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Last active February 9, 2017 14:40
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Save toepoke/fafa3cbe7f8592d6286237bebe43af19 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An immutable-esk like TypeScript library for playing around (I wouldn't use this in production ... probably)
* Module: "ditto" (coz the module delivers new objects, and uber [kinda used to] sounds cool!)
* Description: Set of [generic] helper methods for doing [very simple!] immutable type for TypeScript/ES6
* Tests: See set of noddy tests at ????
* Source:
* Usage:
* "import * as ditto from './ditto';"
* ...
* ditto.updateItem( ... )
* Revisions:
* #1 - Initial version
* #2 - Added further methods
* #3 - Added Object.assign inline polyfill.
* - Added "replaceAll" method
* - "updateItem" now copies methods too
* - Fixed quotes and tabs
* #3 - Added revision history (yup, this bit)
* #4 - Fix for "updateItem" not handling null current input
* #5 - Added "atLeast"
* Returns a copy of the given item, applying any updates.
* @param current - Object to return an updated version of
* @param updates - Set of JSON updates to applies to the object copy
export function updateItem<T>(current: T, updates: any): T {
let propItems: T = null;
if (current == null || current == undefined) {
// just return the updated version
return updates;
// This whole __proto__ thang copies over the methods too :-)
propItems = Object.assign(
{__proto__: (<any>current).__proto__},
return propItems;
* Returns position in the array of the item found by the predicate.
* @param items - Array to search
* @param predicate - function to evaluate which item in the array to find the position of
export function indexOf<T>(items: Array<T>, predicate: (value: T) => boolean) {
return items.findIndex(predicate);
* Returns true if there are any items in the given list
* Returns false if there are none (including if the list is null/undefined)
* @param items - Array to check
export function any<T>(items: Array<T>): boolean {
if (isNull(items))
// might be null, but there still aren't any items!
return false;
return items.length > 0;
* Returns true if there is at least "N" items in the given list
* Returns false otherwise
export function atLeast<T>(items: Array<T>, n: number): boolean {
if (!any(items)) {
return false;
return items.length >= n;
* Returns true if there are no items in the array (including null/undefined)
* Returns false if there are items in the array
export function empty<T>(items: Array<T>): boolean {
if (isNull(items))
return true;
return items.length === 0;
* Returns the last item in the array (if there are any items)
* Returns null if there are no items
* @param items - Array to check
export function last<T>(items: Array<T>): T {
if (any(items)) {
return items[items.length - 1];
return null;
* Returns first item in the array (if there are any items)
* Returns null if there are no items
* @param items - Array to check
export function first<T>(items: Array<T>): T {
if (any(items)) {
return items[0];
return null;
* Returns a new copy of the given array of items, replacing the item at "index" with
* the new item, applying an defined updates.
* @param items - Array we're updating
* @param predicate (number) - When "predicate" is a number, the position in the array is used
* @param predicate (callback) - When "predicate" is a callback, it's executed and the returned item used
* @param itemUpdates - Changes to the object to apply (i.e. the updates we're making!)
export function updateList<T>(items: Array<T>, predicate: any, itemUpdates: any = null): Array<T> {
let newList: Array<T> = new Array<T>();
let index: number = 0;
let newItem: T = null;
let replacement: T = newItem;
if (typeof predicate === 'number') {
index = Number(predicate);
} else {
index = indexOf(items, predicate);
newItem = items[index];
// make a pure copy of the original list
if (!isNull(itemUpdates)) {
replacement = updateItem(newItem, itemUpdates);
// replace the affected item
newList.splice(index, 1, replacement);
return newList;
* Returns a new array copy with "itemToAdd" appended to the end of the array.
* @param items - Array to add an item to
* @param itemToAdd - Item to add to the end of the array
export function append<T>(items: Array<T>, itemToAdd: T): Array<T> {
let newList: Array<T> = new Array<T>();
newList.push(...items, itemToAdd);
return newList;
* Returns a new array copy with "itemToInsert" at the start of the array.
* @param items - Array to insert the item into
* @param itemToInsert - Item to insert at the start of the array
export function prepend<T>(items: Array<T>, itemToInsert: T): Array<T> {
let newList: Array<T> = new Array<T>();
newList.push(itemToInsert, ...items);
return newList;
* Returns a new array with 'n' items deleted.
* @param items - Array to have elements removed from.
* @param predicate (number) - When "predicate" is a number, the position in the array is used
* @param predicate (callback) - When "predicate" is a callback, it's executed and the returned item used
export function deleteItems<T>(items: Array<T>, predicate: any): Array<T> {
let deletedItems: Array<T> = new Array<T>();
let index: number = 0;
if (typeof predicate === 'number') {
index = Number(predicate);
} else {
index = indexOf(items, predicate);
if (index === -1) {
// no match, no change was made to the list, so send back the original
// ... this should prevent ui updates (e.g. ag2 OnPush) when no changes have happened
return items;
// make a pure copy of the original list
// delete the offending index
deletedItems.splice(index, 1);
return deletedItems;
* Returns a new array with all items replaced by newItems
* @param newItems - Array to replace with
export function replaceAll<T>(newItems: Array<T>): Array<T> {
let replacedItems: Array<T> = new Array<T>();
return replacedItems;
/** Helpers */
* Returns true if "o" is null or undefined
* Returns false otherwise
function isNull(o: any): boolean {
return !isPresent(o);
* Returns true if object "o" is not null (or undefined), i.e. there's a proper object there
* Returns false otherwise
function isPresent(o: any): boolean {
return o !== undefined && o !== null;
interface ObjectConstructor {
assign(target: any, ...sources: any[]): any;
if (typeof Object.assign !== 'function') {
(function () {
Object.assign = function (target) {
'use strict';
if (target === undefined || target === null) {
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
let output = Object(target);
for (let index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
let source = arguments[index];
if (source !== undefined && source !== null) {
for (let nextKey in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(nextKey)) {
output[nextKey] = source[nextKey];
return output;
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