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# herein we backup our indexes! this script should run at like 6pm or something, after logstash
# rotates to a new ES index and theres no new data coming in to the old one. we grab metadatas,
# compress the data files, create a restore script, and push it all up to S3.
TODAY=`date +"%Y.%m.%d"`
INDEXNAME="logstash-$TODAY" # this had better match the index name in ES
BACKUPCMD="/usr/local/backupTools/s3cmd --config=/usr/local/backupTools/s3cfg put"
YEARMONTH=`date +"%Y-%m"`
filter {
# strip the syslog PRI part and create facility and severity fields.
# the original syslog message is saved in field %{syslog_raw_message}.
# the extracted PRI is available in the %{syslog_pri} field.
# You get %{syslog_facility_code} and %{syslog_severity_code} fields.
# You also get %{syslog_facility} and %{syslog_severity} fields if the
# use_labels option is set True (the default) on syslog_pri filter.
grok {
type => "syslog-relay"
# Create 4 volumes and attach them to hdb
%w[sdi sdj sdk sdl].each do |dev|
volume = :device => "/dev/#{dev}", :size => 5, :availability_zone => hdb.availability_zone
volume.server = hdb


ruby aws.rb launch [--region region --aws-key aws_key --aws-secret aws_secret --security-group security_group --key-pair key_pair --key-path key_path --ami-id ami_id--flavor-id flavor_id ]  

ruby aws.rb terminate [--region region --aws-key aws_key --aws-secret aws_secret] --instance-id instance_id  

ruby aws.rb attach [--region region --aws-key aws_key --aws-secret aws_secret] --instance-id instance_id --volume-id volume_id
No arguments provided

Backup MySQL to Amazon S3

This is a simple way to backup your MySQL tables to Amazon S3 for a nightly backup - this is all to be done on your server :-)

Sister Document - Restore MySQL from Amazon S3 - read that next

1 - Install s3cmd

this is for Centos 5.6, see for other systems like ubuntu etc

Restore MySQL from Amazon S3

This is a hands-on way to pull down a set of MySQL dumps from Amazon S3 and restore your database with it

Sister Document - Backup MySQL to Amazon S3 - read that first

1 - Set your MySQL password and S3 bucket, make a temp dir, get a list of snapshots

# Set our variables

export mysqlpass="ROOTPASSWORD"

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'fog'
config = YAML.load([0]))
volumes_to_snap = YAML.load([1]))
time =
puts "\nCreating snaps #{time.to_s}"
# Easily download content in dated directory
# structures from s3.
# ag is the_silver_searcher (
ag TODO | while read line; do
file=$(echo ${line} | awk -F ':' '{print $1}');
lineno=$(echo ${line} | awk -F ':' '{print $2}');
git blame --line-porcelain "./${file}" -L ${lineno},${lineno} | grep author-mail | cut -d ' ' -f 2;
done | sort | uniq -c

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname