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Created July 8, 2019 17:52
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Script para obtener una lista de IP a partir del XML resultante de un escaneo con nmap. (-oX)
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
import sys
#Usage: <filename.xml>
def parse_xml(filename):
"""Given an XML filename, reads and parses the XML file and passes the
the root node of type xml.etree.ElementTree.Element to the get_host_data
function, which will futher parse the data and return a list of lists
containing the scan data for a host or hosts."""
tree = etree.parse(filename)
except Exception as error:
print("[-] A an error occurred. The XML may not be well formed. "
"Please review the error and try again: {}".format(error))
root = tree.getroot()
scan_data = get_host_data(root)
return scan_data
def get_host_data(root):
"""Traverses the xml tree and build lists of scan information
and returns a list of lists.
host_data = []
hosts = root.findall('host')
for host in hosts:
addr_info = []
# Ignore hosts that are not 'up'
if not host.findall('status')[0].attrib['state'] == 'up':
# Get IP address and host info. If no hostname, then ''
ip_address = host.findall('address')[0].attrib['addr']
host_name_element = host.findall('hostnames')
host_name = host_name_element[0].findall('hostname')[0].attrib['name']
except IndexError:
host_name = ''
# If we only want the IP addresses from the scan, stop here
if True:
addr_info.extend((ip_address, host_name))
# Get the OS information if available, else ''
os_element = host.findall('os')
os_name = os_element[0].findall('osmatch')[0].attrib['name']
except IndexError:
os_name = ''
return host_data
def list_ip_addresses(data):
"""Parses the input data to return only the IP address information"""
ip_list = [item[0] for item in data]
sorted_set = sorted(set(ip_list))
addr_list = [ip for ip in sorted_set]
return addr_list
file = open(sys.argv[1],"r")
except Exception as e:
exit(-1 )
data = parse_xml(file)
addrs = list_ip_addresses(data)
outfile = "{}.iplist".format(sys.argv[1])
with open(outfile, "w") as f:
for addr in addrs:
print("[+]IP {} encontrada en {}".format(addr, sys.argv[1]))
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