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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
-- Try
data Try a b = Success a | Failed b deriving Show
instance Monad (Try a) where
return x = Failed x
m >>= k = case m of
Success x -> Success x
Failed x -> k x
-- TryT
newtype TryT a m b = TryT { runTryT :: m (Try a b) }
instance MonadTrans (TryT a) where
lift = TryT . liftM Failed
instance Monad m => Monad (TryT a m) where
return = lift . return
x >>= f = TryT $ do
v <- runTryT x
case v of
Success y -> return $ Success y
Failed y -> runTryT (f y)
success :: Monad m => a -> TryT a m b
success x = TryT (return $ Success x)
failure :: Monad m => b -> TryT a m b
failure x = TryT (return $ Failed x)
-- TryIO
type TryIO a b = TryT a IO b
runTryIO :: TryIO a b -> IO (Try a b)
runTryIO = runTryT
-- Test
process :: Bool -> String -> TryIO () ()
process True s = do
lift . putStrLn $ "Process " ++ s ++ " success!"
success ()
process False s = do
lift . putStrLn $ "Process " ++ s ++ " failed!"
failure ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
v <- runTryIO $ do
process False "A"
process False "B"
process False "C"
case v of
Success x -> putStrLn "Process D to be run!"
Failed x -> putStrLn "All process failed!"
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