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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Attempted minimal example of unification failure problem
datatype result a = Success of a*string | Failure
type t a = string -> result a
fun mreturn [a] (x:a) : t a = fn s => Success (x, s)
fun mbind [a] [b] (p: t a) (f: a -> t b) : t b =
fn s => case p s of
Failure => Failure
| Success (x, s') => f x s'
val monad_parse : monad t = mkMonad {Bind=@@mbind, Return=@@mreturn}
fun string t : t string =
fn s =>
let val l = strlen t in
if strlen s = l && substring s 0 l = t then
Success (t, strsuffix s (strlen t))
fun string' s : t unit =
fn u =>
case string s u of
Failure => Failure
| Success (_,s') => Success ((),s')
fun string' s =
mbind (string s) (fn _ => mreturn ())
fun string' s =
@@bind [t] [string] [unit] monad_parse (string s) (fn _ => @@return [t] [unit] monad_parse ())
(* Uncommenting the following fails with this error:
/home/julian/src/experiments/parse-example/parse.ur:34:9: (to 34:17) Unification failure
Expression: string s
Have con: string -> result string
Need con: <UNIF:U83::Type -> Type> <UNIF:U84::Type>
Incompatible constructors
Have: string -> result string
Need: <UNIF:U83::Type -> Type> <UNIF:U84::Type>
/home/julian/src/experiments/parse-example/parse.ur:33:12: (to 33:13) Unification failure
fn s : string =>
Basis.bind [<UNIF:U83::Type -> Type>] [<UNIF:U84::Type>] [{}] _
(string s)
(fn $x : <UNIF:U84::Type> =>
case $x of _ => return [<UNIF:U83::Type -> Type>] [{}] _ {})
Have con: string -> <UNIF:U83::Type -> Type> {}
Need con: string -> string -> result {}
Incompatible constructors
Have: <UNIF:U83::Type -> Type> {}
Need: string -> result {}
* fun string' s : (t unit) =
* _ <- string s; return ()
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