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Fireworks display using sprites in CircuitPython
# - show a bunch of fireworks
# 4 Jul 2022 - @todbot / Tod Kurt
import time, random
import board
import displayio
import rainbowio
import adafruit_imageload
fireworks_count = 5
sprite_fname = "fireworks_spritesheet.bmp"
sprite_count = 30*1
sprite_w,sprite_h = 64,64
display = board.DISPLAY # our board has built-in display
dw,dh = display.width, display.height # convenience values
sprite_sheet, sprite_palette = adafruit_imageload.load(sprite_fname)
maingroup = displayio.Group() # all fireworks go on 'maingroup'
def random_xy():
return random.randint(0, dw-sprite_w), random.randint(dh//2, dh//2+20)
def copy_palette(p): # this is fastest way to copy a palette it seems
new_p = displayio.Palette(len(p))
for i in range(len(p)): new_p[i] = p[i]
return new_p
def new_colors(p): # first two colors after bg seem to be the "tails"
p[1] = rainbowio.colorwheel( random.randint(0,255) )
p[2] = rainbowio.colorwheel( random.randint(0,255) )
# holds list of sprites,sprite_index,x,y,launch_time
fireworks = [(None,0,0,0, 0) ] * fireworks_count
# make our fireworks
for i in range(len(fireworks)):
pal = copy_palette(sprite_palette)
pal.make_transparent(0) # make background color transparent
x,y = random_xy()
start_index = random.randint(0,sprite_count-1) # pick random point in fireworks life to start
fwsprite = displayio.TileGrid(sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=pal,
width = 1, height = 1,
tile_width = sprite_w, tile_height = sprite_h)
fireworks[i]= (fwsprite, start_index, x, y, pal) # add sprite, and initial index, x,y, palette
while True:
for i in range(len(fireworks)):
(sprite, sprite_index, x,y, palette) = fireworks[i] # get firework state
# update firework state
launching = sprite_index == 0 and random.random() < 0.9
if launching:
y = y - 3 # move towards top of screen
sprite_index = sprite_index + 1 # explode!
# firework finished
if sprite_index == sprite_count:
sprite_index = 0 # firework is reborn, make a new x,y for it
x,y = random_xy() #random.randint(dw//4, 3*dw//4), random.randint(dh//2,dh//2+20)
# update firework on screen
sprite[0] = sprite_index # set next sprite in animation
sprite.x, sprite.y = x,y # set its x,y
# save the firework state
fireworks[i] = (sprite, sprite_index, x,y, palette)
time.sleep(0.008) # determines our framerate
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todbot commented Jul 4, 2022

Demo of the above in action on three different platforms:


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todbot commented Jul 4, 2022

Sprite sheet is this, but converted to CircuitPython-compatible BMP


You can find a converted version of this file in the "bmps" directory here:

This was created using the following ImageMagick commands from the original GIF below:

# Reorder gif in (I'm sure there's a way in ImageMagick to do this)
# but I wanted gif to start with unexploded ball, so needed to move frames 19-30 to beginning of gif 

# Crop animated gif to remove unused space
convert fireworks_gif_2.gif -coalesce -crop 400x400+55+25 +repage -layers optimize out_animation.gif

# Create long "contact" sheet of all images in the gif, with a black background
montage out_animation.gif -tile x1 -geometry '1x1+0+0<' -alpha On -background 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0)' -quality 100 contact_sheet.png

# Resize contact sheet (it's now 12000 x 400) to a more manageable 1920x64
convert contact_sheet.png -resize x64 fireworks_spritesheet.png

# Convert png to 8-color palletized, non-compressed BMP3
convert fireworks_spritesheet.png -colors 8 -type palette -compress None BMP3:fireworks_spritesheet.bmp

# Copy over to CIRCUITPY drive
cp -X fireworks_spritesheet.bmp /Volumes/CIRCUITPY

The original animated gif this came from is from here:

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Using this on my 12 panel matrix display. Looks amazing. Excellent code!

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