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Created December 6, 2019 18:12
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package nl.toefel.kotlin.html.dsl
fun html(init: HTML.() -> Unit): HTML {
val html = HTML()
return html
interface Element {
fun render(builder: StringBuilder, indent: String)
abstract class Tag(val name: String): Element {
val children = mutableListOf<Element>()
protected fun <T : Element> initTag(tag: T, init: T.() -> Unit): T {
return tag
operator fun String.unaryPlus() {
override fun render(builder: StringBuilder, indent: String) {
children.forEach {it.render(builder, "$indent ")}
override fun toString(): String {
val builder = StringBuilder()
render(builder, "")
return builder.toString()
class HTML : Tag("html") {
fun body(init: BODY.() -> Unit): BODY = initTag(BODY(), init)
class BODY: Tag("body") {
fun div(init: DIV.() -> Unit): DIV = initTag(DIV(), init)
fun a(init: Anchor.() -> Unit): Anchor = initTag(Anchor(), init)
fun span(init: SPAN.() -> Unit): SPAN = initTag(SPAN(), init)
class DIV : Tag("div") {
fun div(init: DIV.() -> Unit): DIV = initTag(DIV(), init)
fun a(init: Anchor.() -> Unit): Anchor = initTag(Anchor(), init)
fun span(init: SPAN.() -> Unit): SPAN = initTag(SPAN(), init)
class SPAN : Tag("span") {
fun div(init: DIV.() -> Unit): DIV = initTag(DIV(), init)
fun a(init: Anchor.() -> Unit): Anchor = initTag(Anchor(), init)
fun span(init: SPAN.() -> Unit): SPAN = initTag(SPAN(), init)
class Anchor : Tag("anchor") {
class TextElement(val text: String) : Element {
override fun render(builder: StringBuilder, indent: String) {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val doc = html {
body {
div {
div {
a {
span { +"inside span" }
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