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Last active December 10, 2021 15:15
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  • Save toddwschneider/6678635 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save toddwschneider/6678635 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# load USA state-level spatial data
# download from
# click the 'download' tab
# select county = 'united states', file format = 'R', click ok
# download 'level 1' for state-level data
# get coordinate matrix for a state
getCoordinatesByStateName = function(state) {
ix = which(gadm$NAME_1 == state)
sdf = gadm[ix,]
coords =, lapply(sdf@polygons[[1]]@Polygons, function(p) { p@coords }))
# take a matrix of coordinates, remove points that are less than minDistance km apart
simplifyCoords = function(coords, minDistance = 10, maxToSkip = 1000) {
ncoords = nrow(coords)
i = 1
simplified = c()
while(i < nrow(coords)) {
upper = min(ncoords, i + maxToSkip)
coordsToConsider = matrix(coords[i:upper,], ncol = 2)
dists = spDistsN1(coordsToConsider, coords[i,], longlat = TRUE)
ixToSelect = which(dists > minDistance)[1]
if( { ixToSelect = length(dists) }
simplified = rbind(simplified, coordsToConsider[ixToSelect,])
i = i + ixToSelect - 1
# plot a primary state and optionally some surrounding states
plotStates = function(primary, additional = NULL, pcol = '#cccccc', acol = '#eeeeee', ...) {
s1 = which(gadm$NAME_1 == primary)
s2 = which(gadm$NAME_1 %in% additional)
ix = c(s1, s2)
sdf = gadm[ix, ]
nstates = length(ix)
cols = c(pcol, rep(acol, nstates - 1))
plot(sdf, col=cols, lwd = 0.1, ...)
analyzeState = function(state, minDistance, animate = FALSE, gcPoints = 100) {
fullCoords = getCoordinatesByStateName(state)
simplifiedCoords = simplifyCoords(fullCoords, minDistance)
ncoords = nrow(simplifiedCoords)
maxStates = 0
maxp1 = NA
maxp2 = NA
maxStateNames = NA
for(p1Index in 1:(ncoords - 1)) {
p1 = simplifiedCoords[p1Index,]
for(p2Index in (p1Index + 1):ncoords) {
p2 = simplifiedCoords[p2Index,]
line = gcIntermediate(p1, p2, n = gcPoints, addStartEnd = FALSE)
points = SpatialPoints(data.frame(x = line[,1], y = line[,2]),
proj4string=CRS(" +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"))
states = unique(over(points, gadm)$NAME_1)
states = states[!]
if(length(states) > maxStates) {
maxStates = length(states)
maxp1 = p1
maxp2 = p2
maxStateNames = as.character(states)
if(animate) {
plotStates(state, states[states != state])
return(list(n = maxStates, p1 = maxp1, p2 = maxp2, states = maxStateNames))
# states you want to calculate
stateNames = c('New York', 'Maryland', 'West Virginia')
# run the calculations and save results
for(state in stateNames) {
result = analyzeState(state, minDistance = 10)
dump("result", file = paste("results/", state, ".R", sep=""))
# check the results and make some plots!
for(file in dir("results/", pattern = "*.R")) {
source(paste("results/", file, sep=""))
state = strsplit(file, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
otherStates = result$states[result$states != state]
line = gcIntermediate(result$p1, result$p2, n = 100, addStartEnd = TRUE)
png(filename=paste("results/", state, ".png", sep=""), width=480, heigh=480)
plotStates(state, otherStates)
points(line[c(1, nrow(line)),], pch=19, cex=0.5, col='red')
xlim = sort(c(result$p1[1], result$p2[1])) + c(-0.1, 0.1)
ylim = sort(c(result$p1[2], result$p2[2])) + c(-0.1, 0.1)
png(filename=paste("results/", state, "_zoom.png", sep=""), width=480, heigh=480)
plotStates(state, otherStates, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
points(line[c(1, nrow(line)),], pch=19, cex=0.5, col='red')
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nghiaht commented Dec 27, 2013

Run the code, it took several hours but not finished yet. I don't know where the problems come from. Could you recheck it?

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