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Created June 7, 2011 17:04
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SparkFun KML
* Generates KML for use with SparkVisualize
* @author Todd Treece
class SparkKml {
const SFE_LAT = '40.0648970';
const SFE_LNG = '-105.2099410';
private $dom;
private $kml;
private $document;
public function __construct($name='') {
$this->dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$this->kml = $this->dom->createElement('kml');
$this->document = $this->dom->createElement('Document');
$shippingcolor = $this->createLineStyle('sfe_shipment',2,1,'FF2835F0','7DFFFFFF');
$ordercolor = $this->createLineStyle('sfe_order',2,1,'FF4EF028','7DFFFFFF');
$bluecircle = $this->createCircleStyle('sfe_order_circle',5,'7dff0000');
$redcircle = $this->createCircleStyle('sfe_shipment_circle',5,'7d0000ff');
public function createLine($lat,$lng,$styleid,$name='',$description='') {
$placemark = $this->dom->createElement('Placemark');
$line = $this->dom->createElement('LineString');
$line->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tessellate', '1'));
$line->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('extrude', '0'));
$line->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('altitudeMode', 'clampToGround'));
$destination = $lng . ',' . $lat . ',' . '0';
$sfe = self::SFE_LNG . ',' . self::SFE_LAT . ',' . '0';
$midarray = $this->getMidpoint(self::SFE_LAT,self::SFE_LNG,$lat,$lng);
$midalt = $this->getMidpointAltitude(self::SFE_LAT,self::SFE_LNG,$midarray['lat'],$midarray['lng']);
$midpoint = $midarray['lng'] . ',' . $midarray['lat'] . ',' . $midalt;
$line->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('coordinates', $destination /*. ' ' . $midpoint */ . ' ' . $sfe));
public function createCircle($lat, $lng, $radius, $style) {
$placemark = $this->dom->createElement('Placemark');
$polygon = $this->dom->createElement('Polygon');
$boundry = $this->dom->createElement('outerBoundaryIs');
$ring = $this->dom->createElement('LinearRing');
$ring->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tessellate', '1'));
$radius = $radius/500;
$steps = 40;
$angle = 0;
$coordinates = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) {
$coordinates[] = ($lng + $radius * cos($angle)) . ',' .
($lat + $radius * sin($angle)) . ',' .
$angle += 6.28 / $steps;
$coordinates[] = $coordinates[0];
$ring->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('coordinates',implode(' ',$coordinates)));
public function save() {
$this->dom->formatOutput = true;
private function createCircleStyle($id,$width,$color) {
$style = $this->dom->createElement('Style');
$linestyle = $this->dom->createElement('LineStyle');
$linestyle->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('width', $width));
$polystyle = $this->dom->createElement('PolyStyle');
$polystyle->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('color', $color));
return $style;
private function createLineStyle($id,$width,$outerwidth,$color,$outercolor) {
$style = $this->dom->createElement('Style');
$linestyle = $this->dom->createElement('LineStyle');
$linestyle->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('color', $color));
$linestyle->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('width', $width));
$linestyle->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('gx:physicalWidth', floatval($width)));
$linestyle->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('gx:outerColor', $outercolor));
$linestyle->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('gx:outerWidth', floatval($outerwidth)));
return $style;
private function getMidpointAltitude($lat,$lng,$lat2,$lng2) {
$radius = 6371000; // radius of earth in meters
//trig functions take radians
$lat = deg2rad($lat);
$lng = deg2rad($lng);
$lat2 = deg2rad($lat2);
$lng2 = deg2rad($lng2);
$diffLat = $lat2-$lat;
$diffLng = $lng2-$lng;
$a = sin($diffLat/2) * sin($diffLat/2) +
cos($lat) * cos($lat2) *
sin($diffLng/2) * sin($diffLng/2);
$c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1-$a));
$distance = $radius * $c;
return $distance;
* Ported from
* @return array
private function getMidpoint($lat,$lng,$lat2,$lng2) {
//trig functions take radians
$lat = deg2rad($lat);
$lng = deg2rad($lng);
$lat2 = deg2rad($lat2);
$lng2 = deg2rad($lng2);
$diffLng = $lng2 - $lng;
$x = cos($lat2) * cos($diffLng);
$y = cos($lat2) * sin($diffLng);
$midLat = atan2(sin($lat)+sin($lat2), sqrt((cos($lat)+$x)*(cos($lat)+$x) + $y * $y));
$midLng = $lng + atan2($y, cos($lat) + $x);
$return = array();
$return['lat'] = rad2deg($midLat);
$return['lng'] = rad2deg($midLng);
return $return;
private function lookAt($lat,$lng,$alt='10000000',$range='500',$tilt='0',$heading='0') {
$look = $this->dom->createElement('LookAt');
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