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Created May 7, 2023 13:45
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WSL Hostname
$HostAddr = wsl.exe -e ip addr show eth0 | Select-String -Pattern '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}' | % { $_.Matches.Value }
# using Env:WinDir just in case our Windows folder is not on C: drive
$hostsFilePath = $Env:WinDir+'\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts'
# Hostname(s) being added, space delimited
$hostNames = "wsl.local"
# Obviously special characters like spaces and periods need to be escaped
$escapedHostNames = [Regex]::Escape($HostNames)
# Remove old IP for the host name(s)
(Get-Content $hostsFilePath) -notmatch ".*\s+$escapedHostNames.*" | Out-File $hostsFilePath
# Add current IP for the host name(s). Padding is strictly for visual alignment and is not necessary
Add-Content -Encoding UTF8 $hostsFilePath ("$HostAddr".PadRight(16, " ") + $hostNames)
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