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Last active July 8, 2018 17:07
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Declarative React Component
import React from 'react';
import { build } from "./declarative-component";
const initialState = { value: 0 };
const actions = {
decrement: (num) => state => ({ ...state, value: state.value - 1 }),
increment: (num) => state => ({ ...state, value: state.value + 1 }),
const render = (state, props, dispatch) => (
<div style={{fontSize: props.size}}>
<div>Value: <b>{state.value}</b></div>
<button onClick={dispatch("decrement")}>-1</button>
<button onClick={dispatch("increment")}>+1</button>
export default build(render, actions, initialState, {name: "SimpleCounter"});
import React from 'react';
import { build, compose, commands } from "./declarative-component";
const { fromPromise } = commands;
const initialState = { value: 0, message: "" };
const getRandomNumber = (max) => {
return fetch("")
.then(res => res.json()).then(json =>[0] % max);
const actions = {
add: (num) => state => ({ ...state, value: state.value + num }),
setMessage: (message) => state => ({ ...state, message }),
setError: (err) => actions.setMessage(err.message || err),
addRandom: () => compose(
actions.setMessage("Random number requested"),
requestRandomNumber: () => (state, commands) => [
commands.add(fromPromise(getRandomNumber(10), actions.addRandomSuccess, actions.setError)),
addRandomSuccess: (num) => compose(
actions.setMessage(`Random number received: ${num}`),
const render = (state, props, dispatch) => (
<div style={{fontSize: props.size}}>
<div>Value: <b>{state.value}</b></div>
<button onClick={dispatch("add", -1)}>-1</button>
<button onClick={dispatch("add", +1)}>+1</button>
<button onClick={dispatch("addRandom")}>+Random</button>
export default build(render, actions, initialState, {name: "CounterWithRandom"});
import React from 'react';
import { ajax } from 'rxjs/ajax';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Future } from 'fluture';
import { fetchF } from 'fetch-future/src';
import { Record, List } from 'immutable';
import { build, commands, compose } from "./declarative-component";
const { fromObservable, fromFuture, call } = commands;
// Helpers
const qrngUrl = "";
// eslint-disable-next-line
const getPromiseRandomNumber = (max = 100) => {
return fetch(qrngUrl)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(json =>[0] % max);
// eslint-disable-next-line
const getFutureRandomNumber = (max = 100) => {
return fetchF(Future)(qrngUrl)
.chain(res => res.json)
.map(json =>[0] % max);
// eslint-disable-next-line
const getObservableRandomNumber = (max = 100) => {
return ajax(qrngUrl)
.pipe(map(ajaxResponse =>[0] % max));
// Component
const initialState = { value: 0, messages: new List(), randomCommand: null };
// Let's demostrate how to use a immutable.js Record as State with custom methods.
// IDEA: Use Adt (type-less) classes for state and action values -> with update function pattern-matching babel plugin
class State extends Record(initialState) {
addValue(num) {
return this.set("value", this.value + num);
clearMessages() {
return this.set("messages", this.messages.clear());
addMessage(message) {
return this.set("messages", this.messages.unshift(message));
setRandomCommand(randomCommand) {
return this.set("randomCommand", randomCommand);
const actions = {
add: (value) => state => state.addValue(value).addMessage(`Added: ${value}`),
clearMessages: () => state => state.clearMessages(),
logMessage: (message) => state => state.addMessage(message),
onRandomError: (err) =>
compose(actions.logMessage(`Fetch error: ${err}`), actions.clearRandomResult()),
addRandom: () => (state, commands, props) => {
const randomCommand =
//fromFuture(getFutureRandomNumber(10), actions.addRandomResult, actions.onRandomError);
fromObservable(getObservableRandomNumber(10), actions.addRandomResult, actions.onRandomError);
const newState = state
.addMessage("Get a random number (0-10) from QRNG (async)")
return [newState, commands.add(randomCommand)];
clearRandomResult: () => state => state.setRandomCommand(null),
notifyParent: (ev) => (state, commands, props) =>
[state, commands.add(call(props.onFinish, state.value))],
addRandomResult: (n) => compose(
actions.logMessage(`Random number: ${n}`),
cancelRandom: () => (state, commands, props) => [
state.setRandomCommand(null).addMessage("Random command cancelled"),
const render = (state, props, dispatch) => (
<div style={{fontSize: props.size}}>
Value: <b>{state.value}</b>
<button onClick={dispatch("add", -1)}>-1</button>
<button onClick={dispatch("add", +1)}>+1</button>
<button disabled={!!state.randomCommand} onClick={dispatch("addRandom")}>+Random</button>
<button disabled={!state.randomCommand} onClick={dispatch("cancelRandom")}>Cancel Random</button>
<button onClick={dispatch.withArgs("notifyParent")}>Notify parent</button>
<button onClick={dispatch("clearMessages")}>Clear log</button>
export default build(render, actions, new State(), {name: "Counter"});
class CommandsPool {
constructor(dispatch, active = new Map()) {
this._dispatch = dispatch;
this._active = active;
_clone() {
console.log("commands", this.size(), this.keys());
return new this.constructor(this._dispatch, this._active);
_removeFromActiveAndDispatch(key, action) {
if (action) {
/* Public interface */
keys() {
return Array.from(this._active.keys());
size() {
return this._active.size;
add(command, optionalId = null) {
const key = optionalId || command;
// Check if active command with the same key exists and cancel it
if (this._active.has(key)) {
const info = this._active.get(key);
if (info.cancelFn) {
console.log(`Command with key ${key} already active, cancel`)
const cancelFn = command(this._removeFromActiveAndDispatch.bind(this, key));
const info = { command, cancelFn }
this._active.set(key, info);
return this._clone();
remove(commandOrId) {
return this._clone();
cancel(commandOrId) {
const commandInfo = this._active.get(commandOrId);
if (commandInfo) {
if (commandInfo.cancelFn) {
return this._clone();
cancelAll() {
this._active.forEach(info => info.cancelFn && info.cancelFn());
return this._clone();
const fromPromise = (promise, onSuccess, onError) => dispatch => {
val => dispatch(onSuccess(val)),
onError ? err => dispatch(onError(err)) : null,
// ES6 Promises are not cancellable, but others (Bluebird) have a cancel method
return promise.cancel ? () => promise.cancel() : null;
const fromFuture = (future, onSuccess, onError) => dispatch => {
return future.fork(
err => dispatch(onError(err)),
val => dispatch(onSuccess(val)),
const fromObservable = (observable, onSuccess, onError) => dispatch => {
const disposable = observable.subscribe(
val => dispatch(onSuccess(val)),
onError ? err => dispatch(onError(err)) : null,
return () => disposable.unsubscribe();
const call = (fn, ...args) => dispatch => {
export { CommandsPool, fromPromise, fromFuture, fromObservable, call };
import React from 'react';
import memoize from "micro-memoize";
import * as commands from './commands';
const build = (render, actions, initialState, options = {}) => {
return class DeclarativeComponent extends React.PureComponent {
static displayName = options ? : "DeclarativeComponent";
constructor(props) {
this.mounted = false;
this.state = { data: isFunction(initialState) ? initialState(props) : initialState };
this.commands = new commands.CommandsPool(this.dispatch.bind(this));
const memoizeOpts = { maxSize: 100 };
this.memoizedPropDispatch =
memoize(this.propDispatch.bind(this, { onlyDispatcherArgs: true }), memoizeOpts);
this.memoizedPropDispatch.withArgs =
memoize(this.propDispatch.bind(this, { onlyDispatcherArgs: false }), memoizeOpts);
componentDidMount() {
this.mounted = true;
if (actions.onMount)
componentWillUnmount() {
if (actions.onUnmount)
this.mounted = false;
componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
if (actions.onNewProps)
render() {
return render(, this.props, this.memoizedPropDispatch);
propDispatch(options, actionKey, ...dispatchArgs) {
return (...args) => {
const action = actions[actionKey];
if (!action) {
throw new Error("Unknown action:", actionKey);
} else {
const fullArgs = options.onlyDispatcherArgs ? dispatchArgs : [...dispatchArgs, ...args];
console.log("Run action:", actionKey, fullArgs);
this.dispatch(action(...dispatchArgs, ...args));
dispatch(actionFn) {
if (this.mounted) {
const [newState, newCommands] =
normalizeActionResult(actionFn,, this.commands, this.props);
this.setState({ data: newState });
this.commands = newCommands || this.commands;
/* Action helpers */
const normalizeActionResult = (actionFn, state, commands, props) => {
const result = actionFn(state, commands, props);
const [newState, newCommands] = toArray(result);
return [newState, newCommands || commands];
const compose = (...actionFns) => {
return (state, commands, props) => {
return actionFns.reduce(([currentState, currentCommands], actionFn) => {
return normalizeActionResult(actionFn, currentState, currentCommands, props);
}, [state, commands]);
/* Generic helper functions */
const isFunction =
obj => !!(obj && obj.constructor && && obj.apply);
const toArray = obj =>
obj === undefined || obj === null ? [] : (Array.isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj]);
const recomposeDeclarativeComponent = (...args) => Component => build(Component, ...args);
export { build, commands, compose, recomposeDeclarativeComponent };

Functional stateful React components

A component is described by:

  1. A render function.
  1. An initialState.

  2. An actions object with actions that return a new state and -optionally- async cancellable commands that resolve into another actions.

import React from 'react';
import SimpleCounter from './1simple-counter';
import CounterWithRandomButton from './2counter-with-random-button';
import Counter from './3extended-counter';
const styles = {box: {border: "1px solid grey", padding: 5, margin: 5, display: "table"}};
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {showCounter: true, childInfo: null};
this.onFinish = this.onFinish.bind(this);
this.toggleCounter = this.toggleCounter.bind(this);
onFinish(value) {
this.setState({ childInfo : value });
toggleCounter() {
this.setState({ showCounter: !this.state.showCounter, childInfo: null });
render() {
const { showCounter, childInfo } = this.state;
return (
<div style={}>
<div>Simple counter with no commands</div>
<SimpleCounter size={20} />
<div style={}>
<div>Counter with random command (promise, not cancellable)</div>
<CounterWithRandomButton size={20} />
<div style={}>
<div>Counter with random command (future, cancellable)</div>
<button onClick={this.toggleCounter}>{showCounter ? "Unmount" : "Mount"}</button>
{childInfo != null && (<span>Child says: {childInfo}</span>)}
{ /* TODO: Controlled component with state save: props <state> and <setState> */ }
{showCounter && <Counter size={20} onFinish={this.onFinish} />}
export default App;


  • It support typical lifecycle events (as actions): onMount, onUnmount, onNewProps(newProps).
  • Actions have access to props so it's easier to avoid inline arrow functions in render props.
  • Any kind of object can be used as state except an array (so we can tell a newState from [newState, commands]` return value). Some ideas: immutable.js Record, or ADT structures like adt.js or adt-simple.

Open questions

  • Is there any operation that cannot be done with the abstractions defined?
  • When we want to cancel a command, we first need to save it in the state, but this may re-render the component with no need. Is this a problem?
  • Does it make sense to start commands with ID (easier to cancel when unique than saving command in state)
  • Implementation uses a HOC, would it be better to use Render Props instead?
  • HOC: Integration with recompose?
  • Should lifecycle events be normal actions or be passed as separate options to build? does it matter?
  • Is it better to group render arguments or spread them in typical React fashion?
  • The dispatcher argument passed to render is a wrapper of actions ready to be used as callback props. Is there a better name for it? it should be probably have a plural name.
  • Another way to dispatch actions in render would be passing a dispatch function, with args: onClick={dispatch(actions.add, 1)}. This requires additional work, as the return value of dispatch should be memoized to avoid re-renders.
  • time-travel is probably not possible when we have no actions but functions, maybe some indirection? dispatch("add", 1).


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