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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2021 the ethier authors (
pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/cryptography/ECDSA.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/structs/EnumerableSet.sol";
@title SignatureChecker
@notice Additional functions for EnumerableSet.Addresset that require a valid
ECDSA signature of a standardized message, signed by any member of the set.
library SignatureChecker {
using EnumerableSet for EnumerableSet.AddressSet;
@notice Requires that the message has not been used previously and that the
recovered signer is contained in the signers AddressSet.
@dev Convenience wrapper for message generation + signature verification
+ marking message as used
@param signers Set of addresses from which signatures are accepted.
@param usedMessages Set of already-used messages.
@param signature ECDSA signature of message.
function requireValidSignature(
EnumerableSet.AddressSet storage signers,
bytes memory data,
bytes calldata signature,
mapping(bytes32 => bool) storage usedMessages
) internal {
bytes32 message = generateMessage(data);
"SignatureChecker: Message already used"
usedMessages[message] = true;
requireValidSignature(signers, message, signature);
@notice Requires that the message has not been used previously and that the
recovered signer is contained in the signers AddressSet.
@dev Convenience wrapper for message generation + signature verification.
function requireValidSignature(
EnumerableSet.AddressSet storage signers,
bytes memory data,
bytes calldata signature
) internal view {
bytes32 message = generateMessage(data);
requireValidSignature(signers, message, signature);
@notice Requires that the message has not been used previously and that the
recovered signer is contained in the signers AddressSet.
@dev Convenience wrapper for message generation from address +
signature verification.
function requireValidSignature(
EnumerableSet.AddressSet storage signers,
address a,
bytes calldata signature
) internal view {
bytes32 message = generateMessage(abi.encodePacked(a));
requireValidSignature(signers, message, signature);
@notice Common validator logic, checking if the recovered signer is
contained in the signers AddressSet.
function validSignature(
EnumerableSet.AddressSet storage signers,
bytes32 message,
bytes calldata signature
) internal view returns (bool) {
return signers.contains(ECDSA.recover(message, signature));
@notice Requires that the recovered signer is contained in the signers
@dev Convenience wrapper that reverts if the signature validation fails.
function requireValidSignature(
EnumerableSet.AddressSet storage signers,
bytes32 message,
bytes calldata signature
) internal view {
validSignature(signers, message, signature),
"SignatureChecker: Invalid signature"
@notice Generates a message for a given data input that will be signed
off-chain using ECDSA.
@dev For multiple data fields, a standard concatenation using
`abi.encodePacked` is commonly used to build data.
function generateMessage(bytes memory data)
returns (bytes32)
return ECDSA.toEthSignedMessageHash(data);
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