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Last active April 2, 2019 15:38
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php laravel

Laravel Snippets

Custom Query

e.g. a category that can have a parent_id which is another category

$theContract = DB::table('contract_tb')->leftJoin('book_tb', 'contract_tb.book_id', '=', 'book_tb.book_id')
  ->where(function ($query) {
  ->where(function ($query) {

Set a checkbox default in the controller

$input = Input::all();
$input['my_checkbox' = Input::get('my_checkbox', 0);

and in the view:

<!-- parameters are: name, value, whether it's checked -->
{{ Input::checkbox('my_checkbox', '1', $item->is_enabled) }}

Input::replace() no longer works

instead pass the input params to call in the third parameter like so:

$this->call('GET', 'my/url/here', $params);

Dynamic drop-down

Controller code:

$imprints_list = Imprint::get(array('id', 'title'));
$imprints[''] = 'Select';
foreach ($imprints_list as $imprint) {
    $imprints[$imprint->id] = $imprint->title;
// Bind the array var to the view
return View::make('products.edit')
    ->with('imprint_array', $imprints)

View (Blade) code...

{{ Form::label('imprint_id', 'Imprint:') }}
{{ Form::select('imprint_id', $imprint_array, $item->imprint_id) }}

doing stuff based on environment

if(App::environment() !== 'local')

populate a select list from a model

// in the controller
$my_select_items = MyModel::all()->lists('title', 'id');
// then pass it to the view

// then in the view
{{ Form::select('select_name', $my_select_items) }}

multi select (chzn select)

  <div class="control-group">
    {{ Form::label('data[package][filtered_items]', 'Item Blacklist:', ['class' => 'control-label']) }}
    <div class="controls">
      <select multiple="multiple" name="data[package][filtered_items]" class="chzn-select">
        @foreach($items as $item)
        {{-- if package template is set, select this option *if* it's currently blacklisted for this package template --}}
        <option value="{{ $item->id }}" {{ isset($package) ? ($package->filteredItems->contains($item->id) ? 'selected="selected"' : '') : '' }} >
        {{ $item->title }}

#Laravel Accessors and Mutators

 * sets the EffectiveDate into Y-m-d format
 * @param datetime
public function setEffectiveDateAttribute($effective_date)
   if ($effective_date) {
       $this->attributes['effective_date'] = date('Y-m-d', (strtotime($effective_date)));
   } else {
       $this->attributes['effective_date'] = null;

 * returns the EffectiveDate into m/d/Y format
 * @param datetime
public function getEffectiveDateAttribute()
   $tmpdate = $this->attributes['effective_date'];
   if ($tmpdate == "0000-00-00" || $tmpdate == "") {
       return "";
   } else {
       return date('m/d/Y', strtotime($tmpdate));

belongsTo(): many-to-one or one-to-one

in the Dog model

class Dog extends Eloquent()
    public function owner()
        return $this->belongsTo('OwnerNamespace\OwnerEloquentModel');

the foreign key field owner_id is defined in the dogs_table table.

id dog_id (foreign key) title, etc.
id title, etc.

belongsToMany(): many-to-many

in the Employee model

class Employee extends Eloquent
    public function employer()
        // tracking happens in the pivot table
        return $this->belongsToMany('EmployerNamespace\EmployerEloquentModel');

in the Employer model

class Employer extends Eloquent
    public function Employee()
        // tracking happens in the pivot table
        return $this->belongsToMany('EmployeeNamespace\EmployeeEloquentModel');
        // You may override the conventional pivot *table_name* and foreign keys as follows
        return $this->belongsToMany(

means that the foreign key fields employer_id and employee_id are defined in the employers_table_employees_table pivot table.

id title, etc.
employers_table_employees_table (pivot table)
id employee_id (foreign key) employer_id (foreign key)
id title, etc.

hasMany() or hasOne(): one-to-many or one-to-one

in the Owner model

class Owner extends Eloquent
    public function dog()
        return $this->hasOne('DogNamespace\DogTableEloquentModel');
        // or
        return $this->hasMany('DogNamespace\DogTableEloquentModel');
        // pass a second parameter if the foreign key is not an ID
        reutrn $this->hasMany('DogNamespace\DogTableEloquentModel', 'owner_name');

the foreign key field owner_id is defined in the dogs_table table.

What's the difference? hasOne() returns an individual model, hasMany() returns a collection.

id title, etc.
id owner_id (foreign key) title, etc.
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