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Created January 17, 2017 14:51
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how to solve the "untracked content" / "modified content" message?
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
modified: .gitmodules
modified: vim/after/ftplugin/json.vim
new file: vim/bundle/Dockerfile
new file: vim/bundle/ansible-vim
new file: vim/bundle/vim-hashicorp-tools
modified: vim/vimrcs/extended.vim
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
(commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)
modified: vim/bundle/L9 (untracked content)
modified: vim/bundle/python-mode (modified content)
modified: vim/bundle/vim-autocomplpop (untracked content)
modified: vim/bundle/vim-json (modified content)
$ git submodule status
cc324985f89e54e9dc4b2d4162b7b9964bdc5b32 vim/bundle/Dockerfile (heads/master)
c822b05ee0886f9a9703227dc85a6d47612c4bf1 vim/bundle/L9 (1.1)
8540ad7ff0f8da2b31b5c55e6ae52ad87221e918 vim/bundle/ansible-vim (1.0-28-g8540ad7)
ad41b4eb1612bd54d0b4dbe49206fc5114759dd1 vim/bundle/html5.vim (0.27-96-gad41b4e)
2546fed6be894bbcff15c3f48d4b6f6bc15d94d1 vim/bundle/puppet-lint (1.1.0-58-g2546fed)
b79b2e991e48488fb2800d9deec3b2ec457bb095 vim/bundle/python-mode (0.7.8b-57-gb79b2e9)
f6e38c8b99a1c14d160def312925de59f8327091 vim/bundle/syntastic (3.4.0-123-gf6e38c8)
b82f8804c4987b2534a5411d492d15d6010e98d2 vim/bundle/tlib_vim (1.12-4-gb82f880)
0c5612fa31ee434ba055e21c76f456244b3b5109 vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils (heads/master)
fe906149f78a342d049db6a3d3f69a93825cf740 vim/bundle/vim-autocomplpop (2.14.1-21-gfe90614)
d63a475fcb73c782ce09d63a591d69481a62b30f vim/bundle/vim-fugitive (v1.2-179-gd63a475)
8540ad7ff0f8da2b31b5c55e6ae52ad87221e918 vim/bundle/vim-hashicorp-tools (1.0-28-g8540ad7)
f5e3181d0b33a9c51377bb7ea8492feddca8b503 vim/bundle/vim-json (heads/master)
59833d95316b88d79da9b93dc0d0d8ad58c139ee vim/bundle/vim-lint (heads/master)
0154b08afd916eff4a57415c9b6a5e0332d1cf01 vim/bundle/vim-puppet (0154b08)
f8aa8042db8d5865a984aff322d29d6fbe69b134 vim/bundle/vim-snipmate (v0.87-42-gf8aa804)
e101634ee1942d4952961d6c4e012c03d3ccd102 vim/bundle/vim-snippets (1.0.0-110-ge101634)
$ tree -L 1 -d vim/bundle/
├── Dockerfile
├── L9
├── ansible-vim
├── html5.vim
├── puppet-lint
├── python-mode
├── syntastic
├── tlib_vim
├── vim-addon-mw-utils
├── vim-autocomplpop
├── vim-fugitive
├── vim-hashicorp-tools
├── vim-json
├── vim-lint
├── vim-puppet
├── vim-snipmate
└── vim-snippets
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