitPythonReact!)
# - update always, absorb the delay and suck it up
# - update only on note change: limits high-rate chaos mode
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