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PHP less than 5.4 code.
* IP Geo Block - Utilities
* @package IP_Geo_Block
* @author tokkonopapa <>
* @license GPL-3.0
* @link
* @copyright 2013-2018 tokkonopapa
class IP_Geo_Block_Util {
* Return local time of day.
public static function localdate( $timestamp = FALSE, $fmt = NULL ) {
static $offset = NULL;
static $format = NULL;
if ( NULL === $offset )
$offset = wp_timezone_override_offset() * HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
if ( NULL === $format )
$format = get_option( 'date_format' ) . ' ' . get_option( 'time_format' );
return date_i18n( $fmt ? $fmt : $format, $timestamp ? (int)$timestamp + $offset : FALSE );
* Download zip/gz file, uncompress and save it to specified file
public static function download_zip( $url, $args, $filename, $modified ) {
require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . 'classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php';
return IP_Geo_Block_Cron::download_zip( $url, $args, $filename, $modified );
* Simple comparison of urls
public static function compare_url( $a, $b ) {
if ( ! ( $a = @parse_url( $a ) ) ) return FALSE;
if ( ! ( $b = @parse_url( $b ) ) ) return FALSE;
// leave scheme to site configuration because is_ssl() doesn’t work behind some load balancers.
unset( $a['scheme'] );
unset( $b['scheme'] );
// $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] can't be available in case of malicious url.
$key = isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : '';
if ( empty( $a['host'] ) ) $a['host'] = $key;
if ( empty( $b['host'] ) ) $b['host'] = $key;
$key = array_diff( $a, $b );
return empty( $key ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
* Explod with multiple delimiter.
public static function multiexplode ( $delimiters, $string ) {
return is_array( $string ) ? $string : array_filter( explode( $delimiters[0], str_replace( $delimiters, $delimiters[0], $string ) ) );
* HTML/XHTML filter that only allows some elements and attributes
* @see wp-includes/kses.php
public static function kses( $str, $allow_tags = TRUE ) {
// wp_kses() is unavailable on advanced-cache.php
return wp_kses( $str, $allow_tags ? $GLOBALS['allowedtags'] : array() );
* Retrieve nonce from queries or referrer
public static function retrieve_nonce( $key ) {
if ( isset( $_REQUEST[ $key ] ) )
return preg_replace( '/[^\w]/', '', $_REQUEST[ $key ] );
if ( preg_match( "/$key(?:=|%3D)([\w]+)/", self::get_referer(), $matches ) )
return preg_replace( '/[^\w]/', '', $matches[1] );
return NULL;
public static function trace_nonce( $nonce ) {
if ( self::is_user_logged_in() && empty( $_REQUEST[ $nonce ] ) &&
self::retrieve_nonce( $nonce ) && 'GET' === $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) {
// add nonce at add_admin_nonce() to handle the client side redirection.
self::redirect( esc_url_raw( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), 302 );
* Retrieve or remove nonce and rebuild query strings.
public static function rebuild_nonce( $location, $retrieve = TRUE ) {
// check if the location is internal
$url = parse_url( $location );
$key = IP_Geo_Block::PLUGIN_NAME . '-auth-nonce';
if ( empty( $url['host'] ) || $url['host'] === parse_url( home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ) ) {
if ( $retrieve ) {
// it doesn't care a nonce is valid or not, but must be sanitized
if ( $nonce = self::retrieve_nonce( $key ) ) {
return esc_url_raw( add_query_arg(
$key => FALSE, // delete onece
$key => $nonce // add again
) );
else {
// remove a nonce from existing query
$location = esc_url_raw( add_query_arg( $key, FALSE, $location ) );
wp_parse_str( isset( $url['query'] ) ? $url['query'] : '', $query );
$args = array();
foreach ( $query as $arg => $val ) { // $val is url decoded
if ( FALSE !== strpos( $val, $key ) ) {
$val = urlencode( add_query_arg( $key, FALSE, $val ) );
$args[] = "$arg=$val";
$url['query'] = implode( '&', $args );
return self::unparse_url( $url );
return $location;
* Convert back to string from a parsed url.
* @source
private static function unparse_url( $url ) {
$scheme = isset( $url['scheme' ] ) ? $url['scheme' ] . '://' : '';
$host = isset( $url['host' ] ) ? $url['host' ] : '';
$port = isset( $url['port' ] ) ? ':' . $url['port' ] : '';
$user = isset( $url['user' ] ) ? $url['user' ] : '';
$pass = isset( $url['pass' ] ) ? ':' . $url['pass' ] : '';
$pass = ( $user || $pass ) ? "$pass@" : '';
$path = isset( $url['path' ] ) ? $url['path' ] : '';
$query = isset( $url['query' ] ) ? '?' . $url['query' ] : '';
$fragment = isset( $url['fragment'] ) ? '#' . $url['fragment'] : '';
return "$scheme$user$pass$host$port$path$query$fragment";
* WP alternative function of wp_create_nonce() for mu-plugins
* Creates a cryptographic tied to the action, user, session, and time.
* @source wp-includes/pluggable.php
public static function create_nonce( $action = -1 ) {
$uid = self::get_current_user_id();
$tok = self::get_session_token();
$exp = self::nonce_tick();
return substr( self::hash_nonce( $exp . '|' . $action . '|' . $uid . '|' . $tok ), -12, 10 );
* WP alternative function of wp_verify_nonce() for mu-plugins
* Verify that correct nonce was used with time limit.
* @source wp-includes/pluggable.php
public static function verify_nonce( $nonce, $action = -1 ) {
$uid = self::get_current_user_id();
$tok = self::get_session_token();
$exp = self::nonce_tick();
// Nonce generated 0-12 hours ago
$expected = substr( self::hash_nonce( $exp . '|' . $action . '|' . $uid . '|' . $tok ), -12, 10 );
if ( self::hash_equals( $expected, (string)$nonce ) ) {
return 1;
// Nonce generated 12-24 hours ago
$expected = substr( self::hash_nonce( ( $exp - 1 ) . '|' . $action . '|' . $uid . '|' . $tok ), -12, 10 );
if ( self::hash_equals( $expected, (string)$nonce ) ) {
return 2;
// Invalid nonce
return FALSE;
* WP alternative function of wp_hash() for mu-plugins
* Get hash of given string for nonce.
* @source wp-includes/pluggable.php
private static function hash_nonce( $data, $scheme = 'nonce' ) {
$salt = array(
'auth' => AUTH_KEY . AUTH_SALT,
'logged_in' => LOGGED_IN_KEY . LOGGED_IN_SALT,
'nonce' => NONCE_KEY . NONCE_SALT,
return self::hash_hmac( 'md5', $data, apply_filters( 'salt', $salt[ $scheme ], $scheme ) );
* WP alternative function for mu-plugins
* Retrieve the current session token from the logged_in cookie.
* @source wp-includes/user.php
private static function get_session_token() {
// Arrogating logged_in cookie never cause the privilege escalation.
$cookie = self::parse_auth_cookie( 'logged_in' );
return ! empty( $cookie['token'] ) ? $cookie['token'] : NONCE_KEY . NONCE_SALT;
* WP alternative function for mu-plugins
* Parse a cookie into its components. It assumes the key including $scheme.
* @source wp-includes/pluggable.php
private static function parse_auth_cookie( $scheme = 'logged_in' ) {
static $cache_cookie = NULL;
if ( NULL === $cache_cookie ) {
$cache_cookie = FALSE;
// @since 3.0.0 wp_cookie_constants() in wp-includes/default-constants.php
if ( ! defined( 'COOKIEHASH' ) )
switch ( $scheme ) {
case 'auth':
$cookie_name = AUTH_COOKIE;
case 'secure_auth':
$cookie_name = SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE;
case "logged_in":
$cookie_name = LOGGED_IN_COOKIE;
if ( is_ssl() ) {
$cookie_name = SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE;
$scheme = 'secure_auth';
} else {
$cookie_name = AUTH_COOKIE;
$scheme = 'auth';
if ( empty( $_COOKIE[ $cookie_name ] ) )
return FALSE;
$cookie = $_COOKIE[ $cookie_name ];
if ( count( $cookie_elements = explode( '|', $cookie ) ) !== 4 )
return FALSE;
list( $username, $expiration, $token, $hmac ) = $cookie_elements;
$cache_cookie = compact( 'username', 'expiration', 'token', 'hmac', 'scheme' );
return $cache_cookie;
* WP alternative function for mu-plugins
* Retrieve user info by a given field
* @source wp-includes/pluggable.php @since 2.8.0
private static function get_user_by( $field, $value ) {
if ( function_exists( 'get_user_by' ) )
return get_user_by( $field, $value );
$userdata = WP_User::get_data_by( $field, $value ); // wp-includes/class-wp-user.php @since 2.0.0
if ( ! $userdata )
return FALSE;
$user = new WP_User;
$user->init( $userdata );
return $user;
* WP alternative function for mu-plugins
* Filters whether the current request is a WordPress Ajax request.
* @source wp-includes/load.php @since 4.7.0
public static function doing_ajax() {
return apply_filters( 'wp_doing_ajax', defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX );
* WP alternative function for mu-plugins
* Validates authentication cookie.
* @source wp-includes/pluggable.php
public static function validate_auth_cookie( $scheme = 'logged_in' ) {
static $cache_uid = NULL;
if ( NULL === $cache_uid ) {
$cache_uid = FALSE;
if ( ! ( $cookie = self::parse_auth_cookie( $scheme ) ) )
return FALSE;
$scheme = $cookie['scheme'];
$username = $cookie['username'];
$hmac = $cookie['hmac'];
$token = $cookie['token'];
$expired = $expiration = $cookie['expiration'];
// Allow a grace period for POST and Ajax requests
if ( self::doing_ajax() || 'POST' === $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] )
$expired += HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
// Quick check to see if an honest cookie has expired
if ( $expired < time() )
return FALSE;
if ( ! ( $user = self::get_user_by( 'login', $username ) ) ) // wp-includes/pluggable.php @since 2.8.0
return FALSE;
$pass_frag = substr( $user->user_pass, 8, 4 );
$key = self::hash_nonce( $username . '|' . $pass_frag . '|' . $expiration . '|' . $token, $scheme );
// If ext/hash is not present, compat.php's hash_hmac() does not support sha256.
$algo = function_exists( 'hash' ) ? 'sha256' : 'sha1';
$hash = self::hash_hmac( $algo, $username . '|' . $expiration . '|' . $token, $key );
if ( ! self::hash_equals( $hash, $hmac ) )
return FALSE;
$manager = WP_Session_Tokens::get_instance( $user->ID ); // wp-includes/class-wp-session-tokens.php @since 4.0.0
if ( ! $manager->verify( $token ) )
return FALSE;
$cache_uid = $user->ID;
return $cache_uid;
* WP alternative function for mu-plugins
* Get the time-dependent variable for nonce creation.
* @source wp_nonce_tick() in wp-includes/pluggable.php
private static function nonce_tick() {
return ceil( time() / ( apply_filters( 'nonce_life', DAY_IN_SECONDS ) / 2 ) );
* WP alternative function of hash_equals() for mu-plugins
* Timing attack safe string comparison.
* @source
* @see
* @see wp-includes/compat.php
private static function hash_equals( $a, $b ) {
// PHP 5 >= 5.6.0 or wp-includes/compat.php
if ( function_exists( 'hash_equals' ) )
return hash_equals( $a, $b );
if( ( $i = strlen( $a ) ) !== strlen( $b ) )
return FALSE;
$exp = $a ^ $b; // length of both $a and $b are same
$ret = 0;
while ( --$i >= 0 ) {
$ret |= ord( $exp[ $i ] );
return ! $ret;
* WP alternative function of hash_hmac() for mu-plugins
* Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method.
* @source
private static function hash_hmac( $algo, $data, $key, $raw_output = FALSE ) {
// PHP 5 >= 5.1.2, PECL hash >= 1.1 or wp-includes/compat.php
if ( function_exists( 'hash_hmac' ) )
return hash_hmac( $algo, $data, $key, $raw_output );
$packs = array( 'md5' => 'H32', 'sha1' => 'H40' );
if ( ! isset( $packs[ $algo ] ) )
return FALSE;
$pack = $packs[ $algo ];
if ( strlen( $key ) > 64 )
$key = pack( $pack, $algo( $key ) );
$key = str_pad( $key, 64, chr(0) );
$ipad = ( substr( $key, 0, 64 ) ^ str_repeat( chr(0x36), 64 ) );
$opad = ( substr( $key, 0, 64 ) ^ str_repeat( chr(0x5C), 64 ) );
$hmac = $algo( $opad . pack( $pack, $algo( $ipad . $data ) ) );
return $raw_output ? pack( $pack, $hmac ) : $hmac;
* WP alternative function of wp_sanitize_redirect() for mu-plugins
* Sanitizes a URL for use in a redirect.
* @source wp-includes/pluggable.php
private static function sanitize_utf8_in_redirect( $matches ) {
return urlencode( $matches[0] );
private static function sanitize_redirect( $location ) {
$regex = '/
(?: [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] # double-byte sequences 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
| \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] # triple-byte sequences 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx * 2
| [\xE1-\xEC][\x80-\xBF]{2}
| \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]
| [\xEE-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}
| \xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # four-byte sequences 11110xxx 10xxxxxx * 3
| [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}
| \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}
){1,40} # or more times
$location = preg_replace_callback( $regex, array( __CLASS__, 'sanitize_utf8_in_redirect' ), $location );
$location = preg_replace( '|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=&;,/:%!*\[\]()@]|i', '', $location );
$location = self::kses_no_null( $location ); // wp-includes/kses.php
// remove %0d and %0a from location
$strip = array( '%0d', '%0a', '%0D', '%0A' );
return self::deep_replace( $strip, $location ); // wp-includes/formatting.php
* WP alternative function of wp_redirect() for mu-plugins
* Redirects to another page.
* @source wp-includes/pluggable.php
public static function redirect( $location, $status = 302 ) {
// retrieve nonce from referer and add it to the location
$location = self::rebuild_nonce( $location, TRUE );
$location = self::sanitize_redirect( $location );
if ( $location ) {
if ( ! self::is_IIS() && PHP_SAPI != 'cgi-fcgi' )
status_header( $status ); // This causes problems on IIS and some FastCGI setups
header( "Location: $location", TRUE, $status );
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
* WP alternative function of wp_redirect() for mu-plugins
* Performs a safe (local) redirect, using redirect().
* @source wp-includes/pluggable.php
public static function safe_redirect( $location, $status = 302 ) {
// Need to look at the URL the way it will end up in wp_redirect()
$location = self::sanitize_redirect( $location );
// Filters the redirect fallback URL for when the provided redirect is not safe (local).
$location = self::validate_redirect( $location, apply_filters( 'wp_safe_redirect_fallback', admin_url(), $status ) );
self::redirect( $location, $status );
* WP alternative function of wp_validate_redirect() for mu-plugins
* Validates a URL for use in a redirect.
* @source wp-includes/pluggable.php
private static function validate_redirect( $location, $default = '' ) {
// browsers will assume 'http' is your protocol, and will obey a redirect to a URL starting with '//'
if ( substr( $location = trim( $location ), 0, 2 ) == '//' )
$location = 'http:' . $location;
// In php 5 parse_url may fail if the URL query part contains http://, bug #38143
$test = ( $cut = strpos( $location, '?' ) ) ? substr( $location, 0, $cut ) : $location;
// @-operator is used to prevent possible warnings in PHP < 5.3.3.
$lp = @parse_url( $test );
// Give up if malformed URL
if ( FALSE === $lp )
return $default;
// Allow only http and https schemes. No data:, etc.
if ( isset( $lp['scheme'] ) && ! ( 'http' == $lp['scheme'] || 'https' == $lp['scheme'] ) )
return $default;
// Reject if certain components are set but host is not. This catches urls like for which parse_url does not set the host field.
if ( ! isset( $lp['host'] ) && ( isset( $lp['scheme'] ) || isset( $lp['user'] ) || isset( $lp['pass'] ) || isset( $lp['port'] ) ) )
return $default;
// Reject malformed components parse_url() can return on odd inputs.
foreach ( array( 'user', 'pass', 'host' ) as $component ) {
if ( isset( $lp[ $component ] ) && strpbrk( $lp[ $component ], ':/?#@' ) )
return $default;
$wpp = parse_url( home_url() );
// Filters the whitelist of hosts to redirect to.
$allowed_hosts = (array) apply_filters( 'allowed_redirect_hosts', array( $wpp['host'] ), isset( $lp['host'] ) ? $lp['host'] : '' );
$allowed_hosts[] = '';
if ( isset( $lp['host'] ) && ( ! in_array( $lp['host'], $allowed_hosts ) && $lp['host'] != strtolower( $wpp['host'] ) ) )
$location = $default;
return $location;
* WP alternative function of wp_get_raw_referer() for mu-plugins
* Retrieves unvalidated referer from '_wp_http_referer' or HTTP referer.
* @source wp-includes/functions.php
* @uses wp_unslash() can be replaced with stripslashes() in this context because the target value is 'string'.
private static function get_raw_referer() {
if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'] ) )
return /*wp_unslash*/ stripslashes( $_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'] ); // wp-includes/formatting.php
elseif ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) )
return /*wp_unslash*/ stripslashes( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ); // wp-includes/formatting.php
return FALSE;
* WP alternative function of wp_get_referer() for mu-plugins
* Retrieve referer from '_wp_http_referer' or HTTP referer.
* @source wp-includes/functions.php
public static function get_referer() {
$ref = self::get_raw_referer(); // wp-includes/functions.php
$req = /*wp_unslash*/ stripslashes( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
if ( $ref && $ref !== $req && $ref !== home_url() . $req )
return self::validate_redirect( $ref, FALSE );
return FALSE;
* WP alternative function of is_user_logged_in() for mu-plugins
* Checks if the current visitor is a logged in user.
* @source wp-includes/pluggable.php
public static function is_user_logged_in() {
// possibly logged in but should be verified after 'init' hook is fired.
return did_action( 'init' ) ? is_user_logged_in() : (bool)( class_exists( 'WP_Session_Tokens', FALSE ) ? self::validate_auth_cookie() : self::parse_auth_cookie() );
* WP alternative function of get_current_user_id() for mu-plugins
* Get the current user's ID.
* @source wp-includes/user.php
public static function get_current_user_id() {
static $cache_uid = NULL;
if ( NULL === $cache_uid ) {
if ( ! ( $cache_uid = ( did_action( 'init' ) ? get_current_user_id() : 0 ) ) ) {
$keys = preg_grep( '/wp-settings-/', array_keys( isset( $_COOKIE ) ? $_COOKIE : array() ) );
if ( $val = array_shift( $keys ) ) {
$cache_uid = (int)substr( $val, strrpos( $val, '-' ) + 1 ); // get numerical characters
return $cache_uid;
* WP alternative function current_user_can() for mu-plugins
* Whether the current user has a specific capability.
* @source wp-includes/capabilities.php
public static function current_user_can( $capability ) {
do_action( IP_Geo_Block::PLUGIN_NAME . '-check-capability', $capability );
// possibly logged in but should be verified after 'init' hook is fired.
return did_action( 'init' ) ? current_user_can( $capability ) : (bool)( class_exists( 'WP_Session_Tokens', FALSE ) ? self::validate_auth_cookie() : self::parse_auth_cookie() );
* WP alternative function get_allowed_mime_types() for mu-plugins
* Retrieve the file type from the file name.
* @source wp-includes/functions.php @since 2.0.4
public static function get_allowed_mime_types( $user = null ) {
$type = wp_get_mime_types();
unset( $type['swf'], $type['exe'] );
if ( ! self::current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) )
unset( $type['htm|html'] );
return apply_filters( 'upload_mimes', $type, $user );
* WP alternative function wp_check_filetype_and_ext() for mu-plugins
* Attempt to determine the real file type of a file.
* @source wp-includes/functions.php @since 3.0.0
public static function check_filetype_and_ext( $fileset, $mode, $mimeset ) {
$src = @$fileset['tmp_name'];
$dst = str_replace( "\0", '', urldecode( @$fileset['name'] ) );
// We can't do any further validation without a file to work with
if ( ! @file_exists( $src ) )
return TRUE;
// check extension at the tail in blacklist
if ( 2 === (int)$mode ) {
$type = pathinfo( $dst, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
if ( $type && FALSE !== stripos( $mimeset['black_list'], $type ) ) {
return FALSE;
// check extension at the tail in whitelist
$type = wp_check_filetype( $dst, $mimeset['white_list'] );
if ( 1 === (int)$mode ) {
if ( ! $type['type'] ) {
return FALSE;
// check images using GD (it doesn't care about extension if it's a real image file)
if ( 0 === strpos( $type['type'], 'image/' ) && function_exists( 'getimagesize' ) ) {
$info = @getimagesize( $src ); // 0:width, 1:height, 2:type, 3:string
if ( ! $info || $info[0] > 9000 || $info[1] > 9000 ) { // max: EOS 5Ds
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Arrange $_FILES array
* @see
public static function arrange_files( $files ) {
if ( ! is_array( $files['name'] ) )
return array( $files );
$file_array = array();
$file_count = count( $files['name'] );
$file_keys = array_keys( $files );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $file_count; ++$i ) {
foreach ( $file_keys as $key ) {
$file_array[ $i ][ $key ] = $files[ $key ][ $i ];
return $file_array;
* WP alternative function for advanced-cache.php
* Add / Remove slash at the end of string.
* @source wp-includes/formatting.php
public static function unslashit( $string ) {
return rtrim( $string, '/\\' );
public static function slashit( $string ) {
return rtrim( $string, '/\\' ) . '/';
* WP alternative function of wp_kses_no_null() for advanced-cache.php
* Removes any NULL characters in $string.
* @source wp-includes/kses.php
private static function kses_no_null( $string ) {
$string = preg_replace( '/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/', '', $string );
$string = preg_replace( '/\\\\+0+/', '', $string );
return $string;
* WP alternative function of _deep_replace() for advanced-cache.php
* Perform a deep string replace operation to ensure the values in $search are no longer present.
* e.g. $subject = '%0%0%0DDD', $search ='%0D', $result ='' rather than the '%0%0DD' that str_replace would return
* @source wp-includes/formatting.php
private static function deep_replace( $search, $subject ) {
$subject = (string) $subject;
$count = 1;
while ( $count ) {
$subject = str_replace( $search, '', $subject, $count );
return $subject;
* Remove `HOST` and `HOST=...` from `UA and qualification`
public static function mask_qualification( $ua_list ) {
return preg_replace( array( '/HOST[^,]*?/', '/\*[:#]!?\*,?/' ), array( '*', '' ), $ua_list );
public static function is_feed( $request_uri ) {
return isset( $_GET['feed'] ) ?
( preg_match( '!(?:comments-)?(?:feed|rss|rss2|rdf|atom)$!', $_GET['feed'] ) ? TRUE : FALSE ) :
( preg_match( '!(?:comments/)?(?:feed|rss|rss2|rdf|atom)/?$!', $request_uri ) ? TRUE : FALSE );
* Whether the server software is IIS or something else
* @source wp-includes/vers.php
private static function is_IIS() {
$_is_apache = ( strpos( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache' ) !== FALSE || strpos( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'LiteSpeed' ) !== FALSE );
$_is_IIS = ! $_is_apache && ( strpos( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Microsoft-IIS' ) !== FALSE || strpos( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'ExpressionDevServer' ) !== FALSE );
return $_is_IIS ? substr( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], strpos( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Microsoft-IIS/' ) + 14 ) : FALSE;
* Check proxy variable
public static function get_proxy_var() {
if ( isset( $_SERVER[ $var ] ) ) {
return $var;
return NULL;
* Pick up all the IPs in HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, HTTP_CLIENT_IP and etc.
* @param array $ips array of candidate IP addresses
* @param string $vars comma separated keys in $_SERVER for http header ('HTTP_...')
* @return array $ips array of candidate IP addresses
public static function retrieve_ips( $ips = array(), $vars = NULL ) {
foreach ( explode( ',', $vars ) as $var ) {
if ( isset( $_SERVER[ $var ] ) ) {
foreach ( explode( ',', $_SERVER[ $var ] ) as $ip ) {
if ( ! in_array( $ip = trim( $ip ), $ips, TRUE ) && ! self::is_private_ip( $ip ) ) {
array_unshift( $ips, $ip );
return $ips;
* Get client IP address
* @param string $vars comma separated keys in $_SERVER for http header ('HTTP_...')
* @return string $ip IP address
* @link
* @link
public static function get_client_ip( $vars = NULL ) {
foreach ( explode( ',', $vars ) as $var ) {
if ( isset( $_SERVER[ $var ] ) ) {
$ips = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $_SERVER[ $var ] ) );
while ( $var = array_pop( $ips ) ) {
if ( ! self::is_private_ip( $var ) ) {
return $var;
return isset( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
* Check the client IP address behind the VPN proxy
public static function get_proxy_ip( $ip ) {
// Chrome datasaver
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'], $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'] ) && FALSE !== strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'], 'Chrome-Compression-Proxy' ) ) {
// require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . 'classes/class-ip-geo-block-lkup.php';
// if ( FALSE !== strpos( 'google', IP_Geo_Block_Lkup::gethostbyaddr( $ip ) ) )
$proxy = preg_replace( '/^for=.*?([a-f\d\.:]+).*$/', '$1', $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'] );
// Puffin browser
elseif ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_PUFFIN_UA'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) && FALSE !== strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Puffin' ) ) {
$proxy = trim( end( $proxy = explode( ',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) ) ); // or trim( $proxy[0] )
return empty( $proxy ) ? $ip : $proxy;
* Check the IP address is private or not
* @link
* @link
* @link
* reserved for Private-Use Networks [RFC1918]
* reserved for Loopback [RFC1122]
* reserved for Private-Use Networks [RFC1918]
* reserved for Private-Use Networks [RFC1918]
public static function is_private_ip( $ip ) {
* Get IP address of the host server
* @link
public static function get_server_ip() {
return isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : ( (int)self::is_IIS() >= 7 ?
( isset( $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR' ] ) ? $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR' ] : NULL ) : NULL );
* Get the list of registered actions
public static function get_registered_actions( $ajax = FALSE ) {
$installed = array();
global $wp_filter;
foreach ( $wp_filter as $key => $val ) {
if ( $ajax && FALSE !== strpos( $key, 'wp_ajax_' ) ) {
if ( 0 === strpos( $key, 'wp_ajax_nopriv_' ) ) {
$key = substr( $key, 15 ); // 'wp_ajax_nopriv_'
$val = 2; // without privilege
} else {
$key = substr( $key, 8 ); // 'wp_ajax_'
$val = 1; // with privilege
$installed[ $key ] = isset( $installed[ $key ] ) ? $installed[ $key ] | $val : $val;
} elseif ( FALSE !== strpos( $key, 'admin_post_' ) ) {
if ( 0 === strpos( $key, 'admin_post_nopriv_' ) ) {
$key = substr( $key, 18 ); // 'admin_post_nopriv_'
$val = 2; // without privilege
} else {
$key = substr( $key, 11 ); // 'admin_post_'
$val = 1; // with privilege
$installed[ $key ] = isset( $installed[ $key ] ) ? $installed[ $key ] | $val : $val;
unset( $installed['ip_geo_block'] );
return $installed;
* Get the list of multisite
* This function should be called after 'init' hook is fired.
public static function get_sites_of_user() {
$sites = array();
foreach ( get_blogs_of_user( get_current_user_id(), current_user_can( 'manage_network_options' ) ) as $site ) { // @since 3.0.0
$sites[] = preg_replace( '/^https?:/', '', $site->siteurl );
return $sites;
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