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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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battleship placement validator
object Battle {
import scala.util.Try
type cellType = String
type Result = Try[Set[Boat]]
val D = "D"
val W = " "
trait Boat {
def start: Point
def size: Int
def tuple = (start -> this)
case class LeftRight(x1: Int, x2: Int, y: Int) extends Boat {
def start = Point(x1, y)
def size = x2 - x1 + 1
case class TopDown(y1: Int, y2: Int, x: Int) extends Boat {
def start = Point(x, y1)
def size = y2 - y1 + 1
case class Singular(x: Int, y: Int) extends Boat {
def start = Point(x, y)
def size = 1
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)
case class GameSpec(qtys: Map[Int, Int])
def printGame(game: Array[Array[cellType]]) =" ")).mkString("\n")
def printBoats(res: Result) =
res match {
case scala.util.Success(boats) => boats.toList.sortBy(_.toString).mkString("\n")
case scala.util.Failure(r) => "invalid placement"
* O(n) since it has to check each cell once for a valid placement.
* early terminate on illegal ones upon first encountering of intersected ships
def validate(game: Array[Array[cellType]]): Result = Try {
val size = game.size
val deckPositions = for {
x <- (size - 1 to 0 by -1).toStream
y <- (size - 1 to 0 by -1).toStream if (game(y)(x) == D)
} yield Point(x, y)
def registerBoat(boat: Boat, boatMap: Map[Point, Boat]): Map[Point, Boat] =
boat match {
case LeftRight(x1, x2, yn) => (boatMap /: (x1 to x2)) {
case (m, xn) => m + (Point(xn, yn) -> boat)
case TopDown(y1, y2, xn) => (boatMap /: (y1 to y2)) {
case (m, yn) => m + (Point(xn, yn) -> boat)
case Singular(xn, yn) => boatMap + (Point(xn, yn) -> boat)
val foundBoats = (Map.empty[Point, Boat] /: deckPositions) {
case (boatMap, Point(x, y)) =>
val pointRight = Point(x + 1, y)
val pointBelow = Point(x, y + 1)
if (boatMap.contains(pointRight) && boatMap.contains(pointBelow)) {
/* to catch this case D D, the right and down lead to 2 possible formation
D */
throw new Exception("invalid placement")
} else {
// see if there is a boat going right-ward
val lrCheck = boatMap.get(pointRight).map {
case LeftRight(_, x2, _) => LeftRight(x, x2, y)
case Singular(x1, _) => LeftRight(x, x1, y)
case _: TopDown => throw new Exception("invalid placement")
}.map(b => registerBoat(b, boatMap))
// see if there is a boat going down-ward
val tdCheck = boatMap.get(pointBelow).map {
case _: LeftRight => throw new Exception("invalid placement")
case Singular(_, y1) => TopDown(y, y1, x)
case TopDown(_, y2, _) => TopDown(y, y2, x)
}.map(b => registerBoat(b, boatMap))
// at last, there is a case this deck is a singular for now
lrCheck orElse tdCheck getOrElse (boatMap + Singular(x, y).tuple)
def checkSpec(spec: GameSpec, boats: Set[Boat]): Boolean = {
val res = boats.groupBy(_.size)
.map { case (sze, lst) => (sze, lst.size)}
res == spec.qtys
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
class TestSpecs extends Specification {
import Battle._
val gameData = Array(
Array(D, D, W, W, D)
, Array(W, W, D, W, D)
, Array(D, W, W, W, D)
, Array(W, W, W, W, W)
, Array(D, D, D, D, W)
val gameData2 = Array(
Array(W, D, W, W, W)
, Array(D, D, D, W, D)
, Array(W, W, W, W, D)
, Array(D, W, W, W, W)
, Array(D, D, D, D, W)
// 4-decker, one 3-decker, one 2-decker, and two 1-decker
val exampleSpec = GameSpec(Map(4 -> 1, 3 -> 1, 2 -> 1, 1 -> 2))
"validator" should {
"valid" in {
val game = gameData
val gamePrint = printGame(game)
val boats = validate(game)
val resultPrint = printBoats(boats)
println(s"\nGame: \n$gamePrint \nResult: \n$resultPrint\n")
"invalid" in {
val game = gameData2
val gamePrint = printGame(game)
val boats = validate(game)
val resultPrint = printBoats(boats)
println(s"\nGame: \n$gamePrint \nResult: \n$resultPrint\n")
"invalid 1" in {
val game = Array(
Array(D, D)
, Array(D, W)
val gamePrint = printGame(game)
val boats = validate(game)
val resultPrint = printBoats(boats)
println(s"\nGame: \n$gamePrint \nResult: \n$resultPrint\n")
"invalid 2" in {
val game = Array(
Array(D, W)
, Array(D, D)
val gamePrint = printGame(game)
val boats = validate(game)
val resultPrint = printBoats(boats)
println(s"\nGame: \n$gamePrint \nResult: \n$resultPrint\n")
"invalid 3" in {
val game = Array(
Array(D, D)
, Array(W, D)
val gamePrint = printGame(game)
val boats = validate(game)
val resultPrint = printBoats(boats)
println(s"\nGame: \n$gamePrint \nResult: \n$resultPrint\n")
"invalid 4" in {
val game = Array(
Array(W, D)
, Array(D, D)
val gamePrint = printGame(game)
val boats = validate(game)
val resultPrint = printBoats(boats)
println(s"\nGame: \n$gamePrint \nResult: \n$resultPrint\n")
"check spec" in {
val game = gameData
val gamePrint = printGame(game)
val boats = validate(game)
val resultPrint = printBoats(boats)
println(s"\nGame: \n$gamePrint \nResult: \n$resultPrint\n") => checkSpec(exampleSpec, lst)).getOrElse(false)
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