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Created December 22, 2014 09:15
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Un-uglified VFRemote.js
* This code is for Internal Salesforce use only, and subject to change without notice.
* Customers shouldn't reference this file in any web pages.
window.undefined = window.undefined;
VFExt3 = {
version: "3.2.2",
versionDetail: {
major: 3,
minor: 2,
patch: 2
apply: function(d, e, c) {
c && VFExt3.apply(d, c);
if (d && e && "object" == typeof e)
for (var b in e) d[b] = e[b];
return d
(function() {
var d = 0,
e = Object.prototype.toString,
c = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
b = function(a) {
return a.test(c)
a = document,
h = "CSS1Compat" == a.compatMode,
k = b(/opera/),
g = b(/\bchrome\b/),
q = b(/webkit/),
f = !g && b(/safari/),
m = f && b(/applewebkit\/4/),
l = f && b(/version\/3/),
n = f && b(/version\/4/),
p = !k && b(/msie/),
s = p && b(/msie 7/),
t = p && b(/msie 8/),
v = p && !s && !t,
r = !q && b(/gecko/),
u = r && b(/rv:1\.8/),
x = r && b(/rv:1\.9/),
y = p && !h,
B = b(/windows|win32/),
z = b(/macintosh|mac os x/),
A = b(/adobeair/),
b = b(/linux/),
w = /^https/i.test(window.location.protocol);
if (v) try {
a.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", !1, !0)
} catch (C) {}
VFExt3.apply(VFExt3, {
SSL_SECURE_URL: w && p ? 'javascript:""' : "about:blank",
isStrict: h,
isSecure: w,
isReady: !1,
enableGarbageCollector: !0,
enableListenerCollection: !1,
enableNestedListenerRemoval: !1,
applyIf: function(a, b) {
if (a)
for (var f in b) VFExt3.isDefined(a[f]) || (a[f] = b[f]);
return a
id: function(a, b) {
a = VFExt3.getDom(a, !0) || {}; || ( = (b || "ext-gen") + ++d);
extend: function() {
var a = function(a) {
for (var b in a) this[b] =
b = Object.prototype.constructor;
return function(f, c, d) {
"object" == typeof c && (d = c, c = f, f = d.constructor != b ? d.constructor : function() {
c.apply(this, arguments)
var g = function() {},
m = c.prototype;
g.prototype = m;
g = f.prototype = new g;
g.constructor = f;
f.superclass = m;
m.constructor == b && (m.constructor = c);
f.override = function(a) {
VFExt3.override(f, a)
g.superclass = g.supr = function() {
return m
g.override = a;
VFExt3.override(f, d);
f.extend = function(a) {
return VFExt3.extend(f, a)
return f
override: function(a, b) {
if (b) {
var f =
VFExt3.apply(f, b);
VFExt3.isIE && b.hasOwnProperty("toString") && (f.toString = b.toString)
namespace: function() {
var a, b;
VFExt3.each(arguments, function(f) {
b = f.split(".");
a = window[b[0]] = window[b[0]] || {};
VFExt3.each(b.slice(1), function(b) {
a = a[b] = a[b] || {}
return a
urlEncode: function(a, b) {
var f, c = [],
d = encodeURIComponent;
VFExt3.iterate(a, function(a, b) {
f = VFExt3.isEmpty(b);
VFExt3.each(f ? a : b, function(b) {
c.push("\x26", d(a), "\x3d", !VFExt3.isEmpty(b) && (b != a || !f) ? VFExt3.isDate(b) ? VFExt3.encode(b).replace(/"/g,
"") : d(b) : "")
b || (c.shift(), b = "");
return b + c.join("")
urlDecode: function(a, b) {
if (VFExt3.isEmpty(a)) return {};
var f = {},
c = a.split("\x26"),
d = decodeURIComponent,
g, m;
VFExt3.each(c, function(a) {
a = a.split("\x3d");
g = d(a[0]);
m = d(a[1]);
f[g] = b || !f[g] ? m : [].concat(f[g]).concat(m)
return f
urlAppend: function(a, b) {
return !VFExt3.isEmpty(b) ? a + (-1 === a.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "\x26") + b : a
toArray: function() {
return p ? function(a, b, f, c) {
c = [];
for (var d = 0, g = a.length; d < g; d++) c.push(a[d]);
return c.slice(b || 0, f || c.length)
} : function(a,
b, f) {
return, b || 0, f || a.length)
isIterable: function(a) {
return VFExt3.isArray(a) || a.callee || /NodeList|HTMLCollection/.test( ? !0 : ("undefined" != typeof a.nextNode || a.item) && VFExt3.isNumber(a.length)
each: function(a, b, f) {
if (!VFExt3.isEmpty(a, !0)) {
if (!VFExt3.isIterable(a) || VFExt3.isPrimitive(a)) a = [a];
for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++)
if (!1 === || a[c], a[c], c, a)) return c
iterate: function(a, b, f) {
if (!VFExt3.isEmpty(a))
if (VFExt3.isIterable(a)) VFExt3.each(a, b, f);
else if ("object" == typeof a)
for (var c in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(c) && !1 === || a, c, a[c], a)) break
getDom: function(b, f) {
if (!b || !a) return null;
if (b.dom) return b.dom;
if ("string" == typeof b) {
var c = a.getElementById(b);
return c && (p && f) && b != c.getAttribute("id") ? null : c
return b
getBody: function() {
return VFExt3.get(a.body || a.documentElement)
getHead: function() {
var b;
return function() {
void 0 == b && (b = VFExt3.get(a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]));
return b
removeNode: p && !t ? function() {
var b;
return function(f) {
f &&
"BODY" != f.tagName && (VFExt3.enableNestedListenerRemoval ? VFExt3.EventManager.purgeElement(f, !0) : VFExt3.EventManager.removeAll(f), b = b || a.createElement("div"), b.appendChild(f), b.innerHTML = "", delete VFExt3.elCache[])
}() : function(a) {
a && (a.parentNode && "BODY" != a.tagName) && (VFExt3.enableNestedListenerRemoval ? VFExt3.EventManager.purgeElement(a, !0) : VFExt3.EventManager.removeAll(a), a.parentNode.removeChild(a), delete VFExt3.elCache[])
isEmpty: function(a, b) {
return null === a || void 0 === a || VFExt3.isArray(a) &&
!a.length || (!b ? "" === a : !1)
isArray: function(a) {
return "[object Array]" === e.apply(a)
isDate: function(a) {
return "[object Date]" === e.apply(a)
isObject: function(a) {
return !!a && "[object Object]" ===
isPrimitive: function(a) {
return VFExt3.isString(a) || VFExt3.isNumber(a) || VFExt3.isBoolean(a)
isFunction: function(a) {
return "[object Function]" === e.apply(a)
isNumber: function(a) {
return "number" === typeof a && isFinite(a)
isString: function(a) {
return "string" === typeof a
isBoolean: function(a) {
return "boolean" ===
typeof a
isElement: function(a) {
return a ? !!a.tagName : !1
isDefined: function(a) {
return "undefined" !== typeof a
isOpera: k,
isWebKit: q,
isChrome: g,
isSafari: f,
isSafari3: l,
isSafari4: n,
isSafari2: m,
isIE: p,
isIE6: v,
isIE7: s,
isIE8: t,
isGecko: r,
isGecko2: u,
isGecko3: x,
isBorderBox: y,
isLinux: b,
isWindows: B,
isMac: z,
isAir: A,
IE: {
addEvent: function(a, b, f, c) {
a.attachEvent ? a.attachEvent(b, f) : a.addEventListener && a.addEventListener(b, f, c)
removeEvent: function(a, b, f, c) {
a.detachEvent ? a.detachEvent(b, f) : a.removeEventListener && a.removeEventListener(b,
f, c)
VFExt3.ns = VFExt3.namespace
VFExt3.ns("VFExt3.util", "VFExt3.lib", "");
VFExt3.elCache = {};
VFExt3.apply(Function.prototype, {
createInterceptor: function(d, e) {
var c = this;
return !VFExt3.isFunction(d) ? this : function() {
var b = arguments; = this;
d.method = c;
return !1 !== d.apply(e || this || window, b) ? c.apply(this || window, b) : null
createCallback: function() {
var d = arguments,
e = this;
return function() {
return e.apply(window, d)
createDelegate: function(d, e, c) {
var b = this;
return function() {
var a = e || arguments;
if (!0 === c) a =, 0), a = a.concat(e);
else if (VFExt3.isNumber(c)) {
var a =, 0),
h = [c, 0].concat(e);
Array.prototype.splice.apply(a, h)
return b.apply(d || window, a)
defer: function(d, e, c, b) {
e = this.createDelegate(e, c, b);
if (0 < d) return setTimeout(e, d);
return 0
VFExt3.applyIf(String, {
format: function(d) {
var e = VFExt3.toArray(arguments, 1);
return d.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(c, b) {
return e[b]
VFExt3.applyIf(Array.prototype, {
indexOf: function(d, e) {
var c = this.length;
e = e || 0;
for (e += 0 > e ? c : 0; e < c; ++e)
if (this[e] === d) return e;
return -1
remove: function(d) {
d = this.indexOf(d); - 1 != d && this.splice(d, 1);
return this
VFExt3.ns("VFExt3.grid", "VFExt3.list", "VFExt3.dd", "VFExt3.tree", "VFExt3.form", "", "VFExt3.state", "VFExt3.layout", "", "VFExt3.ux", "VFExt3.chart", "");
VFExt3.apply(VFExt3, function() {
var d = VFExt3,
e = null;
return {
emptyFn: function() {},
BLANK_IMAGE_URL: VFExt3.isIE6 || VFExt3.isIE7 || VFExt3.isAir ? "" : "\x3d\x3d",
extendX: function(c, b) {
return VFExt3.extend(c, b(c.prototype))
getDoc: function() {
return VFExt3.get(document)
num: function(c, b) {
c = Number(VFExt3.isEmpty(c) || VFExt3.isArray(c) || "boolean" == typeof c || "string" == typeof c && 0 == c.trim().length ? NaN : c);
return isNaN(c) ?
b : c
value: function(c, b, a) {
return VFExt3.isEmpty(c, a) ? b : c
escapeRe: function(c) {
return c.replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1")
sequence: function(c, b, a, d) {
c[b] = c[b].createSequence(a, d)
addBehaviors: function(c) {
if (VFExt3.isReady) {
var b = {},
a, d, e;
for (d in c)
if ((a = d.split("@"))[1]) e = a[0], b[e] || (b[e] =, b[e].on(a[1], c[d]);
b = null
} else VFExt3.onReady(function() {
getScrollBarWidth: function(c) {
if (!VFExt3.isReady) return 0;
if (!0 === c || null === e) {
c = VFExt3.getBody().createChild('\x3cdiv class\x3d"x-hide-offsets" style\x3d"width:100px;height:50px;overflow:hidden;"\x3e\x3cdiv style\x3d"height:200px;"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e');
var b = c.child("div", !0),
a = b.offsetWidth;
c.setStyle("overflow", VFExt3.isWebKit || VFExt3.isGecko ? "auto" : "scroll");
b = b.offsetWidth;
e = a - b + 2
return e
combine: function() {
for (var c = arguments, b = c.length, a = [], d = 0; d < b; d++) {
var e = c[d];
VFExt3.isArray(e) ? a = a.concat(e) : void 0 !== e.length && !e.substr ? a = a.concat(, 0)) : a.push(e)
return a
copyTo: function(c, b, a) {
"string" == typeof a && (a = a.split(/[,;\s]/));
VFExt3.each(a, function(a) {
b.hasOwnProperty(a) && (c[a] = b[a])
}, this);
return c
destroy: function() {
VFExt3.each(arguments, function(c) {
c && (VFExt3.isArray(c) ? this.destroy.apply(this, c) : "function" == typeof c.destroy ? c.destroy() : c.dom && c.remove())
}, this)
destroyMembers: function(c, b, a, d) {
for (var e = 1, g = arguments, q = g.length; e < q; e++) VFExt3.destroy(c[g[e]]), delete c[g[e]]
clean: function(c) {
var b = [];
VFExt3.each(c, function(a) {
a && b.push(a)
return b
unique: function(c) {
var b = [],
a = {};
VFExt3.each(c, function(c) {
a[c] || b.push(c);
a[c] = !0
return b
flatten: function(c) {
function b(c) {
function(c) {
VFExt3.isArray(c) ? b(c) : a.push(c)
return a
var a = [];
return b(c)
min: function(c, b) {
var a = c[0];
b = b || function(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : 1
VFExt3.each(c, function(c) {
a = -1 == b(a, c) ? a : c
return a
max: function(c, b) {
var a = c[0];
b = b || function(a, b) {
return a > b ? 1 : -1
VFExt3.each(c, function(c) {
a = 1 == b(a, c) ? a : c
return a
mean: function(c) {
return 0 < c.length ? VFExt3.sum(c) / c.length : void 0
sum: function(c) {
var b = 0;
VFExt3.each(c, function(a) {
b += a
return b
partition: function(c, b) {
var a = [
function(c, d, g) {
a[b && b(c, d, g) || !b && c ? 0 : 1].push(c)
return a
invoke: function(c, b) {
var a = [],
d =, 2);
VFExt3.each(c, function(c, g) {
c && "function" == typeof c[b] ? a.push(c[b].apply(c, d)) : a.push(void 0)
return a
pluck: function(c, b) {
var a = [];
VFExt3.each(c, function(c) {
return a
zip: function() {
for (var c = VFExt3.partition(arguments, function(a) {
return "function" != typeof a
}), b = c[0], c = c[1][0], a = VFExt3.max(VFExt3.pluck(b, "length")), d = [], e = 0; e < a; e++)
if (d[e] = [], c) d[e] =
c.apply(c, VFExt3.pluck(b, e));
for (var g = 0, q = b.length; g < q; g++) d[e].push(b[g][e]);
return d
getCmp: function(c) {
return VFExt3.ComponentMgr.get(c)
useShims: d.isIE6 || d.isMac && d.isGecko2,
type: function(c) {
if (void 0 === c || null === c) return !1;
if (c.htmlElement) return "element";
var b = typeof c;
if ("object" == b && c.nodeName) switch (c.nodeType) {
case 1:
return "element";
case 3:
return /\S/.test(c.nodeValue) ? "textnode" : "whitespace"
if ("object" == b || "function" == b) {
switch (c.constructor) {
case Array:
return "array";
case RegExp:
return "regexp";
case Date:
return "date"
if ("number" == typeof c.length && "function" == typeof c.item) return "nodelist"
return b
intercept: function(c, b, a, d) {
c[b] = c[b].createInterceptor(a, d)
callback: function(c, b, a, d) {
"function" == typeof c && (d ? c.defer(d, b, a || []) : c.apply(b, a || []))
VFExt3.apply(Function.prototype, {
createSequence: function(d, e) {
var c = this;
return "function" != typeof d ? this : function() {
var b = c.apply(this || window, arguments);
d.apply(e || this || window, arguments);
return b
VFExt3.applyIf(String, {
escape: function(d) {
return d.replace(/('|\\)/g, "\\$1")
leftPad: function(d, e, c) {
d = String(d);
for (c || (c = " "); d.length < e;) d = c + d;
return d
String.prototype.toggle = function(d, e) {
return this == d ? e : d
String.prototype.trim = function() {
var d = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
return function() {
return this.replace(d, "")
Date.prototype.getElapsed = function(d) {
return Math.abs((d || new Date).getTime() - this.getTime())
VFExt3.applyIf(Number.prototype, {
constrain: function(d, e) {
return Math.min(Math.max(this, d), e)
(function() {
VFExt3.lib.Event = function() {
function d(a) {
var b;
a: {
b = a.currentTarget;
a = u.getRelatedTarget(a);
if (b && b.firstChild)
for (; a;) {
if (a === b) {
b = !0;
break a
}(a = a.parentNode) && 1 != a.nodeType && (a = null)
b = !1
return !b
function c() {
var a = !1,
c = [],
d, e, l, k = !h || 0 < g;
if (!m) {
m = !0;
for (a = 0; a < q.length; ++a)
if ((e = q[a]) && (d = n.getElementById( !e.checkReady || h || d.nextSibling || n && n.body ? (d = (l = e.override) ? !0 === l ? e.obj : l : d,, e.obj), q.remove(e), --a) : c.push(e);
g = 0 === c.length ? 0 : g - 1;
k ? b() : (clearInterval(f), f =
a = !(m = !1)
return a
function b() {
f || (f = setInterval(function() {
}, p))
function a(a, b) {
a = a.browserEvent || a;
var f = a["page" + b];
if (!f && 0 !== f && (f = a["client" + b] || 0, VFExt3.isIE)) var c = n.documentElement,
d = n.body,
f = f + (c && (c[t] || c[s]) ? [c[s], c[t]] : d ? [d[s], d[t]] : [0, 0])["X" == b ? 0 : 1];
return f
var h = !1,
k = {},
g = 0,
q = [],
f, m = !1,
l = window,
n = document,
p = 20,
s = "scrollLeft",
t = "scrollTop",
v = function() {
return l.addEventListener ? function(a, b, f, c) {
"mouseenter" == b ? (f = f.createInterceptor(d), a.addEventListener("mouseover", f,
c)) : "mouseleave" == b ? (f = f.createInterceptor(d), a.addEventListener("mouseout", f, c)) : a.addEventListener(b, f, c);
return f
} : l.attachEvent ? function(a, b, f, c) {
a.attachEvent("on" + b, f);
return f
} : function() {}
r = function() {
return l.removeEventListener ? function(a, b, f, c) {
"mouseenter" == b ? b = "mouseover" : "mouseleave" == b && (b = "mouseout");
a.removeEventListener(b, f, c)
} : l.detachEvent ? function(a, b, f) {
a.detachEvent("on" + b, f)
} : function() {}
u = {
extAdapter: !0,
onAvailable: function(a, f, c, d) {
id: a,
fn: f,
obj: c,
override: d,
checkReady: !1
g = 200;
addListener: function(a, b, f) {
return (a = VFExt3.getDom(a)) && f ? "unload" == b ? (void 0 === k[] && (k[] = []), k[].push([b, f]), f) : v(a, b, f, !1) : !1
removeListener: function(a, b, f) {
a = VFExt3.getDom(a);
var c, d, g, m;
if (a && f)
if ("unload" == b) {
if (void 0 !== (m = k[])) {
c = 0;
for (d = m.length; c < d; c++)(g = m[c]) && (g[0] == b && g[1] == f) && k[].splice(c, 1)
} else r(a, b, f, !1)
getTarget: function(a) {
a = a.browserEvent || a;
return this.resolveTextNode( || a.srcElement)
resolveTextNode: VFExt3.isGecko ?
function(a) {
if (a) {
var b =;
if (!("[xpconnect wrapped native prototype]" == b || "[object XULElement]" == b)) return 3 == a.nodeType ? a.parentNode : a
} : function(a) {
return a && 3 == a.nodeType ? a.parentNode : a
getRelatedTarget: function(a) {
a = a.browserEvent || a;
return this.resolveTextNode(a.relatedTarget || (/(mouseout|mouseleave)/.test(a.type) ? a.toElement : /(mouseover|mouseenter)/.test(a.type) ? a.fromElement : null))
getPageX: function(b) {
return a(b, "X")
getPageY: function(b) {
return a(b,
getXY: function(a) {
return [this.getPageX(a), this.getPageY(a)]
stopEvent: function(a) {
stopPropagation: function(a) {
a = a.browserEvent || a;
a.stopPropagation ? a.stopPropagation() : a.cancelBubble = !0
preventDefault: function(a) {
a = a.browserEvent || a;
a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = !1
getEvent: function(a) {
a = a || l.event;
if (!a)
for (var b = this.getEvent.caller; b && !((a = b.arguments[0]) && Event == a.constructor);) b = b.caller;
return a
getCharCode: function(a) {
a =
a.browserEvent || a;
return a.charCode || a.keyCode || 0
getListeners: function(a, b) {
VFExt3.EventManager.getListeners(a, b)
purgeElement: function(a, b, f) {
VFExt3.EventManager.purgeElement(a, b, f)
_load: function(a) {
h = !0;
VFExt3.isIE && !0 !== a && r(l, "load", arguments.callee)
_unload: function(a) {
var b = VFExt3.lib.Event,
f, c, d, g, m, e;
for (g in k) {
d = k[g];
f = 0;
for (m = d.length; f < m; f++)
if (c = d[f]) try {
e = c[3] ? !0 === c[3] ? c[2] : c[3] : l, c[1].call(e, b.getEvent(a), c[2])
} catch (q) {}
r(l, "unload", b._unload)
u.on = u.addListener;
u.un = u.removeListener;
n && n.body ? u._load(!0) : v(l, "load", u._load);
v(l, "unload", u._unload);
return u
VFExt3.lib.Ajax = function() {
function d(a) {
function b(a, f) {
for (c in f) f.hasOwnProperty(c) && a.setRequestHeader(c, f[c])
a = a.conn;
var c;
g.defaultHeaders && b(a, g.defaultHeaders);
g.headers && (b(a, g.headers), delete g.headers)
function c(a, b) {
(g.headers = g.headers || {})[a] = b
function b(a, b) {
var c = {},
d, g = a.conn,
e, h, k = 1223 == g.status;
try {
d = a.conn.getAllResponseHeaders(), VFExt3.each(d.replace(/\r\n/g,
"\n").split("\n"), function(a) {
e = a.indexOf(":");
0 <= e && (h = a.substr(0, e).toLowerCase(), " " == a.charAt(e + 1) && ++e, c[h] = a.substr(e + 1))
} catch (v) {}
return {
tId: a.tId,
status: k ? 204 : g.status,
statusText: k ? "No Content" : g.statusText,
getResponseHeader: function(a) {
return c[a.toLowerCase()]
getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
return d
responseText: g.responseText,
responseXML: g.responseXML,
argument: b
function a(a, f, c, d) {
if (f) {
var e;
try {
e = void 0 !== a.conn.status && 0 != a.conn.status ? a.conn.status : 13030
} catch (h) {
e = 13030
if (200 <=
e && 300 > e || VFExt3.isIE && 1223 == e) d = b(a, f.argument), f.success && (f.scope ? f.success.apply(f.scope, [d]) : f.success(d));
else switch (e) {
case 12002:
case 12029:
case 12030:
case 12031:
case 12152:
case 13030:
e = (c = c ? c : !1) ? "transaction aborted" : "communication failure";
d && (e += ": timeout");
d = {
tId: a.tId,
status: c ? -1 : 0,
statusText: e,
isAbort: c,
isTimeout: d,
argument: f.argument
f.failure && (f.scope ? f.failure.apply(f.scope, [d]) : f.failure(d));
d = b(a, f.argument), f.failure && (f.scope ? f.failure.apply(f.scope, [d]) : f.failure(d))
a.tId &&
(g.conn[a.tId] = null);
a.conn = null
function h(b, c) {
c = c || {};
var d = b.conn,
e = b.tId,
h = g.poll,
k = c.timeout || null;
k && (g.conn[e] = d, g.timeout[e] = setTimeout(function() {
g.abort(b, c, !0)
}, k));
h[e] = setInterval(function() {
d && 4 == d.readyState && (clearInterval(h[e]), h[e] = null, k && (clearTimeout(g.timeout[e]), g.timeout[e] = null), a(b, c))
}, g.pollInterval)
var k = ["MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"],
g = {
request: function(a, b, m, l, n) {
if (n) {
var p = n.xmlData,
s = n.jsonData;
VFExt3.applyIf(this, n);
if (p || s) {
l = this.headers;
if (!l || !l["Content-Type"]) c("Content-Type", p ? "text/xml" : "application/json");
l = p || (!VFExt3.isPrimitive(s) ? VFExt3.encode(s) : s)
a = a || n.method || "POST";
a: {
var t;
try {
var v;
b: {
var r = g.transactionId,
try {
u = new XMLHttpRequest
} catch (x) {
for (n = 0; n < k.length; ++n) try {
u = new ActiveXObject(k[n]);
} catch (y) {}
} finally {
v = {
conn: u,
tId: r
break b
}(t = v) && g.transactionId++
} catch (B) {} finally {
break a
if (t = t || null), b, !0), g.useDefaultXhrHeader && c("X-Requested-With", g.defaultXhrHeader), l && (g.useDefaultHeader &&
(!g.headers || !g.headers["Content-Type"])) && c("Content-Type", g.defaultPostHeader), (g.defaultHeaders || g.headers) && d(t), h(t, m), t.conn.send(l || null);
return t
serializeForm: function(a) {
a = a.elements || (document.forms[a] || VFExt3.getDom(a)).elements;
var b = !1,
c = encodeURIComponent,
d, g = "",
VFExt3.each(a, function(a) {
d =;
e = a.type;
if (!a.disabled && d)
if (/select-(one|multiple)/i.test(e)) VFExt3.each(a.options, function(a) {
a.selected && (g += String.format("{0}\x3d{1}\x26", c(d), c((a.hasAttribute ? a.hasAttribute("value") :
null !== a.getAttribute("value")) ? a.value : a.text)))
else if (!/file|undefined|reset|button/i.test(e) && (!/radio|checkbox/i.test(e) || a.checked) && !("submit" == e && b)) g += c(d) + "\x3d" + c(a.value) + "\x26", b = /submit/i.test(e)
return g.substr(0, g.length - 1)
useDefaultHeader: !0,
defaultPostHeader: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset\x3dUTF-8",
useDefaultXhrHeader: !0,
defaultXhrHeader: "XMLHttpRequest",
poll: {},
timeout: {},
conn: {},
pollInterval: 50,
transactionId: 0,
abort: function(b, c, d) {
var e = b.tId,
h = !1;
this.isCallInProgress(b) &&
(b.conn.abort(), clearInterval(this.poll[e]), this.poll[e] = null, clearTimeout(g.timeout[e]), this.timeout[e] = null, a(b, c, h = !0, d));
return h
isCallInProgress: function(a) {
return a.conn && !{
0: !0,
4: !0
return g
if (VFExt3.isIE) {
var d = function() {
var e = Function.prototype;
delete e.createSequence;
delete e.defer;
delete e.createDelegate;
delete e.createCallback;
delete e.createInterceptor;
VFExt3.IE.removeEvent(window, "onunload", d)
VFExt3.IE.addEvent(window, "onunload", d)
(function() {
function d(a, b, c) {
return function() { == arguments[0] && a.apply(c,, 0))
function e(b, c, f, d) {
f.task = new a.DelayedTask;
return function() {
f.task.delay(c.buffer, b, d,, 0))
function c(a, b, c, d) {
return function() {
b.removeListener(c, d);
return a.apply(d, arguments)
function b(b, c, f, d) {
return function() {
var e = new a.DelayedTask;
f.tasks || (f.tasks = []);
e.delay(c.delay || 10, b, d,,
var a = VFExt3.util,
h = VFExt3.each;
a.Observable = function() {
var a =;
this.listeners && (this.on(this.listeners), delete this.listeners); = a || {}
a.Observable.prototype = {
filterOptRe: /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single)$/,
fireEvent: function() {
var a =, 0),
b = a[0].toLowerCase(),
c = !0,
d =[b],
if (!0 === this.eventsSuspended)(e = this.eventQueue) && e.push(a);
else if ("object" == typeof d)
if (d.bubble) {
if (!1 ===, a.slice(1))) return !1;
if ((d = this.getBubbleTarget &&
this.getBubbleTarget()) && d.enableBubble) return c =[b], (!c || "object" != typeof c || !c.bubble) && d.enableBubble(b), d.fireEvent.apply(d, a)
} else a.shift(), c =, a);
return c
addListener: function(b, c, d, e) {
var h;
if ("object" == typeof b)
for (h in e = b, e) b = e[h], this.filterOptRe.test(h) || this.addListener(h, b.fn || b, b.scope || e.scope, b.fn ? b : e);
else b = b.toLowerCase(), h =[b] || !0, "boolean" == typeof h && ([b] = h = new a.Event(this, b)), h.addListener(c, d, "object" == typeof e ? e : {})
removeListener: function(a,
b, c) {
a =[a.toLowerCase()];
"object" == typeof a && a.removeListener(b, c)
purgeListeners: function() {
var a =,
b, c;
for (c in a) b = a[c], "object" == typeof b && b.clearListeners()
addEvents: function(a) { = || {};
if ("string" == typeof a)
for (var b = arguments, c = b.length; c--;)[b[c]] =[b[c]] || !0;
else VFExt3.applyIf(, a)
hasListener: function(a) {
a =[a.toLowerCase()];
return "object" == typeof a && 0 < a.listeners.length
suspendEvents: function(a) {
this.eventsSuspended = !0;
a && !this.eventQueue && (this.eventQueue = [])
resumeEvents: function() {
var a = this,
b = a.eventQueue || [];
a.eventsSuspended = !1;
delete a.eventQueue;
h(b, function(b) {
a.fireEvent.apply(a, b)
var k = a.Observable.prototype;
k.on = k.addListener;
k.un = k.removeListener;
a.Observable.releaseCapture = function(a) {
a.fireEvent = k.fireEvent
a.Event = function(a, b) { = b;
this.obj = a;
this.listeners = []
a.Event.prototype = {
addListener: function(a, b, c) {
b = b || this.obj;
this.isListening(a, b) || (a = this.createListener(a, b, c), this.firing &&
(this.listeners = this.listeners.slice(0)), this.listeners.push(a))
createListener: function(a, h, f) {
f = f || {};
h = h || this.obj;
var m = {
fn: a,
scope: h,
options: f
l = a; && (l = d(l, f, h));
f.delay && (l = b(l, f, m, h));
f.single && (l = c(l, this, a, h));
f.buffer && (l = e(l, f, m, h));
m.fireFn = l;
return m
findListener: function(a, b) {
var c = this.listeners,
d = c.length,
for (b = b || this.obj; d--;)
if ((e = c[d]) && e.fn == a && e.scope == b) return d;
return -1
isListening: function(a, b) {
return -1 != this.findListener(a, b)
removeListener: function(a, b) {
var c,
d, e;
d = !1;
if (-1 != (c = this.findListener(a, b))) {
this.firing && (this.listeners = this.listeners.slice(0));
d = this.listeners[c];
d.task && (d.task.cancel(), delete d.task);
if (e = d.tasks && d.tasks.length) {
for (; e--;) d.tasks[e].cancel();
delete d.tasks
this.listeners.splice(c, 1);
d = !0
return d
clearListeners: function() {
for (var a = this.listeners, b = a.length; b--;) this.removeListener(a[b].fn, a[b].scope)
fire: function() {
var a = this.listeners,
b = a.length,
c = 0,
if (0 < b) {
this.firing = !0;
for (var e =,
0); c < b; c++)
if ((d = a[c]) && !1 === d.fireFn.apply(d.scope || this.obj || window, e)) return this.firing = !1
this.firing = !1;
return !0
VFExt3.EventManager = function() {
function d(a) {
var b = !1,
c = 0,
d = z.length,
f = b = !1,
if (a) {
if (a.getElementById || a.navigator) {
for (; c < d; ++c)
if (e = z[c], e.el === a) {
b =;
b || (b =, z.push({
id: b,
el: a
}), f = !0)
} else b =;
VFExt3.elCache[b] || (VFExt3.Element.addToCache(new VFExt3.Element(a), b), f && (VFExt3.elCache[b].skipGC = !0))
return b
function e(a, b, c, f, e, h) {
a = VFExt3.getDom(a);
var g = d(a),
g = VFExt3.elCache[g].events,
m = v.on(a, b, e);
g[b] = g[b] || [];
g[b].push([c, e, h, m, f]);
if (a.addEventListener && "mousewheel" ==
b) {
var k = ["DOMMouseScroll", e, !1];
a.addEventListener.apply(a, k);
VFExt3.EventManager.addListener(u, "unload", function() {
a.removeEventListener.apply(a, k)
a == r && "mousedown" == b && VFExt3.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.addListener(e)
function c() {
if (window != top) return !1;
try {
} catch (a) {
return !1
return !0
function b(a) {
if (VFExt3.isIE && c()) return !0;
if (r.readyState == y) return k(), !0;
s || (p = setTimeout(arguments.callee, 2));
return !1
function a(a) {
A || (A = VFExt3.query("style, link[rel\x3dstylesheet]"));
if (A.length == r.styleSheets.length) return k(), !0;
s || (p = setTimeout(arguments.callee, 2));
return !1
function h(b) {
r.removeEventListener(x, arguments.callee, !1);
function k(a) {
s || (s = !0, p && clearTimeout(p), t && r.removeEventListener(x, k, !1), VFExt3.isIE && b.bindIE && VFExt3.IE.removeEvent(r, "onreadystatechange", b), v.un(u, "load", arguments.callee));
n && !VFExt3.isReady && (VFExt3.isReady = !0,, n.listeners = [])
function g(a, b) {
return function() {
var c = VFExt3.toArray(arguments); == VFExt3.EventObject.setEvent(c[0]).target &&
a.apply(this, c)
function q(a, b, c) {
return function(d) {
c.delay(b.buffer, a, null, [new VFExt3.EventObjectImpl(d)])
function f(a, b, c, d, f) {
return function(e) {
VFExt3.EventManager.removeListener(b, c, d, f);
function m(a, b, c) {
return function(d) {
var f = new VFExt3.util.DelayedTask(a);
c.tasks || (c.tasks = []);
f.delay(b.delay || 10, a, null, [new VFExt3.EventObjectImpl(d)])
function l(a, b, c, d, h) {
function k(a) {
if (VFExt3) {
a = VFExt3.EventObject.setEvent(a);
var b;
if (l.delegate) {
if (!(b = a.getTarget(l.delegate,
n))) return
} else b =;
l.stopEvent && a.stopEvent();
l.preventDefault && a.preventDefault();
l.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation();
l.normalized && (a = a.browserEvent); || n, a, b, l)
var l = !c || "boolean" == typeof c ? {} : c,
n = VFExt3.getDom(a),
d = d || l.fn;
h = h || l.scope;
if (!n) throw 'Error listening for "' + b + '". Element "' + a + "\" doesn't exist."; && (k = g(k, l));
l.delay && (k = m(k, l, d));
l.single && (k = f(k, n, b, d, h));
l.buffer && (p = new VFExt3.util.DelayedTask(k), k = q(k, l, p));
e(n, b, d, p, k, h);
return k
var n, p, s = !1,
t =
VFExt3.isGecko || VFExt3.isWebKit || VFExt3.isSafari,
v = VFExt3.lib.Event,
r = document,
u = window,
x = "DOMContentLoaded",
y = "complete",
B = /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single|stopEvent|preventDefault|stopPropagation|normalized|args|delegate)$/,
z = [],
A, w = {
addListener: function(a, b, c, d, f) {
if ("object" == typeof b)
for (var e in b) c = b[e], B.test(e) || (VFExt3.isFunction(c) ? l(a, e, b, c, b.scope) : l(a, e, c));
else l(a, b, f, c, d)
removeListener: function(a, b, c, f) {
a = VFExt3.getDom(a);
var e = d(a),
h = a && VFExt3.elCache[e].events[b] || [],
g, m, k;
g = 0;
for (m = h.length; g < m; g++)
if (VFExt3.isArray(k = h[g]) && k[0] == c && (!f || k[2] == f)) {
k[4] && k[4].cancel();
if (f = c.tasks && c.tasks.length) {
for (; f--;) c.tasks[f].cancel();
delete c.tasks
c = k[1];
v.un(a, b, v.extAdapter ? k[3] : c);
c && (a.addEventListener && "mousewheel" == b) && a.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", c, !1);
c && (a == r && "mousedown" == b) && VFExt3.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.removeListener(c);
h.splice(g, 1);
0 === h.length && delete VFExt3.elCache[e].events[b];
for (f in VFExt3.elCache[e].events) return !1;
VFExt3.elCache[e].events = {};
return !1
removeAll: function(a) {
a = VFExt3.getDom(a);
var b = d(a),
c = (VFExt3.elCache[b] || {}).events || {},
f, e, h, g, m, k, l;
for (g in c)
if (c.hasOwnProperty(g)) {
f = c[g];
e = 0;
for (h = f.length; e < h; e++) {
m = f[e];
m[4] && m[4].cancel();
if (m[0].tasks && (k = m[0].tasks.length)) {
for (; k--;) m[0].tasks[k].cancel();
delete m.tasks
l = m[1];
v.un(a, g, v.extAdapter ? m[3] : l);
a.addEventListener && (l && "mousewheel" == g) && a.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", l, !1);
l && (a == r && "mousedown" == g) && VFExt3.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.removeListener(l)
VFExt3.elCache[b] &&
(VFExt3.elCache[b].events = {})
getListeners: function(a, b) {
a = VFExt3.getDom(a);
var c = d(a);
return (c = (VFExt3.elCache[c] || {}).events || {}) && c[b] ? c[b] : null
purgeElement: function(a, b, c) {
a = VFExt3.getDom(a);
var f = d(a),
f = (VFExt3.elCache[f] || {}).events || {},
e, g;
if (c) {
if (f && f.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
e = f[c];
f = 0;
for (g = e.length; f < g; f++) VFExt3.EventManager.removeListener(a, c, e[f][0])
} else VFExt3.EventManager.removeAll(a);
if (b && a && a.childNodes) {
f = 0;
for (g = a.childNodes.length; f < g; f++) VFExt3.EventManager.purgeElement(a.childNodes[f],
b, c)
_unload: function() {
for (var a in VFExt3.elCache) VFExt3.EventManager.removeAll(a);
delete VFExt3.elCache;
delete VFExt3.Element._flyweights;
var b, c, d = VFExt3.lib.Ajax;
"object" == typeof d.conn ? b = d.conn : b = {};
for (c in b)(a = b[c]) && d.abort({
conn: a,
tId: c
onDocumentReady: function(c, d, f) {
VFExt3.isReady ? (n || (n = new VFExt3.util.Event), n.addListener(c, d, f),, n.listeners = []) : (n || (n || (n = new VFExt3.util.Event), t && r.addEventListener(x, k, !1), VFExt3.isIE ? b() || (b.bindIE = !0, VFExt3.IE.addEvent(r, "onreadystatechange",
b)) : VFExt3.isOpera ? r.readyState == y && a() || r.addEventListener(x, h, !1) : VFExt3.isWebKit && b(), v.on(u, "load", k)), f = f || {}, f.delay = f.delay || 1, n.addListener(c, d, f))
fireDocReady: k
w.on = w.addListener;
w.un = w.removeListener;
w.stoppedMouseDownEvent = new VFExt3.util.Event;
return w
VFExt3.onReady = VFExt3.EventManager.onDocumentReady;
(function() {
var d = function() {
var d = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
if (!d) return !1;
var c = [" ", VFExt3.isIE ? "ext-ie " + (VFExt3.isIE6 ? "ext-ie6" : VFExt3.isIE7 ? "ext-ie7" : "ext-ie8") : VFExt3.isGecko ? "ext-gecko " + (VFExt3.isGecko2 ? "ext-gecko2" : "ext-gecko3") : VFExt3.isOpera ? "ext-opera" : VFExt3.isWebKit ? "ext-webkit" : ""];
VFExt3.isSafari ? c.push("ext-safari " + (VFExt3.isSafari2 ? "ext-safari2" : VFExt3.isSafari3 ? "ext-safari3" : "ext-safari4")) : VFExt3.isChrome && c.push("ext-chrome");
VFExt3.isMac && c.push("ext-mac");
VFExt3.isLinux && c.push("ext-linux");
if (VFExt3.isStrict || VFExt3.isBorderBox) {
var b = d.parentNode;
b && (b.className += VFExt3.isStrict ? " ext-strict" : " ext-border-box")
d.className += c.join(" ");
return !0
if (!d()) VFExt3.onReady(d)
VFExt3.EventObject = function() {
var d = VFExt3.lib.Event,
e = /(dbl)?click/,
c = {
3: 13,
63234: 37,
63235: 39,
63232: 38,
63233: 40,
63276: 33,
63277: 34,
63272: 46,
63273: 36,
63275: 35
b = VFExt3.isIE ? {
1: 0,
4: 1,
2: 2
} : VFExt3.isWebKit ? {
1: 0,
2: 1,
3: 2
} : {
0: 0,
1: 1,
2: 2
VFExt3.EventObjectImpl = function(a) {
a && this.setEvent(a.browserEvent || a)
VFExt3.EventObjectImpl.prototype = {
setEvent: function(a) {
if (a == this || a && a.browserEvent) return a;
(this.browserEvent = a) ? (this.button = a.button ? b[a.button] : a.which ? a.which - 1 : -1, e.test(a.type) && -1 == this.button &&
(this.button = 0), this.type = a.type, this.shiftKey = a.shiftKey, this.ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey || a.metaKey || !1, this.altKey = a.altKey, this.keyCode = a.keyCode, this.charCode = a.charCode, = d.getTarget(a), this.xy = d.getXY(a)) : (this.button = -1, this.altKey = this.ctrlKey = this.shiftKey = !1, this.charCode = this.keyCode = 0, = null, this.xy = [0, 0]);
return this
stopEvent: function() {
this.browserEvent && ("mousedown" == this.browserEvent.type &&, d.stopEvent(this.browserEvent))
preventDefault: function() {
this.browserEvent && d.preventDefault(this.browserEvent)
stopPropagation: function() {
this.browserEvent && ("mousedown" == this.browserEvent.type &&, d.stopPropagation(this.browserEvent))
getCharCode: function() {
return this.charCode || this.keyCode
getKey: function() {
return this.normalizeKey(this.keyCode || this.charCode)
normalizeKey: function(a) {
return VFExt3.isSafari ? c[a] || a : a
getPageX: function() {
return this.xy[0]
getPageY: function() {
return this.xy[1]
getXY: function() {
return this.xy
getTarget: function(a, b, c) {
return a ?, b, c) : c ? VFExt3.get( :
getRelatedTarget: function() {
return this.browserEvent ? d.getRelatedTarget(this.browserEvent) : null
getWheelDelta: function() {
var a = this.browserEvent,
b = 0;
a.wheelDelta ? b = a.wheelDelta / 120 : a.detail && (b = -a.detail / 3);
return b
within: function(a, b, c) {
return a ? (b = this[b ? "getRelatedTarget" : "getTarget"]()) && ((c ? b == VFExt3.getDom(a) : !1) || :
return new VFExt3.EventObjectImpl
(function() {
var d = "requestcomplete",
e = "load",
c = window; = function(b) {
VFExt3.apply(this, b);
this.addEvents("beforerequest", d, "requestexception");
VFExt3.extend(, VFExt3.util.Observable, {
timeout: 3E4,
autoAbort: !1,
disableCaching: !0,
disableCachingParam: "_dc",
request: function(b) {
if (this.fireEvent("beforerequest", this, b)) {
b.el && (VFExt3.isEmpty(b.indicatorText) || (this.indicatorText = '\x3cdiv class\x3d"loading-indicator"\x3e' +
b.indicatorText + "\x3c/div\x3e"), this.indicatorText && (VFExt3.getDom(b.el).innerHTML = this.indicatorText), b.success = (VFExt3.isFunction(b.success) ? b.success : function() {}).createInterceptor(function(a) {
VFExt3.getDom(b.el).innerHTML = a.responseText
var a = b.params,
d = b.url || this.url,
e, g = {
success: this.handleResponse,
failure: this.handleFailure,
scope: this,
argument: {
options: b
timeout: b.timeout || this.timeout
VFExt3.isFunction(a) && (a = || c, b));
a = VFExt3.urlEncode(this.extraParams, VFExt3.isObject(a) ?
VFExt3.urlEncode(a) : a);
VFExt3.isFunction(d) && (d = || c, b));
if (e = VFExt3.getDom(b.form)) {
d = d || e.action;
if (b.isUpload || /multipart\/form-data/i.test(e.getAttribute("enctype"))) return, b, a, d);
e = VFExt3.lib.Ajax.serializeForm(e);
a = a ? a + "\x26" + e : e
e = b.method || this.method || (a || b.xmlData || b.jsonData ? "POST" : "GET");
if ("GET" === e && this.disableCaching && !1 !== b.disableCaching || !0 === b.disableCaching) d = VFExt3.urlAppend(d, (b.disableCachingParam || this.disableCachingParam) + "\x3d" + (new Date).getTime());
b.headers = VFExt3.apply(b.headers || {}, this.defaultHeaders || {});
(!0 === b.autoAbort || this.autoAbort) && this.abort();
if (("GET" == e || b.xmlData || b.jsonData) && a) d = VFExt3.urlAppend(d, a), a = "";
return this.transId = VFExt3.lib.Ajax.request(e, d, g, a, b)
return b.callback ? b.callback.apply(b.scope, [b, void 0, void 0]) : null
isLoading: function(b) {
return b ? VFExt3.lib.Ajax.isCallInProgress(b) : !!this.transId
abort: function(b) {
if (b || this.isLoading()) VFExt3.lib.Ajax.abort(b || this.transId)
handleResponse: function(b) {
this.transId = !1;
var a = b.argument.options;
b.argument = a ? a.argument : null;
this.fireEvent(d, this, b, a);
a.success &&, b, a);
a.callback &&, a, !0, b)
handleFailure: function(b, a) {
this.transId = !1;
var c = b.argument.options;
b.argument = c ? c.argument : null;
this.fireEvent("requestexception", this, b, c, a);
c.failure &&, b, c);
c.callback &&, c, !1, b)
doFormUpload: function(b, a, h) {
function k() {
function a(b, c, d) {
VFExt3.isFunction(b) && b.apply(c, d)
var m = {
responseText: "",
responseXML: null,
argument: b.argument
h, l;
try {
if (h = f.contentWindow.document || f.contentDocument || c.frames[g].document) h.body && (/textarea/i.test((l = h.body.firstChild || {}).tagName) ? m.responseText = l.value : m.responseText = h.body.innerHTML), m.responseXML = h.XMLDocument || h
} catch (n) {}
VFExt3.EventManager.removeListener(f, e, k, this);
this.fireEvent(d, this, m, b);
a(b.success, b.scope, [m, b]);
a(b.callback, b.scope, [b, !0, m]);
this.debugUploads || setTimeout(function() {
}, 100)
var g =,
q = document,
f = q.createElement("iframe"),
m = VFExt3.getDom(b.form),
l = [],
n, p = {
method: m.method,
encoding: m.encoding,
enctype: m.enctype,
action: m.action
id: g,
name: g,
cls: "x-hidden",
VFExt3.isIE && (document.frames[g].name = g);{
target: g,
method: "POST",
enctype: "multipart/form-data",
encoding: "multipart/form-data",
action: h || p.action
VFExt3.iterate(VFExt3.urlDecode(a, !1), function(a, b) {
n = q.createElement("input");{
type: "hidden",
value: b,
name: a
VFExt3.EventManager.on(f, e, k, this);
VFExt3.each(l, function(a) {
VFExt3.Ajax = new{
autoAbort: !1,
serializeForm: function(d) {
return VFExt3.lib.Ajax.serializeForm(d)
VFExt3.util.DelayedTask = function(d, e, c) {
var b = this,
a, h = function() {
a = null;
d.apply(e, c || [])
b.delay = function(k, g, q, f) {
d = g || d;
e = q || e;
c = f || c;
a = setInterval(h, k)
b.cancel = function() {
a && (clearInterval(a), a = null)
VFExt3.util.JSON = new function() {
var d = !!{}.hasOwnProperty,
e = function() {
var a = null;
return function() {
null === a && (a = VFExt3.USE_NATIVE_JSON && window.JSON && "[object JSON]" == JSON.toString());
return a
c = function(a) {
return 10 > a ? "0" + a : a
b = function(a) {
return eval("(" + a + ")")
a = function(b) {
if (!VFExt3.isDefined(b) || null === b) return "null";
if (VFExt3.isArray(b)) {
var c = ["["],
f, e, h = b.length,
for (e = 0; e < h; e += 1) switch (n = b[e], typeof n) {
case "undefined":
case "function":
case "unknown":
f && c.push(","), c.push(null ===
n ? "null" : VFExt3.util.JSON.encode(n)), f = !0
return c.join("")
if (VFExt3.isDate(b)) return VFExt3.util.JSON.encodeDate(b);
if (VFExt3.isString(b)) return k(b);
if ("number" == typeof b) return isFinite(b) ? String(b) : "null";
if (VFExt3.isBoolean(b)) return String(b);
f = ["{"];
for (e in b)
if (!b.getElementsByTagName && (!d || b.hasOwnProperty(e))) switch (h = b[e], typeof h) {
case "undefined":
case "function":
case "unknown":
c && f.push(","), f.push(a(e), ":", null === h ? "null" : a(h)), c = !0
return f.join("")
h = {
"\b": "\\b",
"\t": "\\t",
"\n": "\\n",
"\f": "\\f",
"\r": "\\r",
'"': '\\"',
"\\": "\\\\"
k = function(a) {
return /["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(a) ? '"' + a.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\"])/g, function(a, b) {
var c = h[b];
if (c) return c;
c = b.charCodeAt();
return "\\u00" + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16)
}) + '"' : '"' + a + '"'
this.encodeDate = function(a) {
return '"' + a.getFullYear() + "-" + c(a.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + c(a.getDate()) + "T" + c(a.getHours()) + ":" + c(a.getMinutes()) + ":" + c(a.getSeconds()) + '"'
this.encode = function() {
var b;
return function(c) {
b ||
(b = e() ? JSON.stringify : a);
return b(c)
this.decode = function() {
var a;
return function(c) {
a || (a = e() ? JSON.parse : b);
return a(c)
VFExt3.encode = VFExt3.util.JSON.encode;
VFExt3.decode = VFExt3.util.JSON.decode;
VFExt3.Direct = VFExt3.extend(VFExt3.util.Observable, {
exceptions: {
PARSE: "parse",
LOGIN: "login",
SERVER: "exception"
constructor: function() {
this.addEvents("event", "exception");
this.transactions = {};
this.providers = {}
addProvider: function(d) {
var e = arguments;
if (1 < e.length)
for (var c = 0, b = e.length; c < b; c++) this.addProvider(e[c]);
else return || (d = new VFExt3.Direct.PROVIDERS[d.type](d)), = ||, this.providers[] = d, d.on("data", this.onProviderData, this), d.on("exception",
this.onProviderException, this), d.isConnected() || d.connect(), d
getProvider: function(d) {
return this.providers[d]
removeProvider: function(d) {
d = ? d : this.providers[d];
d.un("data", this.onProviderData, this);
d.un("exception", this.onProviderException, this);
delete this.providers[];
return d
addTransaction: function(d) {
return this.transactions[d.tid] = d
removeTransaction: function(d) {
delete this.transactions[d.tid || d];
return d
getTransaction: function(d) {
return this.transactions[d.tid || d]
onProviderData: function(d,
e) {
if (VFExt3.isArray(e))
for (var c = 0, b = e.length; c < b; c++) this.onProviderData(d, e[c]);
else && "event" != && "exception" != ? this.fireEvent(, e) : "exception" == e.type && this.fireEvent("exception", e), this.fireEvent("event", e, d)
createEvent: function(d, e) {
return new VFExt3.Direct.eventTypes[d.type](VFExt3.apply(d, e))
VFExt3.Direct = new VFExt3.Direct;
VFExt3.Direct.TID = 1;
VFExt3.Direct.PROVIDERS = {};
VFExt3.Direct.Transaction = function(d) {
VFExt3.apply(this, d);
this.tid = ++VFExt3.Direct.TID;
this.retryCount = 0
VFExt3.Direct.Transaction.prototype = {
send: function() {
retry: function() {
getProvider: function() {
return this.provider
VFExt3.Direct.Event = function(d) {
VFExt3.apply(this, d)
VFExt3.Direct.Event.prototype = {
status: !0,
getData: function() {
VFExt3.Direct.RemotingEvent = VFExt3.extend(VFExt3.Direct.Event, {
type: "rpc",
getTransaction: function() {
return this.transaction || VFExt3.Direct.getTransaction(this.tid)
VFExt3.Direct.ExceptionEvent = VFExt3.extend(VFExt3.Direct.RemotingEvent, {
status: !1,
type: "exception"
VFExt3.Direct.eventTypes = {
rpc: VFExt3.Direct.RemotingEvent,
event: VFExt3.Direct.Event,
exception: VFExt3.Direct.ExceptionEvent
}; = VFExt3.extend(VFExt3.util.Observable, {
priority: 1,
constructor: function(d) {
VFExt3.apply(this, d);
this.addEvents("connect", "disconnect", "data", "exception");, d)
isConnected: function() {
return !1
connect: VFExt3.emptyFn,
disconnect: VFExt3.emptyFn
}); = VFExt3.extend(, {
parseResponse: function(d) {
return !VFExt3.isEmpty(d.responseText) ? "object" == typeof d.responseText ? d.responseText : VFExt3.decode(d.responseText) : null
getEvents: function(d) {
var e = null;
try {
e = this.parseResponse(d)
} catch (c) {
return [new VFExt3.Direct.ExceptionEvent({
data: c,
xhr: d,
code: VFExt3.Direct.exceptions.PARSE,
message: "Error parsing json response: \n\n '" + c.message + "'. Logged in?"
d = [];
if (VFExt3.isArray(e))
for (var b = 0, a = e.length; b < a; b++) d.push(VFExt3.Direct.createEvent(e[b]));
else d.push(VFExt3.Direct.createEvent(e));
return d
}); = VFExt3.extend(, {
enableBuffer: 10,
maxRetries: 1,
timeout: void 0,
constructor: function(d) {, d);
this.addEvents("beforecall", "call");
this.namespace = VFExt3.isString(this.namespace) ? VFExt3.ns(this.namespace) : this.namespace || window;
this.transactions = {};
this.callBuffer = []
initAPI: function() {
var d = this.actions,
for (e in d)
for (var c = this.namespace[e] || (this.namespace[e] = {}), b = d[e], a = 0, h = b.length; a <
h; a++) {
var k = b[a];
c[] = this.createMethod(e, k)
isConnected: function() {
return !!this.connected
connect: function() {
if (this.url) this.initAPI(), this.connected = !0, this.fireEvent("connect", this);
else if (!this.url) throw "Error initializing RemotingProvider, no url configured.";
disconnect: function() {
this.connected && (this.connected = !1, this.fireEvent("disconnect", this))
onData: function(d, e, c) {
if (e) {
c = this.getEvents(c);
e = 0;
for (var b = c.length; e < b; e++) {
var a = c[e];
!a.tid && d.ts && (a.tid = d.ts.tid);
var h = this.getTransaction(a);
this.fireEvent("data", this, a);
h && (this.doCallback(h, a, !0), VFExt3.Direct.removeTransaction(h))
} else {
d = [].concat(d.ts);
e = 0;
for (b = d.length; e < b; e++)(h = this.getTransaction(d[e])) && h.retryCount < this.maxRetries ? h.retry() : (a = new VFExt3.Direct.ExceptionEvent({
data: a,
transaction: h,
code: VFExt3.Direct.exceptions.TRANSPORT,
message: "Unable to connect to the server" + (c && c.statusText ? " (" + c.statusText + ")" : "") + ".",
xhr: c
}), this.fireEvent("data", this, a), h && (this.doCallback(h, a, !1), VFExt3.Direct.removeTransaction(h)))
getCallData: function(d) {
return {
action: d.action,
method: d.method,
type: "rpc",
tid: d.tid
doSend: function(d) {
var e = {
url: this.url,
callback: this.onData,
scope: this,
ts: d,
timeout: this.timeout
if (VFExt3.isArray(d)) {
c = [];
for (var b = 0, a = d.length; b < a; b++) c.push(this.getCallData(d[b]))
} else c = this.getCallData(d);
this.enableUrlEncode ? (d = {}, d[VFExt3.isString(this.enableUrlEncode) ? this.enableUrlEncode : "data"] = VFExt3.encode(c), e.params = d) : e.jsonData = c;
combineAndSend: function() {
var d =
0 < d && (this.doSend(1 == d ? this.callBuffer[0] : this.callBuffer), this.callBuffer = [])
queueTransaction: function(d) {
d.form ? this.processForm(d) : (this.callBuffer.push(d), this.enableBuffer ? (this.callTask || (this.callTask = new VFExt3.util.DelayedTask(this.combineAndSend, this)), this.callTask.delay(VFExt3.isNumber(this.enableBuffer) ? this.enableBuffer : 10)) : this.combineAndSend())
doCall: function(d, e, c) {
var b = null,
a = c[e.len],
h = c[e.len + 1];
0 !== e.len && (b = c.slice(0, e.len));
d = new VFExt3.Direct.Transaction({
provider: this,
args: c,
action: d,
data: b,
cb: h && VFExt3.isFunction(a) ? a.createDelegate(h) : a
!1 !== this.fireEvent("beforecall", this, d, e) && (VFExt3.Direct.addTransaction(d), this.queueTransaction(d), this.fireEvent("call", this, d, e))
doForm: function(d, e, c, b, a) {
a = new VFExt3.Direct.Transaction({
provider: this,
action: d,
args: [c, b, a],
cb: a && VFExt3.isFunction(b) ? b.createDelegate(a) : b,
isForm: !0
if (!1 !== this.fireEvent("beforecall", this, a, e)) {
var h = "multipart/form-data" ==
d = {
extTID: a.tid,
extAction: d,
extType: "rpc",
extUpload: String(h)
VFExt3.apply(a, {
form: VFExt3.getDom(c),
isUpload: h,
params: b && VFExt3.isObject(b.params) ? VFExt3.apply(d, b.params) : d
this.fireEvent("call", this, a, e);
processForm: function(d) {
url: this.url,
params: d.params,
callback: this.onData,
scope: this,
form: d.form,
isUpload: d.isUpload,
ts: d
createMethod: function(d, e) {
var c;
c = e.formHandler ? function(b,
a, c) {
this.doForm(d, e, b, a, c)
}.createDelegate(this) : function() {
this.doCall(d, e,, 0))
c.directCfg = {
action: d,
method: e
return c
getTransaction: function(d) {
return d && d.tid ? VFExt3.Direct.getTransaction(d.tid) : null
doCallback: function(d, e) {
var c = e.status ? "success" : "failure";
if (d && d.cb) {
var b = d.cb,
a = VFExt3.isDefined(e.result) ? e.result :;
VFExt3.isFunction(b) ? b(a, e) : (VFExt3.callback(b[c], b.scope, [a, e]), VFExt3.callback(b.callback, b.scope, [a, e]))
VFExt3.Direct.PROVIDERS.remoting =;
VFExt3.util.Format = function() {
var d = /^\s+|\s+$/g,
e = /<\/?[^>]+>/gi,
c = /(?:<script.*?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig,
b = /\r?\n/g;
return {
ellipsis: function(a, b, c) {
if (a && a.length > b) {
if (c) {
c = a.substr(0, b - 2);
var d = Math.max(c.lastIndexOf(" "), c.lastIndexOf("."), c.lastIndexOf("!"), c.lastIndexOf("?"));
return -1 == d || d < b - 15 ? a.substr(0, b - 3) + "..." : c.substr(0, d) + "..."
return a.substr(0, b - 3) + "..."
return a
undef: function(a) {
return void 0 !== a ? a : ""
defaultValue: function(a, b) {
return void 0 !== a && "" !== a ? a : b
htmlEncode: function(a) {
return !a ?
a : String(a).replace(/&/g, "\x26amp;").replace(/>/g, "\x26gt;").replace(/</g, "\x26lt;").replace(/"/g, "\x26quot;")
htmlDecode: function(a) {
return !a ? a : String(a).replace(/&gt;/g, "\x3e").replace(/&lt;/g, "\x3c").replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&amp;/g, "\x26")
trim: function(a) {
return String(a).replace(d, "")
substr: function(a, b, c) {
return String(a).substr(b, c)
lowercase: function(a) {
return String(a).toLowerCase()
uppercase: function(a) {
return String(a).toUpperCase()
capitalize: function(a) {
return !a ? a : a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
call: function(a, b) {
if (2 < arguments.length) {
var c =, 2);
return eval(b).apply(window, c)
return eval(b).call(window, a)
usMoney: function(a) {
a = Math.round(100 * (a - 0)) / 100;
a = a == Math.floor(a) ? a + ".00" : 10 * a == Math.floor(10 * a) ? a + "0" : a;
a = String(a);
var b = a.split(".");
a = b[0];
for (var b = b[1] ? "." + b[1] : ".00", c = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; c.test(a);) a = a.replace(c, "$1,$2");
a += b;
return "-" == a.charAt(0) ? "-$" + a.substr(1) : "$" + a
date: function(a, b) {
if (!a) return "";
VFExt3.isDate(a) || (a = new Date(Date.parse(a)));
return a.dateFormat(b || "m/d/Y")
dateRenderer: function(a) {
return function(b) {
return, a)
stripTags: function(a) {
return !a ? a : String(a).replace(e, "")
stripScripts: function(a) {
return !a ? a : String(a).replace(c, "")
fileSize: function(a) {
return 1024 > a ? a + " bytes" : 1048576 > a ? Math.round(10 * a / 1024) / 10 + " KB" : Math.round(10 * a / 1048576) / 10 + " MB"
math: function() {
var a = {};
return function(b, c) {
a[c] || (a[c] = new Function("v", "return v " + c + ";"));
return a[c](b)
round: function(a, b) {
var c = Number(a);
"number" == typeof b && (b = Math.pow(10, b), c = Math.round(a * b) / b);
return c
number: function(a, b) {
if (!b) return a;
a = VFExt3.num(a, NaN);
if (isNaN(a)) return "";
var c = ",",
d = ".",
e = !1,
f = 0 > a;
a = Math.abs(a);
"/i" == b.substr(b.length - 2) && (b = b.substr(0, b.length - 2), e = !0, c = ".", d = ",");
var m = -1 != b.indexOf(c),
e = (e ? b.replace(/[^\d\,]/g, "") : b.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, "")).split(d);
if (1 < e.length) a = a.toFixed(e[1].length);
else {
if (2 < e.length) throw "NumberFormatException: invalid format, formats should have no more than 1 period: " +
a = a.toFixed(0)
var l = a.toString(),
e = l.split(".");
if (m) {
for (var m = e[0], l = [], n = m.length, p = m.length % 3 || 3, s = 0; s < n; s += p) 0 != s && (p = 3), l[l.length] = m.substr(s, p);
l = l.join(c);
e[1] && (l += d + e[1])
} else e[1] && (l = e[0] + d + e[1]);
return (f ? "-" : "") + b.replace(/[\d,?\.?]+/, l)
numberRenderer: function(a) {
return function(b) {
return VFExt3.util.Format.number(b, a)
plural: function(a, b, c) {
return a + " " + (1 == a ? b : c ? c : b + "s")
nl2br: function(a) {
return VFExt3.isEmpty(a) ? "" : a.replace(b, "\x3cbr/\x3e")
(function() {
var d = document;
VFExt3.Element = function(a, b) {
var c = "string" == typeof a ? d.getElementById(a) : a,
if (!c) return null;
e =;
if (!b && e && VFExt3.elCache[e]) return VFExt3.elCache[e].el;
this.dom = c; = e ||
var e = VFExt3.DomHelper,
c = VFExt3.Element,
b = VFExt3.elCache;
c.prototype = {
set: function(a, b) {
var c = this.dom,
d, g;
b = !1 !== b && !!c.setAttribute;
for (d in a) a.hasOwnProperty(d) && (g = a[d], "style" == d ? e.applyStyles(c, g) : "cls" == d ? c.className = g : b ? c.setAttribute(d, g) : c[d] = g);
return this
defaultUnit: "px",
is: function(a) {
return, a)
focus: function(a, b) {
b = b || this.dom;
try {
Number(a) ? this.focus.defer(a, null, [null, b]) : b.focus()
} catch (c) {}
return this
blur: function() {
try {
} catch (a) {}
return this
getValue: function(a) {
var b = this.dom.value;
return a ? parseInt(b, 10) : b
addListener: function(a, b, c, d) {
VFExt3.EventManager.on(this.dom, a, b, c || this, d);
return this
removeListener: function(a, b, c) {
VFExt3.EventManager.removeListener(this.dom, a, b, c || this);
return this
removeAllListeners: function() {
return this
purgeAllListeners: function() {
VFExt3.EventManager.purgeElement(this, !0);
return this
addUnits: function(a) {
if ("" === a || "auto" == a || void 0 === a) a = a || "";
else if (!isNaN(a) || !h.test(a)) a += this.defaultUnit || "px";
return a
load: function(a, b, c) {
params: b,
url: a.url || a,
callback: c,
el: this.dom,
indicatorText: a.indicatorText || ""
}, VFExt3.isObject(a) ? a : {}));
return this
isBorderBox: function() {
return q[(this.dom.tagName || "").toLowerCase()] || VFExt3.isBorderBox
remove: function() {
var a =
a && (delete this.dom, VFExt3.removeNode(a))
hover: function(a, b, c, d) {
this.on("mouseenter", a, c || this.dom, d);
this.on("mouseleave", b, c || this.dom, d);
return this
contains: function(a) {
return !a ? !1 : VFExt3.lib.Dom.isAncestor(this.dom, a.dom ? a.dom : a)
getAttributeNS: function(a, b) {
return this.getAttribute(b, a)
getAttribute: VFExt3.isIE ? function(a, b) {
var c = this.dom;
return -1 == ["undefined", "unknown"].indexOf(typeof c[b + ":" + a]) ? c[b + ":" + a] : c[a]
} : function(a, b) {
var c = this.dom;
return c.getAttributeNS(b, a) || c.getAttribute(b +
":" + a) || c.getAttribute(a) || c[a]
update: function(a) {
this.dom && (this.dom.innerHTML = a);
return this
var a = c.prototype;
c.addMethods = function(b) {
VFExt3.apply(a, b)
a.on = a.addListener;
a.un = a.removeListener;
a.autoBoxAdjust = !0;
var h = /\d+(px|em|%|en|ex|pt|in|cm|mm|pc)$/i,
c.get = function(a) {
var e, g;
if (!a) return null;
if ("string" == typeof a) {
if (!(g = d.getElementById(a))) return null;
b[a] && b[a].el ? (e = b[a].el, e.dom = g) : e = c.addToCache(new c(g));
return e
if (a.tagName) {
if (!(e = e =;
b[e] && b[e].el ? (e =
b[e].el, e.dom = a) : e = c.addToCache(new c(a));
return e
return a instanceof c ? (a != k && (a.dom = VFExt3.isIE && (void 0 == || "" == ? a.dom : d.getElementById( || a.dom), a) : a.isComposite ? a : VFExt3.isArray(a) ? : a == d ? (k || (a = function() {}, a.prototype = c.prototype, k = new a, k.dom = d), k) : null
c.addToCache = function(a, c) {
c = c ||;
b[c] = {
el: a,
data: {},
events: {}
return a
}; = function(a, d, e) {
a = c.get(a);
if (!a) return null;
var g = b[].data;
return 2 == arguments.length ? g[d] : g[d] = e
c.collectorThreadId = setInterval(function() {
if (VFExt3.enableGarbageCollector) {
var a,
for (a in b)
if (e = b[a], !e.skipGC && (e = e.el, e = e.dom, !e || !e.parentNode || !e.offsetParent && !d.getElementById(a))) VFExt3.enableListenerCollection && VFExt3.EventManager.removeAll(e), delete b[a];
if (VFExt3.isIE) {
e = {};
for (a in b) e[a] = b[a];
b = VFExt3.elCache = e
} else clearInterval(c.collectorThreadId)
}, 3E4);
var g = function() {};
g.prototype = c.prototype;
c.Flyweight = function(a) {
this.dom = a
c.Flyweight.prototype = new g;
c.Flyweight.prototype.isFlyweight = !0;
c._flyweights = {}; = function(a, b) {
var d = null;
b = b || "_global";
if (a = VFExt3.getDom(a))(c._flyweights[b] = c._flyweights[b] || new c.Flyweight).dom = a, d = c._flyweights[b];
return d
VFExt3.get = c.get; =;
var q = VFExt3.isStrict ? {
select: 1
} : {
input: 1,
select: 1,
textarea: 1
if (VFExt3.isIE || VFExt3.isGecko) q.button = 1
$VFRM = Visualforce.remoting;
$VFRM.Util = {
log: function(a, b) {
if (!("undefined" === typeof console || !console.groupCollapsed || !console.log || !console.groupEnd))
if ("undefined" !== typeof b && null !== b) try {
console.groupCollapsed(a), console.log(b), console.groupEnd()
} catch (c) {} else try {
} catch (d) {}
warn: function(a) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof console && console.warn && a) try {
} catch (b) {}
error: function(a, b) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof console && console.error && a)
if (b) try {
console.error(a, b)
} catch (c) {} else try {
} catch (d) {}
isArray: function(a) {
return a && a.constructor === Array
isObject: function(a) {
return !!a && "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.apply(a)
isFunction: function(a) {
return a && "function" === typeof a
isString: function(a) {
return "string" === typeof a
isEmpty: function(a) {
return void 0 === a || null === a || this.isArray(a) && 0 === a.length || "" === a
isNotEmpty: function(a) {
return !this.isEmpty(a)
decode: function(a, b) {
var c = eval("(" + a + ")");
return b ? this.resolveRefs(c) : c
__resolveRefs: function(a, b, c) {
if (this.isArray(a)) {
for (var d =
c || [], g = 0; g < a.length; g++) d.push(this.__resolveRefs(a[g], b));
return d
if (this.isObject(a)) {
d = a.serId;
if (void 0 !== d) return a = a.value, g = this.isArray(a) ? [] : {}, b[d] = g, this.__resolveRefs(a, b, g);
d = a.serRefId;
if (void 0 !== d) return b[d];
d = c || {};
for (g in a) d[g] = this.__resolveRefs(a[g], b);
return d
return a
resolveRefs: function(a) {
return !this.isEmpty(a) ? this.__resolveRefs(a, {}) : a
encode: function(a) {
return !this.isEmpty(a) ? JSON.stringify(a) : a
escape: function(a) {
return !this.isEmpty(a) ? this.each(a, function(a) {
return escape(a)
}) :
unescape: function(a) {
return !this.isEmpty(a) ? this.each(a, function(a) {
return unescape(a)
}) : a
htmlEncode: function(a) {
return !this.isEmpty(a) ? this.each(a, function(a) {
return a && "string" === typeof a ? VFExt3.util.Format.htmlEncode(a) : a
}) : a
each: function(a, b) {
if (this.isEmpty(a)) return a;
if (this.isArray(a)) {
for (var c = [], d = 0, g = a.length; d < g; d++) c.push(this.each(a[d], b));
return c
if (this.isObject(a)) {
c = {};
for (d in a) c[d] = this.each(a[d], b);
return c
return b(a)
clone: function(a, b) {
if (null === a || "object" !== typeof a) return a;
if (a instanceof Object) {
var c = {},
for (d in a) b(d, a[d]) && (c[d] = this.clone(a[d], b));
return c
this.error("Type " + typeof a + " not supported")
newlineToBr: function(a) {
return a ? a.replace(/\n/g, "\x3cbr /\x3e") : a
getObject: function(a, b) {
if (!a) return null;
b = b || window;
var c, d = a;
if (-1 < a.indexOf(".")) {
c = a.split(".");
for (var d = c.pop(), g = 0; g < c.length; g++) b = b[c[g]]
return b[d]
isEmptyObject: function(a) {
for (var b in a)
if (, b)) return !1;
return !0
get: function(a) {
if (a = RegExp("[?\x26]" +
encodeURIComponent(a) + "\x3d([^\x26]*)").exec( return decodeURIComponent(a[1])
$VFRM.RemotingProviderImpl = VFExt3.extend(, {
constructor: function(a) {
function b(a, b) {
d.warn(g + a, b)
var c = this,
d = $VFRM.Util,
g = "Visualforce Remoting: ";
this.cmdParam = "__vfr__";
if (!a.vf) throw g + "Visualforce configuration not provided";
var k = a.vf,
n = k.dbg || k.tst || "yes" === d.get("__vfrmtdbg"); = k.vid;
this.pageUri =;
this.timestamp =;
this.ns = k.ns;
delete a.vf;
VFExt3.apply(a, {
type: "remoting",
maxRetries: 0,
url: window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/" + a.service
$, a);
this.dump = function() {
var a = "Provider[" + + (!d.isEmpty(this.ns) ? ", " + this.ns : "") + "] last updated at " + (new Date(this.timestamp)).toLocaleString();
d.log(g + a, c.actions)
this.reInit = function(a, b) {
var e, f;
if (c.actions) {
for (var g in c.actions) {
if (e = d.getObject(g)) {
f = c.actions[g].ms;
for (var m = 0, p = f.length; m < p; m++) e[f[m].name] && delete e[f[m].name]
d.isEmptyObject(e) && delete e
d.isEmptyObject(c.ns) && delete e;
a && c.initAPI()
b && d.isFunction(b) &&
b(!0, this)
this.initAPI = function() {
var a = c.actions,
l, e, f, h;
for (h in a) {
l = 1 === a[h].prm;
e =;
f = k.tst;
var m = k.ovrprm;
if (top !== self && l && (!e || top.document.location.pathname !== self.document.location.pathname) && !f && !m) a[h] = null, l = "Javascript proxies were not generated for controller " + h + ": may not use public remoted methods inside an iframe.", alert(l), b(l);
else {
f = h.indexOf(".");
l = a[h].ms; - 1 < f ? (e = h.substring(0, f), e = c.namespace[e] || (c.namespace[e] = {}), f = h.substring(f + 1), f = e[f] || (e[f] = {})) : f = c.namespace[h] ||
(c.namespace[h] = {});
for (var m = 0, p = l.length; m < p; m++) e = l[m], f[] && !k.xhr ? d.error(g + ("Unable to create method '" + + "': already exists on object '" + h + "'"), void 0) : f[] = c.createMethod(h, e);
n && d.log(g + h, f)
this.queueTransaction = function(a) {
if (a.form) this.processForm(a);
else {
if (a.args && d.isArray(a.args)) {
var b = a.args[a.args.length - 1];
if (d.isObject(b) && !1 === b.buffer) {
this.enableBuffer ? (this.callTask || (this.callTask = new VFExt3.util.DelayedTask(this.combineAndSend,
this)), this.callTask.delay(VFExt3.isNumber(this.enableBuffer) ? this.enableBuffer : 10)) : this.combineAndSend()
this.doCall = function(a, b, e) {
n && ("undefined" !== typeof console && console.time) && console.time("VF Remoting: " +;
if (d.isFunction(e[b.len])) {
if (d.isObject(e[b.len + 1])) {
var c = e.pop();
e.push(void 0);
$, a, b, e)
} else d.error(g + ("Parameter length does not match remote action parameters: expected " + b.len + " parameters, got "), void 0)
this.isRemotingTx =
function(b) {
return b && b.scope.service == a.service
this.setTimeout = function(a) {
var b;
a.ts && a.ts.args && (b = a.ts.args[a.ts.args.length - 1], d.isObject(b) && b.timeout && (a.timeout = b.timeout));
a.timeout = a.timeout || $VFRM.timeout || VFExt3.Ajax.timeout;
12E4 < a.timeout && (a.timeout = 12E4)
this.refresh = function(a) {
var c = {},
for (e in this.actions)
if (this.actions[e].ms)
for (var f = 0, h = this.actions[e].ms.length; f < h; f++) c[e + "." + this.actions[e].ms[f].name] = this.actions[e].ms[f];
a = {
url: this.url,
success: function(a) {
return function(c) {
var e,
l = VFExt3.decode(c.responseText),
f, h = !0;
if (l.actions)
if (f = VFExt3.decode(l.actions), !f || !d.isObject(f)) d.error(g + "Unable to refresh actions: actions result not found or not an object", void 0);
else {
for (var k in f)
if (e = k.substring(0, k.lastIndexOf(".")), c = this.actions[e], !c || ! b("Unable to refresh action '" + k + "', controller '" + e + "' not found"), h = !1;
else {
e = 0;
for (var q =; e < q; e++)
if ([e].name === k.substring(k.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)) {[e].csrf = f[k];
n && d.log(g + ("Refreshed action '" + k + "'"), void 0);
h && ( && > this.timestamp) && (this.timestamp =;
a && d.isFunction(a) && a(!0, this)
} else d.error(g + "Unable to refresh actions: actions result not found", void 0)
failure: function(a) {
return function(b) {
d.error(g + ("Unable to refresh actions: " + (b ? b.statusText : "unknown")), void 0);
a && d.isFunction(a) && a(!1, b)
scope: this,
timeout: this.timeout,
jsonData: c,
params: this.cmdParam + "\x3d2"
this.getCallData = function(a) {
var b = $,
a) || {};
b.ctx = a.ctx;
return b
this.addListener("beforecall", function(a, c, e) {
d.isEmpty(c) ? b("Context not applied") : (c.ctx = {
csrf: e.csrf,
vid: k.vid,
ns: e.ns,
ver: e.ver
}, d.isEmpty(c.ctx.csrf) && b("Context incomplete - CSRF not provided", c.ctx), d.isEmpty(c.ctx.vid) && b("Context incomplete - Visualforce id not provided", c.ctx), ("undefined" === typeof c.ctx.ns || null === c.ctx.ns) && b("Context incomplete - namespace not provided", c.ctx), d.isEmpty(c.ctx.ver) && b("Context incomplete - version not provided", c.ctx), n && d.log(g +
"Added context to transaction request", c))
this.addListener("data", function(a, b) {
if (!d.isEmpty(a) && !d.isEmpty(b)) {
"undefined" === typeof b.result && (b.result = null);
var e = b.getTransaction(),
f = !d.isEmpty(e) && !d.isEmpty(e.args) && d.isObject(e.args[e.args.length - 1]) ? e.args[e.args.length - 1] : null;
n && c.fireEvent("beforedata", this, b);
if (d.isEmpty(f) || d.isEmpty(f.escape) || !0 === f.escape) b.result = d.htmlEncode(b.result);
!0 === b.ref && (b.result = d.resolveRefs(b.result));
n && d.log(g + "Response result", b.result);
n && ("undefined" !==
typeof console && console.timeEnd) && console.timeEnd("VF Remoting: " + b.method);
if (!d.isEmpty(e) && d.isFunction(e.cb)) {
var h = e.cb;
e.cb = function(a, b) {
b = $VFRM.Util.clone(b, function(a, b) {
return !("function" === typeof b || $VFRM.Util.isObject(b) && "provider" == a)
h(a, b)
VFExt3.Direct.on("exception", function(a) {
a.vfTx && a.where && "" !== a.where ? $VFRM.Util.error("Visualforce Remoting Exception: " + a.message, a.where) : $VFRM.Util.error("Visualforce Remoting Exception: " + a.message, a)
VFExt3.Ajax.on("beforerequest", function(a, b) {
$VFRM.last.isRemotingTx(b) && (b.headers || (b.headers = {}), $VFRM.Util.isNotEmpty($VFRM.oauthAccessToken) && $VFRM.Util.isString($VFRM.oauthAccessToken) && (b.headers.Authorization = "OAuth " + $VFRM.oauthAccessToken), b.headers["X-User-Agent"] = "Visualforce-Remoting", $VFRM.last.setTimeout(b))
}, this);
$VFRM.ProviderManager = VFExt3.extend(VFExt3.util.Observable, {
constructor: function(a) {
this.addEvents("beforeadd", "afteradd");
$, a)
providers: {},
add: function(a) {
!1 !== this.fireEvent("beforeadd", a) && (VFExt3.Direct.addProvider(a), this.providers[] = a, $VFRM.last = a, this.fireEvent("afteradd", a))
get: function(a) {
return this.providers[a]
on: function(a, b) {
if ([a]) $, a, b);
for (var c in this.providers) this.providers[c].on(a,
getController: function(a) {
if (!a || !$VFRM.Util.isString(a)) return null;
var b = $VFRM.Util.getObject(a);
if (!b)
for (var c in this.providers) b && $VFRM.Util.warn("Multiple remoting controllers found for '" + a + "'"), this.providers[c].ns && (b = $VFRM.Util.getObject(this.providers[c].ns + "." + a));
(!b || !$VFRM.Util.isObject(b)) && $VFRM.Util.warn("Controller not found for '" + a + "'");
return b
getAction: function(a) {
if (!a || !$VFRM.Util.isString(a) || -1 == a.indexOf(".")) return null;
var b = this.getController(a.substring(0, a.lastIndexOf("."))),
b && (c = b[a.substring(a.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)], (!c || !$VFRM.Util.isFunction(c)) && $VFRM.Util.warn("Action function not found for '" + a + "'"));
return c
invokeAction: function() {
(null === arguments || 0 === arguments.length) && $VFRM.Util.error("Unable to invoke action '" + a + "': action and action parameters not provided", null);
var a =,
b = this.getAction(a);
b && $VFRM.Util.isFunction(b) ? b.apply(this, arguments) : $VFRM.Util.error("Unable to invoke action '" + a + "': no controller and/or function found",
$VFRM.Manager = new $VFRM.ProviderManager;
//# sourceMappingURL=/javascript/1418723033000/sfdc/source/
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