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Created January 27, 2023 01:00
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Adaptative moving average using a Hidden Auto-Regressive process
# Copyright 2023 Pedro Bittencourt Arruda
# This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
# # TL; DR:
# Use the function `smooth` to put in a list of numbers and get the smoothed list of
# numbers as the returned value. If you care about confidence intervals `smooth_full`
# will als give you the standard deviations.
# Still no sure how this works? Run this script with Python to get a picture of what is
# going on.
# # What is this all about?
# This is an EM implementation for an adaptative smoother based on the following model:
# y[n] = x[n] + v[n]
# x[n+1] = x[n] + u[n]
# Basically, the simplest Kalman Filter-type linear system you could hope for. What
# follows is the dump of a demonstration of the algorithm (untranslated!), but the gist
# is:
# - Use the Forward-Backward algorithm to calculate the latent (hidden) states x[i|n] and
# their variances.
# - Having the hidden state calculated it's relatively straightforward to use the EM
# algorithm to create an iterative calibration procedure for the parameters.
# ========== BEGIN MATHS INFODUMP ==========
# y[n] = x[n] + v[n]
# x[n+1] = x[n] + u[n]
# x[n+1|n] = x[n|n]
# v[n+1|n] = v[n|n] + vu
# x[n|n] = x[n|n-1] + v[n|n-1] / (v[n|n-1] + vv) * (yn - x[n|n-1])
# v[n|n] = v[n+1|n] - v[n|n-1] / (v[n|n-1] + vv) * v[n|n-1]
# = v[n|n-1] * vv / (v[n|n-1] + vv)
# = v[n|n-1] || vv
# x[n|n] = x[n-1|n-1] + v[n|n-1] / (v[n|n-1] + vv) * (yn - x[n-1|n-1])
# v[n|n] = (v[n-1|n-1] + vu) || vv
# Se eu quiser amostrar:
# Amostrei x[n].
# E[x[n-1]] = x[n-1|n-1] + v[n-1|n-1] / (v[n-1|n-1] + vu) * (x[n] - x[n-1|n-1])
# var[x[n-1]] = v[n-1|n-1] || vu
# Mas se eu tenho variância v[n|N] e média x[n|N]...
# x[n-1|N] = x[n-1|n-1] + v[n-1|n-1] / (v[n-1|n-1] + vu) * (x[n|N] - x[n-1|n-1])
# v[n-1|N] = v[n-1|n-1] || vu + [v[n-1|n-1] / (v[n-1|n-1] + vu)] ^ 2 v[n|N]
# = v[n-1|n-1] || vu + (v[n-1|n-1] || vu) ^ 2 * v[n|N] / vu ^ 2
# Agora, para a diferença X[n|N] - X[n-1|N], nós procedemos da mesma maneira.
# E[diff] = vu / (v[n-1|n-1] + vu) * (x[n] - x[n-1|n-1])
# var[diff] = v[n-1|n-1] || vu
# Mas se eu tenho variâncias v[n|N] e médias x[n|N]...
# diff[n-1|N] = vu / (v[n-1|n-1] + vu) * (x[n|N] - x[n-1|n-1])
# var_diff[n-1|N] = v[n-1|n-1] || vu + [vu / (v[n-1|n-1] + vu)] ^ 2 v[n|N]
# = v[n-1|n-1] || vu + (v[n-1|n-1] || vu) ^ 2 * v[n|N] / v[n-1|n-1] ^ 2
# E, com isso, conseguimos descobrir E[diff^2[n-1|N]], que é nossa quantidade de interesse
# no EM.
# ========== END MATHS INFODUMP ==========
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Generator, Tuple, Iterable
def par(a, b):
return a * b / (a + b)
def avg(a, b, wa, wb):
return (wa * a + wb * b) / (wa + wb)
BIG_VAR = float(1e12)
class HiddenFluctuation(object):
Models the one-state, one-output Kalman filter.
var_state: float
"""Variance of the state. How much the "trend" fluctuates from sample to sample."""
var_out: float
Variance of the output. How much the output deviates from the trend in each sample.
def _smooth_forward(
self, it: Iterable[float]
) -> Generator[Tuple[float, float], None, None]:
"""Calculates the forward step of the Forward-Backward algorithm."""
state = 0
var = BIG_VAR
for sample in it:
state = avg(state, sample, self.var_out, var + self.var_state)
var = par(var + self.var_state, self.var_out)
yield state, var
def _smooth_backward(
self, forward: List[Tuple[float, float]]
) -> Generator[Tuple[float, float], None, None]:
"""Calculates the backward step of the Forward-Backward algorithm."""
state, var = forward[-1]
yield state, var
for causal_state, causal_var in forward[-2::-1]:
state = avg(causal_state, state, self.var_state, causal_var)
var_simple = par(causal_var, self.var_state)
var = var_simple + var_simple**2 * var / self.var_state**2
yield state, var
def smooth(self, samples: Iterable[float]) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]:
forward = list(self._smooth_forward(samples))
backward = list(self._smooth_backward(forward))[::-1]
return backward
def _state_noises(
self, forward: List[Tuple[float, float]]
) -> Generator[Tuple[float, float], None, None]:
state, var = forward[-1]
for causal_state, causal_var in forward[1::-1]:
state = avg(causal_state, state, self.var_state, causal_var)
var_simple = par(causal_var, self.var_state)
var = var_simple + var_simple**2 * var / self.var_state**2
diff = (
self.var_state / (causal_var + self.var_state) * (state - causal_state)
var_diff = var_simple + var_simple**2 * var / causal_var**2
yield diff, var_diff
def em_step(self, samples: List[float]):
Uses a list of samples to create another `HiddenFluctuation` object which is
strictly better at explaining the samples than the current one. Run this function
a bunch of times and you get "somewhere pretty good" (not necessarily the best).
forward = list(self._smooth_forward(samples))
state_noises = list(self._state_noises(forward))[::-1]
new_var_state = sum(
diff**2 + var_diff for diff, var_diff in state_noises
) / len(state_noises)
new_var_output = sum(
(t[0] - sample) ** 2 + t[1] for t, sample in zip(forward, samples)
) / len(forward)
return HiddenFluctuation(new_var_state, new_var_output)
def learn(cls, samples: List[float]):
"""Learns a `HiddenFluctuation` from a sample"""
learned = HiddenFluctuation(1.0, 1.0) # ... because!
for _i in range(100):
learned = learned.em_step(samples)
return learned
def smooth(samples: List[float]) -> List[float]:
"""Smooths a list of samples"""
model = HiddenFluctuation.learn(samples)
smoothed = model.smooth(samples)
return [mean for mean, stddev in smoothed]
def smooth_full(samples: List[float]) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]:
"""Smooths a list of samples. Returns expected values and standard deviations."""
model = HiddenFluctuation.learn(samples)
smoothed = model.smooth(samples)
return smoothed
# Now, let's test it!
if __name__ == "__main__":
from random import gauss
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def gen_hidden_fluctuation(var_state, var_output, n):
state = 0
for _ in range(n):
output = gauss(state, var_output)
yield output
state = gauss(state, var_state)
sample = list(gen_hidden_fluctuation(1.0, 3.0, 365))
learned = HiddenFluctuation.learn(sample)
smoothed = [mean for mean, _ in learned.smooth(sample)]
plt.plot(sample, ".", smoothed, "r")
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This is a script I created a good while ago with the objective of tracking my weight. Don't ask me about the details; by now, I just know how the big picture works! If you are interested, there is a maths infodump in the file; if not, just from ama import smooth and never worry again in your life about calibrating moving averages.

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