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Last active June 25, 2023 09:16
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// JSON API ---
// JSON API ---
// NOTE: New rows of historical full data usually get added into database about 20 minutes after 00:00:00 UTC every day
// NOTE: Live data updates every 1 minute
// TEST: Copy and run code with online javascript compiler ---
async function test(){
var fullData = await getFullData();
var liveData = await getLiveData();
async function getFullData(){
try {
const resp = await fetch("");
const data = await resp.json();
return data;
} catch (err) {
console.log("ERROR: " + err + "\n" + err.stack);
async function getFullDataPulseChain(){
try {
const resp = await fetch("");
const data = await resp.json();
return data;
} catch (err) {
console.log("ERROR: " + err + "\n" + err.stack);
async function getLiveData(){
try {
const resp = await fetch("");
const data = await resp.json();
return data;
} catch (err) {
console.log("ERROR: " + err + "\n" + err.stack);
// Example of Live Data
/* {
price: 0.42054844,
tsharePrice: 7942.7621,
tshareRateHEX: 18889.6,
liquidityHEX: 90852947,
liquidityUSDC: 33034154,
liquidityETH: 1327,
penaltiesHEX: 239787,
payoutPerTshare: 5.7358412946112125,
stakedHEX: 62725703266,
circulatingHEX: 575096545706
} */
// Example of Full Data (One Row of Array, Day 650)
/* {
actualAPYRate: 38.07, /////////////////////////////// dailyPayoutHEX / stakedHEX * 365.25
averageStakeLength: 5.7215174947161715, //////////// weighted average by HEX staked
circulatingHEX: 572253982483,
circulatingSupplyChange: -210407411,
currentDay: 650,
currentStakerCount: 57301, ////////////////////////// unique addresses with active stakes (not ended and not good accounted)
currentStakerCountChange: 618,
currentHolders: 247580, //////////////////////////// unique addresses with balance greater than 0
currentHoldersChange: 883,
dailyMintedInflationTotal: 25795634, //////////////// difference in totalHEX
dailyPayoutHEX: 65371765.76823559, ////////////////// (totalHEX * 10000 / 100448995) + (penaltiesHEX / 2.0);
date: "2021-09-13T00:13:49.859Z", /////////////////// coordinated universal time (UTC)
liquidityUV2_ETH: 824,
liquidityUV2_HEXETH: 6944897,
liquidityUV2_HEXUSDC: 33092181,
liquidityUV2_USDC: 13287000,
liquidityUV2UV3_ETH: 1205,
liquidityUV2UV3_HEX: 64065640,
liquidityUV2UV3_USDC: 31033051,
liquidityUV3_ETH: 381,
liquidityUV3_HEX: 24028562,
liquidityUV3_USDC: 17746051,
marketCap: 229756832292.56067, ////////////////////// priceUV2UV3 * circulatingHEX
numberOfHolders: 345115, //////////////////////////// all holders past and present
numberOfHoldersChange: 1337,
payoutPerTshareHEX: 5.926236223717848, ////////////// dailyPayoutHEX / totalTshares
penaltiesHEX: 4332180,
priceChangeUV2: -0.048,
priceChangeUV2UV3: -10.9235214,
priceChangeUV3: -0.0501,
priceUV2: 0.40438774,
priceUV2UV3: 0.40149451,
priceUV3: 0.39932826,
roiMultiplierFromATL: 7112.39167404783, ///////////// all time low price: $0.00005645
stakedHEX: 62725703266,
stakedHEXGA: 158928698.08191812, //////////////////// stakes good accounted but not ended, subset of stakedHEX
stakedHEXGAChange: 298886.43542948365,
stakedHEXPercent: 9.88,
stakedHEXPercentChange: 0.04,
stakedSupplyChange: 236203045,
totalHEX: 634979685749, ///////////////////////////// circulatingHEX + stakedHEX
totalStakerCount: 71380, //////////////////////////// all stakers past and present
totalStakerCountChange: 707,
totalTshares: 11030907.864692634,
totalTsharesChange: -1448.1486214846373,
totalValueLocked: 25184025497.188072, /////////////// priceUV2UV3 * stakedHEX
tshareMarketCap: 82530714431.73062,
tshareMarketCapToMarketCapRatio: 0.3592,
tshareRateHEX: 18634.8,
tshareRateIncrease: 4.200000000000728,
tshareRateUSD: 7481.7699
priceBTC: 46195.21830082935
priceETH: 3417.839366766938
} */
// New Values for Full Data PulseChain
/* {
} */
// Example of Daily Timer
//// Set to run 20 minutes after 00:00:00 UTC every day
//const schedule = require('node-schedule');
//const rule = new schedule.RecurrenceRule();
//rule.hour = 0;
//rule.minute = 20;
// = 'Etc/UTC';
//const job = schedule.scheduleJob(rule, function(){
// test();
// TODO: Add polling every few minutes, check latest rows date or currentDay to be greater
// CONSIDER: Add 2nd API endpoint for lastModified datetime?
// RESEARCH: Allow user to specify which values they want vs sending all of them
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