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Last active March 7, 2024 12:38
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Get KML of Google Maps Timeline for a date range
set -e -u -o pipefail
# Usage: Export a cookies.txt file from a browser logged-in in with some
# add-on/extension (i.e. Export cookies, Get cookies.txt). Now run the script for the
# desired period:
# $ bash cookies.txt 2022-01-01 2022-02-20 out.kml
# Dependencies: curl, perl-xml-twig.
# There exist free online sites tht render KML files into a map. For example:
debug() {
echo "$@" >&2
date_range() {
local from=$1 to=$2
local days=$((($(date '+%s' -d "$to") - $(date '+%s' -d "$from")) / (60 * 60 * 24)))
seq 0 $days | while read days_offset; do
date -d "$from + $days_offset days" "+%Y-%m-%d"
download_kml_files() {
local cookies=$1 from=$2 to=$3
date_range "$from" "$to" | while IFS="-" read year month day; do
local month0=$((10#$month - 1)) # 0-index month
local day0=$((10#$day)) # The day arguments must not contain leading zeros
local pb_ary=(
local pb=$(echo "${pb_ary[@]}" | tr -d " ")
local url="${pb}"
local kmlfile="$year-$month-$day.kml"
debug "GET $url -> $kmlfile"
download_kml "$cookies" "$url" >"$kmlfile"
echo "$kmlfile"
download_kml() {
local cookies=$1 url=$2
local output
output=$(curl -f -sS -L -b "$cookies" "$url")
if grep -q "" <<<"$output"; then
debug "Authentication error. Check the cookies file: $cookies"
return 1
echo "$output"
merge_kmls() {
xargs -r xml_grep --wrap "Document" --cond "Placemark"
main() {
if test $# -ne 4; then
echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") COOKIES.txt FROM(YYYY-MM-DD) TO(YYYY-MM-DD) OUT.kml"
exit 2
local outfile=$4
download_kml_files "$@" | merge_kmls >"$outfile"
main "$@"
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disconnect5852 commented Sep 6, 2022

lol! Cant download anything after july, as the month above 07 causes "line 37: 08: value too great for base (error token is "08")". It is interpreted as octal number.
adding line before the error line solves it: local month0=$(($((10#$month)) - 1))

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tokland commented Sep 10, 2022

@disconnect5852 Thanks for the report! Fixed. Also, added a 4th argument for the output KML file, and a check on the session.

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Should this still work? cant get any usefull responses

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