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Created August 9, 2011 06:34
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Save toddb/1133511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build tasks for powershell via psake
Basic build tasks for SharePoint (or other projects) - using 7zip and GacUtil
$framework = '4.0x64'
. .\scripts\build-tasks.ps1
properties {
$project = "Sites"
$environment = "" # handed in commmand line
$revision = "0" # handed in commmand line
$version = "1.0.0." # problem with version as substitution at this level
$platform = "x64"
$config = "Release"
$base_dir = resolve-path .
$configuration = "bin\$platform\$config"
$lib_dir = "$base_dir\lib"
$tools_dir = "$base_dir\tools"
$test_dir = "$base_dir\src\$project\$configuration"
$release_dir = "$base_dir\CodeToDeploy\Releases"
$extract_dir = "$base_dir\CodeToDeploy\Deploy"
$buildartifacts_dir = "$build_dir\CodeToDeploy\Publish"
$binaries_root = "$base_dir\src\Ui"
$wsp_root = "$binaries_root\bin\$config"
$sln_file = "$base_dir\src\$project.sln"
$wsp_proj = "$base_dir\src\$project\UI-$project.csproj"
Task Compile {
exec { msbuild $sln_file /t:build "/p:Configuration=$config" "/p:Platform=$platform" }
Task PackageWsp {
exec { msbuild $wsp_proj /t:package "/p:Configuration=$config" "/p:Platform=$platform" "/p:OutDir=$wsp_root\" } "Error msbuild $wsp_proj /t:package p:Configuration=$config /p:Platform=$platform /p:OutDir=$wsp_root\"
Task Version -Description "Version the assemblies" {
Update-AssemblyInfoFiles $version$revision $assemblyinfo_excludes
Task Version-Reset -Description "Returns the version of the assemblies to" {
Task Publish -Description "Copies the necessary files into the publishing folder" {
Clobber-Directory $buildartifacts_dir
CopyTo-Directory $base_dir\here.cmd $buildartifacts_dir
CopyTo-Directory $base_dir\scripts\deploy\default.ps1 $buildartifacts_dir
CopyTo-Directory $base_dir\scripts\deploy\Install.bat $buildartifacts_dir
CopyTo-Directory $base_dir\scripts\deploy\Migrate.bat $buildartifacts_dir
CopyTo-Directory $base_dir\scripts\psake.psm1 $buildartifacts_dir\scripts
CopyTo-Directory $base_dir\scripts\sharepoint-tasks.ps1 $buildartifacts_dir\scripts
CopyTo-Directory $base_dir\scripts\build-tasks.ps1 $buildartifacts_dir\scripts
CopyTo-Directory $base_dir\scripts\migrations-tasks.ps1 $buildartifacts_dir\scripts
CopyTo-Directory $wsp_root\Infrastructure.dll $buildartifacts_dir\lib\migratordotnet
CopyTo-Directory $wsp_root\Domain.dll $buildartifacts_dir\lib\migratordotnet
CopyTo-Directory $wsp_root\$project.dll $buildartifacts_dir\lib\migratordotnet
CopyTo-Directory $lib_dir\migratordotnet\* $buildartifacts_dir\lib\migratordotnet
CopyTo-Directory $lib_dir\wsp\* $buildartifacts_dir\wsp
CopyTo-Directory $wsp_root\$solution $buildartifacts_dir\wsp
Create-VersionFile $buildartifacts_dir\$version$revision
Task Extract -Description "Unzips the packing zip archive" {
Extract-Zip $release_dir\$project-$version$ $extract_dir
Task Zip -Description "Unzips the packing zip archive" {
Create-Zip $release_dir\$project-$version$ $buildartifacts_dir
Task Deploy -Description "Runs the Install.bat file under the deploy user credentials" {
exec { cd $extract_dir; dir; runas /savecred /user:$site_owner "$extract_dir\Install.bat $extract_dir $application $environment" } "If this command fails, through command line do this: runas /savecred /user:$site_owner cmd - and rerun -> this will save the creds "
Task Gac -Description "Add all assemblies to GAC" {
AddTo-Gac $wsp_root $project
Task Gac-Uninstall -Description "Remove all assemblies from the GAC" {
Clean-Gac $wsp_root $project
$7z_exe = ".\lib\7z\7z.exe"
$gac_exe = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\x64\gacutil.exe"
function Writeable-AssemblyInfoFile($filename){
sp $filename IsReadOnly $false
function ReadOnly-AssemblyInfoFile($filename){
sp $filename IsReadOnly $true
function CopyTo-Directory($files, $dir){
Create-Directory $dir
cp $files $dir -recurse -container
function Clobber-Directory($dir){
if (Test-Path -path $dir) { rmdir $dir -recurse -force }
function Create-Directory($dir){
if (!(Test-Path -path $dir)) { new-item $dir -force -type directory}
function Create-VersionFile($file){
New-Item $file -type file
function Create-Zip($file, $dir, $7z){
if ($7z -eq $null) { $7z = $7z_exe }
if (Test-Path -path $file) { remove-item $file }
Create-Directory $dir
exec { & $7z a -tzip $file $dir\* }
function Extract-Zip($file, $extract_dir, $7z){
if ($7z -eq $null) { $7z = $7z_exe }
Clobber-Directory $extract_dir
Create-Directory $extract_dir
exec { & $7z x $file -aoa "-o$extract_dir"}
function Clean-Gac($dir, $include, $gac){
if ($gac -eq $null) { $gac = $gac_exe }
get-childitem $dir -filter *.$include*.dll | % {
exec { & $gac /u $_.basename }
function AddTo-Gac($dir, $include, $gac){
if ($gac -eq $null) { $gac = $gac_exe }
get-childitem $dir -filter *.$include*.dll | % {
exec { & $gac /i $_.fullname }
function Update-AssemblyInfoFiles ([string] $version, [System.Array] $excludes = $null, $make_writeable = $false) {
# Update version numbers of AssemblyInfo.cs
# adapted from:
if ($version -notmatch "[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}") {
Write-Error "Version number incorrect format: $version"
$versionPattern = 'AssemblyVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)'
$versionAssembly = 'AssemblyVersion("' + $version + '")';
$versionFilePattern = 'AssemblyFileVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)'
$versionAssemblyFile = 'AssemblyFileVersion("' + $version + '")';
Get-ChildItem -r -filter AssemblyInfo.cs | % {
$filename = $_.fullname
$update_assembly_and_file = $true
# set an exclude flag where only AssemblyFileVersion is set
if ($excludes -ne $null)
{ $excludes | % { if ($filename -match $_) { $update_assembly_and_file = $false } } }
# We are using a source control (TFS) that requires to check-out files before
# modifying them. We don't want checkins so we'll just toggle
# the file as writeable/readable
if ($make_writable) { Writeable-AssemblyInfoFile($filename) }
# see
# I am getting really funky locking issues.
# The code block below should be:
# (get-content $filename) | % {$_ -replace $versionPattern, $version } | set-content $filename
$tmp = ($file + ".tmp")
if (test-path ($tmp)) { remove-item $tmp }
if ($update_assembly_and_file) {
(get-content $filename) | % {$_ -replace $versionFilePattern, $versionAssemblyFile } | % {$_ -replace $versionPattern, $versionAssembly } > $tmp
write-host Updating file AssemblyInfo and AssemblyFileInfo: $filename --> $versionAssembly / $versionAssemblyFile
} else {
(get-content $filename) | % {$_ -replace $versionFilePattern, $versionAssemblyFile } > $tmp
write-host Updating file AssemblyInfo only: $filename --> $versionAssemblyFile
if (test-path ($filename)) { remove-item $filename }
move-item $tmp $filename -force
if ($make_writable) { ReadOnly-AssemblyInfoFile($filename) }
function Reset-AssemblyInfoFiles(){
Update-AssemblyInfoFiles ("")
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Hey @toddb, I am curious how do you pass the revision from the command line as noted in this comment?

$revision = "0" # handed in commmand line

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