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Last active February 23, 2022 13:44
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Maya: Convert AiStandardSurface to USDPreview Surface.
Will convert aiStandardSurface to usdPreviewSurface.
- Select aiStandardSurface nodes and execute code.
import pymel.core as pc
def list_connections(node, skip_nodes, **kwargs):
connections = node.listConnections(**kwargs)
results = []
for dst, src in connections:
if src.node().type() in skip_nodes:
src = src.node().listConnections(**kwargs)[0][1]
results.append([dst, src])
return results
selection =
attribute_mapping = {
"baseColor": "diffuseColor",
"normalCamera": "normal",
"specularRoughness": "roughness",
"specular": "specularColor",
"specularColor": "specularColor",
"transmission": "opacity",
"metalness": "metallic"
skip_nodes = ["bump2d", "displacementShader"]
flagged_connections = []
for node in selection:
# Create USD shader.
usd_name = "USD_" +
usd_mat = pc.shadingNode("usdPreviewSurface", asShader=True, name=usd_name)
shading_engine = pc.sets(name="{}SG".format(usd_name), empty=True, renderable=True, noSurfaceShader=True)
usd_mat.outColor >> shading_engine.surfaceShader
# Basic connections.
connections = list_connections(
node, skip_nodes, destination=False, connections=True, source=True, plugs=True
connected_attributes = []
for dest, source in connections:
usd_attr_name = attribute_mapping[dest.attrName(longName=True)]
usd_attr = pc.PyNode(
"{}.{}".format(, usd_attr_name)
if source.type() != "file":
flagged_connections.append([source, usd_attr])
print("Connecting \"{}\" to \"{}\"".format(source, usd_attr))
source_type = pc.getAttr(source, type=True)
dest_type = pc.getAttr(usd_attr, type=True)
if dest_type == "float3" and source_type == "float":
for child_attr in usd_attr.children():
source >> child_attr
source >> usd_attr
# Attribute transfer
if node.metalness.get() == 0:
for k, v in attribute_mapping.items():
if v in connected_attributes:
source_name = "{}.{}".format(, k)
source_attr = pc.PyNode(source_name)
dest_name = "{}.{}".format(, attribute_mapping[k])
dest_attr = pc.PyNode(dest_name)
print("Setting \"{}\" > \"{}\"".format(source_attr, dest_attr))
source_type = pc.getAttr(source_attr, type=True)
dest_type = pc.getAttr(dest_attr, type=True)
if source_type == dest_type:
value = source_attr.get()
# Clamp source value to dest range.
min_value = dest_attr.getMin() or value
max_value = dest_attr.getMax() or value
value = max(min(value, max_value), min_value)
# Transmission > Opacity is inverted.
if k == "transmission":
value = 1.0 - value
elif dest_type == "float3" and source_type == "float":
(source_attr.get(), source_attr.get(), source_attr.get())
raise NotImplementedError(
"Cannot set \"{}\" ({}) from \"{}\" ({})".format(
dest_attr, dest_type, source_attr, source_type
# Displacement
shading_engine = node.listConnections(type="shadingEngine")[0]
connections = shading_engine.displacementShader.listConnections(
destination=False, connections=True, source=True, plugs=True
if connections:
source = connections[0][1]
if connections[0][1].node().type() == "displacementShader":
source = connections[0][1].node().listConnections(
type="file", destination=False, connections=True, source=True, plugs=True
source >> usd_mat.displacement
# Assign material
for assignment in pc.sets(shading_engine, q=True):
if flagged_connections:
for src, dst in flagged_connections:
print("Non-file connection between {} and {}".format(src, dst))
title="Conversion Error",
message="Non-file nodes found. See script editor.",
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