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Last active April 4, 2022 18:45
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In-memory data structure that can search over multiple fields of an object
class IndexingDataStructure<V>(private val lock: Any = Any()) {
abstract inner class Index<KEY, RETURN>(val name: String, protected val keyFromValueFunc: (value: V) -> KEY) {
abstract fun get(key: KEY): RETURN
internal abstract fun internalIncludeItem(value: V)
inner class UniqueIndex<KEY>(name: String, keyFromValueFunc: (value: V) -> KEY, private val map: MutableMap<KEY, V> = mutableMapOf()) : Index<KEY, V?>(name, keyFromValueFunc) {
override fun get(key: KEY): V? = synchronized(lock) { map[key] }
override fun internalIncludeItem(value: V) {
keyFromValueFunc(value).let { key ->
synchronized(lock) {
require(!map.containsKey(key)) { "item with unique field $name with value $key already in dataset" }
map[key] = value
inner class MultiIndex<KEY>(name: String, keyFromValueFunc: (value: V) -> KEY, private val map: MutableMap<KEY, MutableList<V>> = mutableMapOf()) : Index<KEY, List<V>>(name, keyFromValueFunc) {
override fun get(key: KEY): List<V> = synchronized(lock) { map[key] ?: listOf() }
override fun internalIncludeItem(value: V) {
synchronized(lock) {
map.computeIfAbsent(keyFromValueFunc(value)) { mutableListOf() }.add(value)
private val indexByName: MutableMap<String, Index<*, *>> = mutableMapOf()
fun <KEY> createUniqueIndex(name: String, keyFromValueFunc: (value: V) -> KEY): UniqueIndex<KEY> {
require(!indexByName.containsKey(name)) { "index $name already exists" }
return synchronized(lock) {
UniqueIndex(name, keyFromValueFunc).also {
indexByName[] = it
fun <KEY> createMultiIndex(name: String, keyFromValueFunc: (value: V) -> KEY): MultiIndex<KEY> {
require(!indexByName.containsKey(name)) { "index $name already exists" }
return synchronized(lock) {
MultiIndex(name, keyFromValueFunc).also {
indexByName[] = it
fun save(vararg values: V) {
synchronized(lock) {
values.forEach { value ->
indexByName.values.forEach { index -> index.internalIncludeItem(value) }
import java.time.ZoneOffset
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import net.cryptoworkbench.shared.indexable.IndexingDataStructure
data class Activity(val id: Int, val time: ZonedDateTime, val type: ActivityType,val spoor: String)
enum class ActivityType { A, R, AR }
class ActivityRepository {
private val activities: IndexingDataStructure<Activity> = IndexingDataStructure()
private val idIndex = activities.createUniqueIndex("id") { }
private val timeIndex = activities.createUniqueIndex("time") { it.time }
private val typeIndex = activities.createMultiIndex("type") { it.type }
private val spoorIndex = activities.createMultiIndex("spoor") { it.spoor }
fun save(vararg activitiesToSave: Activity) =*activitiesToSave)
fun getById(id: Int): Activity? = idIndex.get(id)
fun getByTime(time: ZonedDateTime): Activity? = timeIndex.get(time)
fun getByType(type: ActivityType): List<Activity> = typeIndex.get(type)
fun getBySpoor(spoor: String): List<Activity> = spoorIndex.get(spoor)
fun main() {
val jan1MidDay = ZonedDateTime.of(2022, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC)
val act1 = Activity(1, jan1MidDay, ActivityType.A, "12a")
val act2 = Activity(2, jan1MidDay.plusDays(1), ActivityType.AR, "15")
val act3 = Activity(3, jan1MidDay.plusDays(2), ActivityType.R, "12a")
val act4 = Activity(4, jan1MidDay.plusDays(3), ActivityType.A, "17")
val repo = ActivityRepository(), act2, act3, act4)
check(repo.getById(3) == act3) { "item with id 3 did not match act3 $act3"}
check(repo.getByTime(jan1MidDay) == act1) { "item with time $jan1MidDay did not match act1 $act1"}
check(repo.getByType(ActivityType.A).let { it.size == 2 && it.containsAll(listOf(act1, act4)) }) { "activities with type A did not return expected act1 and act4 alone ${repo.getByType(ActivityType.A)}"}
check(repo.getBySpoor("12a").let { it.size == 2 && it.containsAll(listOf(act1, act3)) }) { "items with spoor 12a did not return act1 and act3"}
println("repo.getById(3): ${repo.getById(3)}")
println("repo.getByTime(jan1MidDay): ${repo.getByTime(jan1MidDay)}")
println("repo.getByType(ActivityType.A): ${repo.getByType(ActivityType.A)}")
println("repo.getBySpoor(\"12a\"): ${repo.getBySpoor("12a")}")
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