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Updated for registration issue
* IP Geo Block
* @package IP_Geo_Block
* @author tokkonopapa <>
* @license GPL-3.0
* @link
* @copyright 2013-2018 tokkonopapa
class IP_Geo_Block {
* Unique identifier for this plugin.
const VERSION = '3.0.17';
const GEOAPI_NAME = 'ip-geo-api';
const PLUGIN_NAME = 'ip-geo-block';
const OPTION_NAME = 'ip_geo_block_settings';
const OPTION_META = 'ip_geo_block_metadata';
const CACHE_NAME = 'ip_geo_block_cache';
const CRON_NAME = 'ip_geo_block_cron';
* Globals in this class
private static $instance = NULL;
private static $settings = NULL;
private static $auth_key = NULL;
private static $live_log = FALSE;
private static $wp_path = array();
private static $remote_addr = NULL;
private $pagenow = NULL;
private $request_uri = NULL;
private $target_type = NULL;
* Initialize the plugin.
private function __construct() {
// Run the loader to execute all of the hooks with WordPress.
$this->register_hooks( $loader = new IP_Geo_Block_Loader() );
$loader->run( $this );
unset( $loader );
* Setup actions after init.
private function register_hooks( $loader ) {
$settings = self::get_option();
$priority = $settings['priority' ];
$validate = $settings['validation'];
// include drop in if it exists
file_exists( $key = IP_Geo_Block_Util::unslashit( $settings['api_dir'] ) . '/drop-in.php' ) and include( $key );
// global settings after `drop-in.php`
self::$auth_key = apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-auth-key', self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-auth-nonce' );
self::$live_log = ( $validate['reclogs'] ? get_transient( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-live-log' ) : FALSE );
// normalize requested uri and page
$key = preg_replace( array( '!\.+/!', '!//+!' ), '/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
$this->request_uri = @parse_url( $key, PHP_URL_PATH ) or $this->request_uri = $key;
$this->pagenow = ! empty( $GLOBALS['pagenow'] ) ? $GLOBALS['pagenow'] : basename( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] );
// setup the content folders
self::$wp_path = array( 'home' => IP_Geo_Block_Util::unslashit( parse_url( site_url(), PHP_URL_PATH ) ) ); // @since 2.6.0
$len = strlen( self::$wp_path['home'] );
$list = array(
'admin' => 'admin_url', // @since 2.6.0 /wp-admin/
'plugins' => 'plugins_url', // @since 2.6.0 /wp-content/plugins/
'themes' => 'get_theme_root_uri', // @since 1.5.0 /wp-content/themes/
// analize the validation target (admin|plugins|themes|includes)
foreach ( $list as $key => $val ) {
self::$wp_path[ $key ] = IP_Geo_Block_Util::slashit( substr( parse_url( call_user_func( $val ), PHP_URL_PATH ), $len ) );
if ( ! $this->target_type && FALSE !== strpos( $this->request_uri, self::$wp_path[ $key ] ) )
$this->target_type = $key;
// validate request to WordPress core files
$list = array(
'wp-comments-post.php' => 'comment',
'wp-trackback.php' => 'comment',
'xmlrpc.php' => 'xmlrpc',
'wp-login.php' => 'login',
'wp-signup.php' => 'login',
// register target: (wp-admin|wp-includes|wp-content/(plugins|themes|language|uploads))
if ( $this->target_type ) {
if ( 'admin' !== $this->target_type )
$loader->add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'validate_direct' ), $priority[1] );
else // 'widget_init' for admin dashboard
$loader->add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'validate_admin' ), $priority[1] );
// register target: (comment|xmlrpc|login|public)
elseif ( isset( $list[ $this->pagenow ] ) ) {
if ( $validate[ $list[ $this->pagenow ] ] || self::$live_log )
$loader->add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'validate_' . $list[ $this->pagenow ] ), $priority[0] );
// register target: alternative of trackback
elseif ( 'POST' === $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && 'trackback' === basename( $this->request_uri ) ) {
if ( $validate['comment'] || self::$live_log )
$loader->add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'validate_comment' ), $priority[0] );
else {
// public facing pages
if ( $validate['public'] || ( ! empty( $_FILES ) && $validate['mimetype'] ) || self::$live_log /* && 'index.php' === $this->pagenow */ )
defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) or $loader->add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'validate_public' ), $priority[0] );
// message text on comment form
if ( $settings['comment']['pos'] ) {
$key = ( 1 === (int)$settings['comment']['pos'] ? '_top' : '' );
add_action( 'comment_form' . $key, array( $this, 'comment_form_message' ) );
if ( $validate['comment'] || self::$live_log ) {
add_action( 'pre_comment_on_post', array( $this, 'validate_comment' ), $priority[0] ); // wp-comments-post.php @since 2.8.0
add_action( 'pre_trackback_post', array( $this, 'validate_comment' ), $priority[0] ); // wp-trackback.php @since 4.7.0
add_filter( 'preprocess_comment', array( $this, 'validate_comment' ), $priority[0] ); // wp-includes/comment.php @since 1.5.0
// bbPress: prevent creating topic/relpy and rendering form
add_action( 'bbp_post_request_bbp-new-topic', array( $this, 'validate_comment' ), $priority[0] );
add_action( 'bbp_post_request_bbp-new-reply', array( $this, 'validate_comment' ), $priority[0] );
add_filter( 'bbp_current_user_can_access_create_topic_form', array( $this, 'validate_front' ), $priority[0] );
add_filter( 'bbp_current_user_can_access_create_reply_form', array( $this, 'validate_front' ), $priority[0] );
if ( $validate['login'] || self::$live_log ) {
// for hide/rename wp-login.php, BuddyPress: prevent registration and rendering form
add_action( 'login_init', array( $this, 'validate_login' ), $priority[0] );
// only when block on front-end is disabled
if ( ! $validate['public'] || self::$live_log ) {
add_action( 'bp_core_screen_signup', array( $this, 'validate_login' ), $priority[0] );
add_action( 'bp_signup_pre_validate', array( $this, 'validate_login' ), $priority[0] );
// the action hook which will be fired by cron job
if ( $settings['update']['auto'] )
add_action( self::CRON_NAME, array( $this, 'exec_update_db' ) );
// garbage collection for IP address cache, enque script for authentication
add_action( self::CACHE_NAME, array( $this, 'exec_cache_gc' ) );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'enqueue_nonce' ), $priority[0] ); // @since 2.8.0
// force to redirect on logout to remove nonce, embed a nonce into pages
add_filter( 'wp_redirect', array( $this, 'logout_redirect' ), 20, 2 ); // logout_redirect @4.2
add_filter( 'http_request_args', array( $this, 'request_nonce' ), $priority[1], 2 ); // @since 2.7.0
// register validation of updating metadata
$this->validate_metadata( $settings, $priority[0] );
* I/F for registering custom fileter.
public static function add_filter( $tag, $function, $priority = 10, $args = 1 ) {
add_filter( $tag, $function, $priority, $args );
* Get the instance of this class.
public static function get_instance() {
return self::$instance ? self::$instance : ( self::$instance = new self );
* Getter functions for the private values.
public static function get_auth_key() { return self::$auth_key; }
public static function get_live_log() { return self::$live_log; }
public static function get_wp_path() { return self::$wp_path; }
* Optional values handlings.
public static function get_default() {
require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . 'classes/class-ip-geo-block-opts.php';
return IP_Geo_Block_Opts::get_default();
public static function get_option( $cache = TRUE ) {
if ( $cache ) {
self::$settings or ( self::$settings = get_option( self::OPTION_NAME ) ) or ( self::$settings = self::get_default() );
return self::$settings;
} else {
return ( $settings = get_option( self::OPTION_NAME ) ) ? $settings : self::get_default();
public static function update_option( $settings, $cache = TRUE ) {
return update_option( self::OPTION_NAME, $cache ? self::$settings = $settings : $settings );
public static function get_metadata( $cache = TRUE ) {
return ( $metadata = get_option( self::OPTION_META ) ) ? $metadata : array();
public static function update_metadata( $metadata, $cache = TRUE ) {
return update_option( self::OPTION_META, $metadata );
* Remove a nonce from the redirecting URL on logout to prevent disclosing a nonce.
public function logout_redirect( $location ) {
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && 'logout' === $_REQUEST['action'] )
return IP_Geo_Block_Util::rebuild_nonce( $location, FALSE );
return $location;
* Add nonce into arguments used in an HTTP request.
public function request_nonce( $args = array(), $url = '' ) {
if ( 0 === strpos( $url, admin_url() ) && empty( $args[ self::$auth_key ] ) )
$args += array( self::$auth_key => IP_Geo_Block_Util::create_nonce( self::$auth_key ) );
return $args;
* Register and enqueue a nonce with a specific JavaScript.
public static function enqueue_nonce( $hook ) {
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$settings = self::get_option();
$validate = $settings['validation'];
$args['sites'] = IP_Geo_Block_Util::get_sites_of_user();
$args['nonce'] = IP_Geo_Block_Util::create_nonce( self::$auth_key );
$args['key' ] = $validate['admin'] & 2 || $validate['ajax'] & 2 || $validate['plugins'] & 2 || $validate['themes'] & 2 ? self::$auth_key : FALSE;
$script = plugins_url(
'admin/js/authenticate.min.js' : 'admin/js/authenticate.js', IP_GEO_BLOCK_BASE
wp_enqueue_script ( self::$auth_key, $script, array( 'jquery' ), self::VERSION );
wp_localize_script( self::$auth_key, 'IP_GEO_BLOCK_AUTH', $args + self::$wp_path );
* Setup the http header.
* @see
public static function get_request_headers( $settings ) {
return apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-headers', array(
'timeout' => (int)$settings['timeout'],
'user-agent' => ! empty( $settings['request_ua'] ) ? $settings['request_ua'] : @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
) );
* Get current IP address.
public static function get_ip_address( $settings = NULL ) {
$settings or $settings = self::get_option();
self::$remote_addr or self::$remote_addr = IP_Geo_Block_Util::get_client_ip( $settings['validation']['proxy'] );
return has_filter( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-ip-addr' ) ? apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-ip-addr', self::$remote_addr ) : self::$remote_addr;
* Render a text message on the comment form.
public function comment_form_message() {
$settings = self::get_option();
echo '<p id="', self::PLUGIN_NAME, '-msg">', IP_Geo_Block_Util::kses( $settings['comment']['msg'] ), '</p>', "\n";
* Return true if the validation result is passed.
public static function is_passed ( $result ) { return 0 === strncmp( 'pass', $result, 4 ); }
public static function is_failed ( $result ) { return 0 === strncmp( 'fail', $result, 4 ); }
public static function is_blocked( $result ) { return 0 !== strncmp( 'pass', $result, 4 ); }
public static function is_listed ( $code, $list ) { return FALSE !== strpos( $list, (string)$code ); }
* Build a validation result for the current user.
private static function make_validation( $ip, $result ) {
// later parameters take precedence over previous ones
return array_merge( array(
'ip' => $ip,
'asn' => NULL, // @since 3.0.4
'code' => 'ZZ', // should be overwritten with $result
), $result, array( 'auth' => IP_Geo_Block_Util::get_current_user_id() ) );
* Get geolocation and country code from an ip address.
* @param string $ip IP address / default: $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
* @param array $providers list of providers / ex: array( '' )
* @param string $callback geolocation function / ex: 'get_location'
* @return array $result country code and so on
public static function get_geolocation( $ip = NULL, $providers = array(), $callback = 'get_country' ) {
$settings = self::get_option();
if ( empty( $providers ) ) // make valid providers list
$providers = IP_Geo_Block_Provider::get_valid_providers( $settings );
$result = self::_get_geolocation( $ip ? $ip : self::get_ip_address( $settings ), $settings, $providers, array(), $callback );
if ( ! empty( $result['countryCode'] ) )
$result['code'] = $result['countryCode'];
return $result;
* API for internal.
private static function _get_geolocation( $ip, $settings, $providers, $args = array(), $callback = 'get_country' ) {
// check loop back / private address / empty provider
if ( IP_Geo_Block_Util::is_private_ip( $ip ) || count( $providers ) <= 1 )
return self::make_validation( $ip, array( 'time' => 0, 'provider' => 'Private', 'code' => 'XX' ) );
// set arguments for wp_remote_get()
$args += self::get_request_headers( $settings );
foreach ( $providers as $provider ) {
$time = microtime( TRUE );
if ( ( $geo = IP_Geo_Block_API::get_instance( $provider, $settings ) ) &&
( $code = $geo->$callback( $ip, $args ) ) ) {
// Get AS number @since 3.0.4
if ( ( ! empty( $settings[ $provider ]['use_asn'] ) ) &&
( ! isset( $code['asn'] ) || 0 !== strpos( $code['asn'], 'AS' ) ) &&
( $geo = IP_Geo_Block_API::get_instance( $provider, $settings ) ) ) {
$asn = $geo->get_location( $ip, array( 'ASN' => TRUE ) );
$asn = isset( $asn['ASN'] ) ? strtok( $asn['ASN'], ' ' ) : NULL;
return self::make_validation( $ip, array(
'time' => microtime( TRUE ) - $time,
'provider' => $provider,
) + ( is_array( $code ) ? $code : array( 'code' => $code, 'asn' => isset( $asn ) ? $asn : NULL ) ) );
return self::make_validation( $ip, array( 'errorMessage' => 'unknown' ) );
* Validate geolocation by country code.
public static function validate_country( $hook, $validate, $settings, $block = TRUE ) {
if ( 'XX' !== $validate['code'] ) { // 'XX' is for localhost or inside of load balancer etc
if ( $block && 0 === (int)$settings['matching_rule'] ) {
// 'ZZ' will be blocked if it's not in the $list.
if ( ( $list = $settings['white_list'] ) && FALSE === strpos( $list, $validate['code'] ) )
return $hook ? $validate + array( 'result' => 'blocked' ) : 'blocked'; // can't overwrite existing result
elseif( $block && 1 === (int)$settings['matching_rule'] ) {
// 'ZZ' will NOT be blocked if it's not in the $list.
if ( ( $list = $settings['black_list'] ) && FALSE !== strpos( $list, $validate['code'] ) )
return $hook ? $validate + array( 'result' => 'blocked' ) : 'blocked'; // can't overwrite existing result
return $hook ? $validate + array( 'result' => 'passed' ) : 'passed'; // can't overwrite existing result
* Send response header with http status code and reason.
public function send_response( $hook, $validate, $settings ) {
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/functions.php'; // for get_status_header_desc() @since 2.3.0
$code = (int )apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-'.$hook.'-status', $settings['response_code'] );
$mesg = (string)apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-'.$hook.'-reason', $settings['response_msg' ] ? $settings['response_msg'] : get_status_header_desc( $code ) );
// custom action (for fail2ban) @since 1.2.0
do_action( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-send-response', $hook, $code, $validate );
// prevent caching (WP Super Cache, W3TC, Wordfence, Comet Cache)
defined( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE' ) or define( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE', TRUE );
nocache_headers(); // wp-includes/functions.php @since 2.0.0
'public' === $hook and header( 'X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow', FALSE );
if ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) && 'POST' !== $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) {
status_header( 405 );
header( 'Content-Type: text/plain' );
die( 'XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.' );
switch ( (int)substr( (string)$code, 0, 1 ) ) {
case 2: // 2xx Success (HTTP header injection should be avoided)
header( 'Refresh: 0; url=' . esc_url_raw( $settings['redirect_uri'] ? $settings['redirect_uri'] : home_url( '/' ) ), TRUE, $code ); // @since 2.8
case 3: // 3xx Redirection (HTTP header injection should be avoided)
IP_Geo_Block_Util::safe_redirect( esc_url_raw( $settings['redirect_uri'] ? $settings['redirect_uri'] : home_url( '/' ) ), $code ); // @since 2.8
} else {
$code = 403; // avoid redirection loop
} // continue to default
default: // 4xx Client Error, 5xx Server Error
status_header( $code ); // @since 2.0.0
if ( function_exists( 'trackback_response' ) )
trackback_response( $code, IP_Geo_Block_Util::kses( $mesg ) ); // @since 0.71
elseif ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && ! defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) ) {
$hook = ( IP_Geo_Block_Util::is_user_logged_in() && 'admin' === $hook );
if ( ! $hook && TRUE === $this->show_theme_template( $code, $settings ) )
// prevent to make a cached page. `set_404()` should not be used for `wp_die()`.
global $wp_query; isset( $wp_query->is_404 ) and $wp_query->is_404 = TRUE;
wp_die( // get_dashboard_url() @since 3.1.0
IP_Geo_Block_Util::kses( $mesg ) . ( $hook ? "\n<p>&laquo; <a href='javascript:history.back()'>" . __( 'Back' ) . "</a> / <a rel='nofollow' href='" . esc_url( get_dashboard_url( IP_Geo_Block_Util::get_current_user_id() ) ) . "'>" . __( 'Dashboard' ) . "</a></p>" : '' ),
get_status_header_desc( $code ), array( 'response' => $code, 'back_link' => ! $hook )
* Load and show theme template.
private function show_theme_template( $code, $settings ) {
if ( file_exists( $file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $code . '.php' ) /* child theme */ ||
file_exists( $file = get_template_directory() . '/' . $code . '.php' ) /* parent theme */ ) {
// keep the response code and the template file
$this->theme_template = array( 'code' => $code, 'file' => $file );
// case 1: validation timing is `init`
if ( $action = current_filter() ) { // `plugins_loaded`, `wp` or FALSE
add_action( // `wp` (on front-end target) is too late to apply `init`
'wp' === $action ? 'template_redirect' : 'init',
array( $this, 'load_theme_template' ), $settings['priority'][1]
return TRUE; // load template at the specified action
// case 2: validation timing is `mu-plugins`
elseif ( '<?php' !== file_get_contents( $file, FALSE, NULL, 0, 5 ) ) {
$this->load_theme_template(); // load template and die immediately
return FALSE; // die with wp_die() immediately
public function load_theme_template( $template = FALSE ) {
global $wp_query; isset( $wp_query ) and $wp_query->set_404(); // for stylesheet
// change title from `Not Found` because of `set_404()` to the right one.
add_filter( 'document_title_parts', array( $this, 'change_title' ) ); // @since 4.4.0
// avoid loading template for HEAD requests because of performance bump. See #14348.
'HEAD' !== $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] and include $this->theme_template['file'];
public function change_title( $title_parts ) {
$title_parts['title'] = get_status_header_desc( $this->theme_template['code'] );
return $title_parts;
* The last process of validation.
private function endof_validate( $hook, $validate, $settings, $block = TRUE, $die = TRUE, $countup = TRUE ) {
// update cache and record logs
IP_Geo_Block_API_Cache::update_cache( $hook, $validate, $settings, $countup );
IP_Geo_Block_Logs::record_logs( $hook, $validate, $settings, self::is_blocked( $validate['result'] ) );
if ( $block ) {
if ( $settings['save_statistics'] && ! $validate['auth'] )
IP_Geo_Block_Logs::update_stat( $hook, $validate, $settings );
if ( ! $settings['simulate'] && $die )
$this->send_response( $hook, $validate, $settings );
* Validate ip address.
* @param string $hook a name to identify action hook applied in this call.
* @param array $settings option settings
* @param boolean $block block if validation fails (for simulate)
* @param boolean $die send http response and die if validation fails (for validate_front )
public function validate_ip( $hook, $settings, $block = TRUE, $die = TRUE ) {
// register auxiliary validation functions
// priority high 3 close_xmlrpc, close_restapi
// 4 check_nonce (high), check_user (low)
// 5 check_upload (high), check_signature (low)
// 6 check_auth
// 7 check_ips_black (high), check_ips_white (low)
// 8 check_fail
// 9 check_ua (high), check_behavior (low)
// priority low 10 check_page (high), validate_country (low)
$var = self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-' . $hook;
$settings['validation' ]['mimetype' ] and add_filter( $var, array( $this, 'check_upload' ), 5, 2 );
$die and add_filter( $var, array( $this, 'check_auth' ), 6, 2 );
$settings['extra_ips' ] = apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-extra-ips', $settings['extra_ips'], $hook );
$settings['extra_ips' ]['black_list'] and add_filter( $var, array( $this, 'check_ips_black' ), 7, 2 );
$settings['extra_ips' ]['white_list'] and add_filter( $var, array( $this, 'check_ips_white' ), 7, 2 );
$settings['login_fails'] >= 0 && $block and add_filter( $var, array( $this, 'check_fail' ), 8, 2 );
// make valid provider name list
$providers = IP_Geo_Block_Provider::get_valid_providers( $settings );
// apply custom filter for validation
// @example add_filter( 'ip-geo-block-$hook', 'my_validation', 10, 2 );
// @param $validate = array(
// 'ip' => $ip, /* validated ip address */
// 'auth' => $auth, /* authenticated or not */
// 'code' => $code, /* country code or reason of rejection */
// 'result' => $result, /* 'passed', 'blocked' */
// );
$ips = IP_Geo_Block_Util::retrieve_ips( array( self::get_ip_address( $settings ) ), $settings['validation']['proxy'] );
foreach ( $ips as self::$remote_addr ) {
$validate = self::_get_geolocation( self::$remote_addr, $settings, $providers, array( 'cache' => TRUE ) );
$validate = apply_filters( $var, $validate, $settings );
// if no 'result' then validate ip address by country
if ( empty( $validate['result'] ) )
$validate = self::validate_country( $hook, $validate, $settings, $block );
// if one of IPs is blocked then stop
if ( self::is_blocked( $validate['result'] ) )
if ( $die ) // send response code to die if validation fails
$this->endof_validate( $hook, $validate, $settings, self::is_blocked( $validate['result'] ) );
return $validate;
* Validate on comment.
public function validate_comment( $comment = NULL ) {
// check comment type if it comes form wp-includes/wp_new_comment()
if ( ! is_array( $comment ) || in_array( $comment['comment_type'], array( 'trackback', 'pingback' ), TRUE ) )
$this->validate_ip( 'comment', self::get_option() );
return $comment;
public function validate_front( $can_access = TRUE ) {
$validate = $this->validate_ip( 'comment', self::get_option(), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE );
return self::is_passed( $validate['result'] ) ? $can_access : FALSE;
* Validate on xmlrpc.
public function validate_xmlrpc() {
$settings = self::get_option();
if ( 2 === (int)$settings['validation']['xmlrpc'] ) // Completely close
add_filter( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-xmlrpc', array( $this, 'close_xmlrpc' ), 3, 2 );
else // wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php @since 3.5.0
add_filter( 'xmlrpc_login_error', array( $this, 'auth_fail' ), $settings['priority'][0] );
$this->validate_ip( 'xmlrpc', $settings );
public function close_xmlrpc( $validate, $settings ) {
return $validate + array( 'result' => 'closed' ); // can't overwrite existing result
* Validate on login.
public function filter_login_url( $url, $path, $scheme, $blog_id ) {
if ( isset( $this->login_key ) && FALSE !== strpos( $url, $this->request_uri ) )
$url = esc_url( add_query_arg( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-key', $this->login_key, $url ) );
return $url;
public function validate_login() {
// parse action
$settings = self::get_option();
if ( 'wp-signup.php' === $this->pagenow && $settings['login_action']['register'] ) {
$action = 'register';
} else {
$action = isset( $_GET['key'] ) ? 'resetpass' : ( isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'login' );
$action = 'retrievepassword' === $action ? 'lostpassword' : ( 'rp' === $action ? 'resetpass' : $action );
// the same rule should be applied to login and logout
! empty( $settings['login_action']['login'] ) and $settings['login_action']['logout'] = TRUE;
// avoid conflict with WP Limit Login Attempts (wp-includes/pluggable.php @since 2.5.0)
! empty( $_POST ) and add_action( 'wp_login_failed', array( $this, 'auth_fail' ), $settings['priority'][0] );
// verify emergency login key
if ( 'login' === $action && ! empty( $_REQUEST[ self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-key' ] ) &&
IP_Geo_Block_Util::verify_link( $_REQUEST[ self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-key' ] ) ) {
$this->login_key = sanitize_key( $_REQUEST[ self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-key' ] );
// add the verified key to the url in login form
has_filter( 'site_url', array( $this, 'filter_login_url' ) ) or
add_filter( 'site_url', array( $this, 'filter_login_url' ), 10, 4 );
$settings['login_action']['login'] = FALSE; // skip blocking in validate_ip()
// enables to skip validation of country on login/out except BuddyPress signup
$this->validate_ip( 'login', $settings, ! empty( $settings['login_action'][ $action ] ) || 'bp_' === substr( current_filter(), 0, 3 ) );
* Check exceptions.
private function check_exceptions( $action, $page, $exceptions = array() ) {
$in_action = in_array( $action, $exceptions, TRUE );
$in_page = in_array( $page, $exceptions, TRUE );
return ( ( $action xor $page ) && ( ! $in_action and ! $in_page ) ) ||
( ( $action and $page ) && ( ! $in_action or ! $in_page ) ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
* Validate in admin area.
public function validate_admin() {
// if there's no action parameter but something is specified
$settings = self::get_option();
$page = isset( $_REQUEST['page' ] ) ? $_REQUEST['page' ] : NULL;
$action = isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ( isset( $_REQUEST['task'] ) ? $_REQUEST['task'] : NULL );
switch ( $this->pagenow ) {
case 'admin-ajax.php':
// if the request has an action for no privilege user, skip WP-ZEP
$zep = ! has_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_'.$action );
$rule = (int)$settings['validation']['ajax'];
case 'admin-post.php':
// if the request has an action for no privilege user, skip WP-ZEP
$zep = ! has_action( 'admin_post_nopriv' . ($action ? '_'.$action : '') );
$rule = (int)$settings['validation']['ajax'];
// if the request has no page and no action, skip WP-ZEP
$zep = ( $page || $action ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
$rule = (int)$settings['validation']['admin'];
// list of request for specific action or page to bypass WP-ZEP
$list = array_merge( apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-bypass-admins', array(), $settings ), array(
// in wp-admin js/widget.js, includes/template.php, async-upload.php, plugins.php, PHP Compatibility Checker, bbPress
'heartbeat', 'save-widget', 'wp-compression-test', 'upload-attachment', 'deactivate', 'imgedit-preview', 'wpephpcompat_start_test', 'bp_avatar_upload',
// Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall, Jetpack page & action, Email Subscribers & Newsletters by Icegram, Swift Performance
'GOTMLS_logintime', 'jetpack', 'authorize', 'jetpack_modules', 'atd_settings', 'bulk-activate', 'bulk-deactivate', 'es_sendemail', 'swift_performance_setup'
) );
// skip validation of country code and WP-ZEP if exceptions matches action or page
if ( ( $page || $action ) && $this->check_exceptions( $action, $page, $settings['exception']['admin'] ) )
$rule &= ~ ( $zep ? 2 : 3 ); // 2: WP-ZEP, 1: Block by country (validation of bad signature is still in effective)
// combination with vulnerable keys should be prevented to bypass WP-ZEP
elseif ( ! $this->check_exceptions( $action, $page, $list ) ) {
if ( ( 2 & $rule ) && $zep ) {
// redirect if valid nonce in referer, otherwise register WP-ZEP (2: WP-ZEP)
IP_Geo_Block_Util::trace_nonce( self::$auth_key );
add_filter( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-admin', array( $this, 'check_nonce' ), 4, 2 );
// register validation of malicious signature (except in the comment and post)
if ( ! IP_Geo_Block_Util::is_user_logged_in() && ! in_array( $this->pagenow, array( 'comment.php', 'post.php' ), TRUE ) )
add_filter( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-admin', array( $this, 'check_signature' ), 5, 2 );
// validate country by IP address (1: Block by country)
$this->validate_ip( 'admin', $settings, 1 & $rule );
* Validate in plugins/themes area.
public function validate_direct() {
// analyze target in wp-includes, wp-content/(plugins|themes|language|uploads)
$path = preg_quote( self::$wp_path[ $type = $this->target_type ], '!' );
$name = ( 'plugins' === $type || 'themes' === $type ? '[^\?\&\/]*' : '[^\?\&]*' );
preg_match( "!($path)($name)!", $this->request_uri, $name );
$name = empty( $name[2] ) ? $name[1] : $name[2];
// set validation rules by target (0: Bypass, 1: Block by country, 2: WP-ZEP)
$settings = self::get_option();
$rule = (int)$settings['validation'][ $type ];
// list of request for specific action or page to bypass WP-ZEP
$path = array( 'includes' => array( 'ms-files.php', 'js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php', ), /* for wp-includes */ );
$path = apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . "-bypass-{$type}", isset( $path[ $type ] ) ? $path[ $type ] : array(), $settings );
// skip validation of country code if exceptions matches action or page
if ( in_array( $name, $settings['exception'][ $type ], TRUE ) )
$rule = 0;
elseif ( ! in_array( $name, $path, TRUE ) ) {
if ( 2 & $rule ) {
// redirect if valid nonce in referer, otherwise register WP-ZEP (2: WP-ZEP)
IP_Geo_Block_Util::trace_nonce( self::$auth_key );
add_filter( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-admin', array( $this, 'check_nonce' ), 4, 2 );
// register validation of malicious signature
if ( ! IP_Geo_Block_Util::is_user_logged_in() )
add_filter( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-admin', array( $this, 'check_signature' ), 5, 2 );
// validate country by IP address (1: Block by country)
$validate = $this->validate_ip( 'admin', $settings, 1 & $rule );
// if the validation is successful, execute the requested uri via rewrite.php
if ( class_exists( 'IP_Geo_Block_Rewrite', FALSE ) )
IP_Geo_Block_Rewrite::exec( $this, $validate, $settings );
* Auxiliary validation functions.
public function auth_fail( $something = NULL ) {
// Count up a number of fails when authentication is failed
$time = microtime( TRUE );
$settings = self::get_option();
if ( $cache = IP_Geo_Block_API_Cache::get_cache( self::$remote_addr, $settings['cache_hold'] ) ) {
$validate = self::make_validation( self::$remote_addr, array(
'result' => 'failed',
'provider' => 'Cache',
'time' => microtime( TRUE ) - $time,
) + $cache );
// the whitelist of IP address should be prior
if ( ! $this->check_ips( $validate, $settings['extra_ips']['white_list'] ) ) {
if ( (int)$settings['login_fails'] >= 0 && $cache['fail'] > max( 0, (int)$settings['login_fails'] ) )
$validate['result'] = 'limited';
// validate xmlrpc system.multicall
elseif ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) && FALSE !== stripos( file_get_contents( 'php://input' ), 'system.multicall' ) )
$validate['result'] = 'multi';
// apply filter hook for emergent functionality
$validate = apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-login', $validate, $settings );
// send response code to die if the number of login attempts exceeds the limit
$this->endof_validate( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) ? 'xmlrpc' : 'login', $validate, $settings, TRUE, 'failed' !== $validate['result'], FALSE );
return $something; // pass through
public function check_fail( $validate, $settings ) {
// check if number of fails reaches the limit. can't overwrite existing result.
$cache = IP_Geo_Block_API_Cache::get_cache( $validate['ip'], $settings['cache_hold'] );
return $cache && $cache['fail'] > max( 0, (int)$settings['login_fails'] ) ? $validate + array( 'result' => 'limited' ) : $validate;
public function check_auth( $validate, $settings ) {
// authentication should be prior to validation of country
return $validate['auth'] ? $validate + array( 'result' => 'passed' ) : $validate; // can't overwrite existing result
public function check_nonce( $validate, $settings ) {
// should be passed when nonce is valid. can't overwrite existing result
$nonce = IP_Geo_Block_Util::retrieve_nonce( self::$auth_key );
return $validate + array( 'result' => IP_Geo_Block_Util::verify_nonce( $nonce, self::$auth_key ) || 'XX' === $validate['code'] ? 'passed' : 'wp-zep' );
public function check_signature( $validate, $settings ) {
$score = 0.0;
$query = strtolower( urldecode( serialize( array_values( $_GET + $_POST ) ) ) );
foreach ( IP_Geo_Block_Util::multiexplode( array( ",", "\n" ), $settings['signature'] ) as $sig ) {
$val = explode( ':', $sig, 2 );
$sig = trim( $val[0] );
if ( $sig && FALSE !== strpos( $query, $sig ) ) {
if ( preg_match( '!\W!', $sig ) || // ex) `../` or `/wp-config.php`
preg_match( '!\b' . preg_quote( $sig, '!' ) . '\b!', $query ) ) {
if ( ( $score += ( empty( $val[1] ) ? 1.0 : (float)$val[1] ) ) > 0.99 )
return $validate + array( 'result' => 'badsig' ); // can't overwrite existing result
return $validate;
* Validate malicious file uploading. @since 3.0.3
* @see wp_handle_upload() in wp-admin/includes/file.php
public function check_upload( $validate, $settings ) {
if ( ! empty( $_FILES ) && $settings['validation']['mimetype'] ) {
// check capability
$files = empty( $settings['mimetype']['capability'] ) ? TRUE : FALSE; // skip if empty
foreach ( $settings['mimetype']['capability'] as $file ) {
if ( empty( $file ) || IP_Geo_Block_Util::current_user_can( $file ) ) {
$files = TRUE;
// when a user does not have the capability, then block
if ( ! apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-upload-capability', $files ) )
return apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-upload-forbidden', $validate + array( 'upload' => TRUE, 'result' => 'upload' ) );
foreach ( $_FILES as $files ) {
foreach ( IP_Geo_Block_Util::arrange_files( $files ) as $file ) {
// check $_FILES corruption attack or mime type and extension
if ( ! empty( $file['name'] ) && UPLOAD_ERR_OK !== $file['error'] ||
! IP_Geo_Block_Util::check_filetype_and_ext( $file, $settings['validation']['mimetype'], $settings['mimetype'] ) ) {
return apply_filters( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-upload-forbidden', $validate + array( 'upload' => TRUE, 'result' => 'upload' ) );
return $validate;
* Verify specific ip addresses with CIDR.
* @param array $validate `ip`, `auth`, `code`, `asn`, `result`
* @param array or string $ips the list of IP addresses with CIDR notation
public static function check_ips( $validate, $ips ) {
if ( filter_var( $ip = $validate['ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 ) ) {
require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . 'includes/Net/IPv4.php';
foreach ( IP_Geo_Block_Util::multiexplode( array( ",", "\n" ), $ips ) as $i ) {
$j = explode( '/', $i, 2 );
$j[1] = isset( $j[1] ) ? min( 32, max( 0, (int)$j[1] ) ) : 32;
if ( ( ! empty( $validate['asn'] ) && $validate['asn'] === $j[0] ) ||
( filter_var( $j[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 ) && Net_IPv4::ipInNetwork( $ip, $j[0].'/'.$j[1] ) ) ) {
return TRUE;
elseif ( filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 ) ) {
require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . 'includes/Net/IPv6.php';
foreach ( IP_Geo_Block_Util::multiexplode( array( ",", "\n" ), $ips ) as $i ) {
$j = explode( '/', $i, 2 );
$j[1] = isset( $j[1] ) ? min( 128, max( 0, (int)$j[1] ) ) : 128;
if ( ( ! empty( $validate['asn'] ) && $validate['asn'] === $j[0] ) ||
( filter_var( $j[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 ) && Net_IPv6::isInNetmask( $ip, $j[0].'/'.$j[1] ) ) ) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
public function check_ips_white( $validate, $settings ) {
return self::check_ips( $validate, $settings['extra_ips']['white_list'] ) ? $validate + array( 'result' => 'passed' ) : $validate;
public function check_ips_black( $validate, $settings ) {
return self::check_ips( $validate, $settings['extra_ips']['black_list'] ) ? $validate + array( 'result' => 'extra' ) : $validate;
* Validate updating metadata.
private function validate_metadata( $settings, $priority = 10 ) {
// @since 2.6.0 apply_filters( "pre_update_option_{$option}", $value, $old_value, $option ); @since 4.4.0 `$option` was added.
// @since 2.9.0 apply_filters( "pre_update_site_option_{$option}", $value, $old_value, $option, $network_id );
foreach ( array( 'pre_update_option', 'pre_update_site_option' ) as $key ) {
foreach ( $settings['metadata'][ $key ] as $option ) {
add_filter( "{$key}_{$option}", array( $this, 'check_capability' ), $priority, 3 );
* @since 2.9.0
* do_action( 'updated_option', $option, $old_value, $value );
* @since 3.0.0, @since 4.7.0 The `$network_id` parameter was added.
* do_action( 'update_site_option', $option, $value, $old_value, $network_id );
if ( ! empty( $settings['monitor']['metadata'] ) ) {
add_action( 'updated_option', array( $this, 'update_meta_stats' ), $priority, 1 );
add_action( 'update_site_option', array( $this, 'update_meta_stats' ), $priority, 1 );
public function update_meta_stats( $option ) {
if ( FALSE === strpos( $option, 'transient' ) && self::OPTION_META !== $option ) {
$which = IP_Geo_Block_Util::current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ||
IP_Geo_Block_Util::current_user_can( 'manage_network_options' ) ? 0 : 1;
$metadata = self::get_metadata();
$action = current_filter(); // @since 2.5.0
if ( ! isset( $metadata[ $action ][ $option ] ) )
$metadata[ $action ][ $option ] = array( 0, 0 );
$metadata[ $action ][ $option ][ $which ]++;
self::update_metadata( $metadata );
public function check_capability( $value, $old_value, $option = NULL ) {
// check capability
if ( ! IP_Geo_Block_Util::current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && ! IP_Geo_Block_Util::current_user_can( 'manage_network_options' ) ) {
$time = microtime( TRUE );
$settings = self::get_option();
$cache = IP_Geo_Block_API_Cache::get_cache( self::$remote_addr, $settings['cache_hold'] );
$validate = self::make_validation( self::$remote_addr, array(
'result' => 'badcap',
'provider' => 'Cache',
'time' => microtime( TRUE ) - $time,
) + $cache );
// send response code to die if the current user does not have the right capability
$this->endof_validate( $this->target_type, $validate, $settings, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE );
return $value;
* Validate on public facing pages.
public function validate_public() {
$settings = self::get_option();
$public = $settings['public'];
// replace validation rules
if ( $settings['validation']['public'] && -1 !== (int)$public['matching_rule'] ) {
foreach ( array( 'matching_rule', 'white_list', 'black_list', 'response_code', 'response_msg', 'redirect_uri' ) as $key ) {
$settings[ $key ] = $public[ $key ];
// avoid redirection loop
if ( $settings['response_code'] < 400 && IP_Geo_Block_Util::compare_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $settings['redirect_uri'] ? $settings['redirect_uri'] : home_url( '/' ) ) )
return; // do not block
if ( $public['target_rule'] ) {
if ( ! did_action( 'wp' ) ) { // deferred validation on 'wp' when the target is specified
add_action( 'wp', array( $this, 'validate_public' ) );
// register filter hook to check pages and post types
add_filter( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-public', array( $this, 'check_page' ), 10, 2 );
// validate undesired user agent
add_filter( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-public', array( $this, 'check_ua' ), 9, 2 );
// validate bad behavior by bots and crawlers
$public['behavior'] and add_filter( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-public', array( $this, 'check_behavior' ), 9, 2 );
// retrieve IP address of visitor via proxy services
add_filter( self::PLUGIN_NAME . '-ip-addr', array( 'IP_Geo_Block_Util', 'get_proxy_ip' ), 20, 1 );
// validate country by IP address (block: true, die: false)
$this->validate_ip( 'public', $settings, 1 & $settings['validation']['public'] );
public function check_behavior( $validate, $settings ) {
// check if page view with a short period time is under the threshold
$cache = IP_Geo_Block_API_Cache::get_cache( self::$remote_addr, $settings['cache_hold'] );
if ( $cache && $cache['view'] >= $settings['behavior']['view'] && $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $cache['last'] <= $settings['behavior']['time'] )
return $validate + array( 'result' => 'badbot' ); // can't overwrite existing result
return $validate;
public function check_page( $validate, $settings ) {
global $pagename, $post;
$public = $settings['public'];
if ( $pagename ) {
// check page
if ( isset( $public['target_pages'][ $pagename ] ) )
return $validate; // block by country
} elseif ( $post ) {
// check post type (this would not block top page)
$keys = array_keys( $public['target_posts'] );
if ( ! empty( $keys ) && is_singular( $keys ) )
return $validate; // block by country
// check category (single page or category archive)
$keys = array_keys( $public['target_cates'] );
if ( ! empty( $keys ) && in_category( $keys ) && ( is_single() || is_category() ) )
return $validate; // block by country
// check tag (single page or tag archive)
$keys = array_keys( $public['target_tags'] );
if ( ! empty( $keys ) && has_tag( $keys ) && ( is_single() || is_tag() ) )
return $validate; // block by country
return $validate + array( 'result' => 'passed' ); // provide content
public function check_ua( $validate, $settings ) {
// mask HOST if DNS lookup is false
if ( empty( $settings['public']['dnslkup'] ) )
$settings['public']['ua_list'] = IP_Geo_Block_Util::mask_qualification( $settings['public']['ua_list'] );
// get the name of host (from the cache if exists)
if ( ! isset( $validate['host'] ) && FALSE !== strpos( $settings['public']['ua_list'], 'HOST' ) ) {
require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . 'classes/class-ip-geo-block-lkup.php';
$validate['host'] = IP_Geo_Block_Lkup::gethostbyaddr( $validate['ip'] );
// check requested url
$is_feed = IP_Geo_Block_Util::is_feed( $this->request_uri );
$u_agent = isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '';
$referer = isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER' ] ) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER' ] : '';
foreach ( IP_Geo_Block_Util::multiexplode( array( ",", "\n" ), $settings['public']['ua_list'] ) as $pat ) {
list( $name, $code ) = array_pad( IP_Geo_Block_Util::multiexplode( array( ':', '#' ), $pat ), 2, '' );
if ( $name && ( '*' === $name || FALSE !== strpos( $u_agent, $name ) ) ) {
$which = ( FALSE !== strpos( $pat, '#' ) ); // 0: pass (':'), 1: block ('#')
$not = ( '!' === $code[0] ); // 0: positive, 1: negative
$code = ( $not ? substr( $code, 1 ) : $code ); // qualification identifier
if ( 'FEED' === $code ) {
if ( $not xor $is_feed )
return $validate + array( 'result' => $which ? 'blockUA' : 'passUA' );
elseif ( 'HOST' === $code ) {
if ( $not xor $validate['host'] !== $validate['ip'] )
return $validate + array( 'result' => $which ? 'blockUA' : 'passUA' );
elseif ( 0 === strncmp( 'HOST=', $code, 5 ) ) {
if ( $not xor FALSE !== strpos( $validate['host'], substr( $code, 5 ) ) )
return $validate + array( 'result' => $which ? 'blockUA' : 'passUA' );
elseif ( 0 === strncmp( 'REF=', $code, 4 ) ) {
if ( $not xor FALSE !== strpos( $referer, substr( $code, 4 ) ) )
return $validate + array( 'result' => $which ? 'blockUA' : 'passUA' );
elseif ( 0 === strncmp( 'AS', $code, 2 ) ) {
if ( $not xor $validate['asn'] === $code )
return $validate + array( 'result' => $which ? 'blockUA' : 'passUA' );
elseif ( '*' === $code || 2 === strlen( $code ) ) {
if ( $not xor ( '*' === $code || $validate['code'] === $code ) )
return $validate + array( 'result' => $which ? 'blockUA' : 'passUA' );
elseif ( preg_match( '!^[a-f\d\.:/]+$!', $code = substr( $pat, strpos( $pat, $code ) ) ) ) {
if ( $not xor $this->check_ips( $validate, $code ) )
return $validate + array( 'result' => $which ? 'blockUA' : 'passUA' );
return $validate;
* Handlers of cron job for database and garbage collection for cache.
public function exec_update_db( $immediate = FALSE ) {
require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . 'classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php';
return IP_Geo_Block_Cron::exec_update_db( $immediate );
public function exec_cache_gc() {
require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . 'classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php';
IP_Geo_Block_Cron::exec_cache_gc( self::get_option() );
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