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Created August 9, 2011 21:53
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Sample install.bat for psake with environment handin
@echo off
echo Running as:
set application=%1
if NOT '%application%'=='' GOTO :environmentcheck
:: Update the sites as needed
echo You have not provided an application.
echo 1: http://localhost [Dev]
echo 2: http://build.local[Build]
echo 3: http://test.local [Test]
echo 4: http://staging [Staging]
echo 5: http://prod [Prod]
echo or [type own eg http://sp.local]
set choice=
set /p choice=Choose the site or type your own:
if '%choice%'=='' GOTO :environmentcheck
if %choice% EQU 1 set application=http://localhost
if %choice% EQU 2 set application=http://build.local
if %choice% EQU 3 set application=http://test.local
if %choice% EQU 4 set application=http://staging
if %choice% EQU 5 set application=http://prod
@echo --- Using %choice%: %application%
set environment=%2
if NOT '%environment%'=='' GOTO :workingdircheck
echo You have not provided an environment.
:: Update the environment as needed
echo 1: Dev
echo 2: Build
echo 3: Test
echo 4: PreProd
echo 5: Prod
set choice=
set /p choice=Choose the environment code:
if '%choice%'=='' GOTO :environmentcheck
if %choice% EQU 1 set environment=Dev
if %choice% EQU 2 set environment=Build
if %choice% EQU 3 set environment=Test
if %choice% EQU 4 set environment=PreProd
if %choice% EQU 5 set environment=Prod
@echo --- Using %choice%: %environment%
:: Allow for runas to pass in current directory to ensure working directory is correct
if '%3'=='' GOTO :install
echo Setting directory: %3
set changedir=cd %3
echo starting powershell: Invoke-Psake Install -properties @{application='%application%';environment='%environment%'}
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command " &{ %changedir%; import-module .\lib\psake\psake.psm1; $psake.use_exit_on_error = $true; Start-Transcript -Path .\install.log; Invoke-Psake Install -properties @{application='%application%';environment='%environment%'}}"
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