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Created July 1, 2023 01:47
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read/write to the github repository
import { LRUCache } from 'lru-cache'
import { graphql, GraphqlResponseError } from '@octokit/graphql'
interface FileChanges {
additions?: AdditionChange[]
deletions?: DeletionChange[]
interface AdditionChange {
path: string
contents: string
interface DeletionChange {
path: string
const fileCache = new LRUCache<string, string>({ max: 20 })
* push some file changes to github repository
export async function pushFileChanges(changes: FileChanges, message?: string): Promise<void> {
const { additions, deletions } = changes
try {
await createCommitOnMainBranch(changes, message)
} catch (error) {
if ((error instanceof GraphqlResponseError) && error.errors) {
const topError =
if (topError && topError.type === 'NOT_FOUND') {
throw error
// update cache
additions && additions.forEach(item => fileCache.set(item.path, item.contents))
deletions && deletions.forEach(item => fileCache.delete(item.path))
* get file content from github repository
export async function fetchFileContent(path: string): Promise<string> {
if (fileCache.has(path)) {
return fileCache.get(path) as string
const res = await gq(`
query FileContent($owner: String!, $name: String!, $expression: String!) {
repository(owner: $owner, name: $name) {
object(expression: $expression) {
... on Blob {
`, {
expression: `HEAD:${path}`
const content = res.repository?.object?.text || ''
// update cache
fileCache.set(path, content)
return content
async function gq<T = any>(doc: string, variables?: any): Promise<T> {
return graphql(
owner: process.env.REPO_OWNER,
name: process.env.REPO_NAME,
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN}`
async function getLastCommitOid() {
const res = await gq(`
query LastCommit($owner: String!, $name: String!) {
repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
defaultBranchRef {
target {
... on Commit {
history(first: 1) {
nodes {
async function createCommitOnMainBranch(changes: FileChanges, message?: string) {
const additions = changes.additions || []
const deletions = changes.deletions || []
const count = additions.length + deletions.length
if (!count) return
const oid = await getLastCommitOid()
return await gq(`
mutation FileChanges($input: CreateCommitOnBranchInput!) {
createCommitOnBranch(input: $input) {
commit {
input: {
branch: {
repositoryNameWithOwner: `${process.env.REPO_OWNER}/${process.env.REPO_NAME}`,
branchName: 'main'
message: {
headline: message || `${count} files pushed`
fileChanges: {
additions: additions?.map<AdditionChange>(item => ({ path: item.path, contents: Buffer.from(item.contents).toString('base64') })),
deletions: deletions
expectedHeadOid: oid
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