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Last active August 11, 2023 03:48
Click link by text in Puppeteer
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const escapeXpathString = str => {
const splitedQuotes = str.replace(/'/g, `', "'", '`);
return `concat('${splitedQuotes}', '')`;
const clickByText = async (page, text) => {
const escapedText = escapeXpathString(text);
const linkHandlers = await page.$x(`//a[contains(text(), ${escapedText})]`);
if (linkHandlers.length > 0) {
await linkHandlers[0].click();
} else {
throw new Error(`Link not found: ${text}`);
const run = async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({args: ['--no-sandbox'], headless: true});
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('');
await clickByText(page, `Fiddler's Green`);
await page.waitForNavigation({waitUntil: 'load'});
console.log("Current page:", page.url());
return browser.close();
const logErrorAndExit = err => {
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How I can use it?

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tokland commented Nov 12, 2018

@AlonsoK28, run() executes an example of usage, what else do you need?

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svamja commented Nov 27, 2018

this is a great saviour!

couple of points:

  1. If there is icon (or, br tag) along with text, this doesnt work. Improvement suggested by

  2. This does not take into account visibility.

I ended up with below function. Please incorporate so that others can benefit.. Thanks!

const clickByText = async function(page, text, element) {
    element = element || 'a';
    const escapedText = escapeXpathString(text);
    xpath = `//*[text()[contains(., ${escapedText})]]`;
    const elements = await page.$x(xpath);
    if(elements.length > 0) {
        for(i in elements) {
            e = elements[i];
            if(await e.isIntersectingViewport()) {
    else {
    throw new Error(`Link not found: ${text}`);

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@svamja where is element being used?

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temitope commented Jan 12, 2019

yeah i think maybe incorporating element into the Xpath may be what was intended. Though technically the asterik is not a bad fallback and element can be ignored.

const clickByText = async function(page, text, element) {
    const element = element || 'a';
    const escapedText = escapeXpathString(text);
    xpath = `//${element}[text()[contains(., ${escapedText})]]`;
    const elements = await page.$x(xpath);
    if(elements.length > 0) {
        for(i in elements) {
            e = elements[i];
            if(await e.isIntersectingViewport()) {
    else {
    throw new Error(`Link not found: ${text}`);

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gpawlik commented Nov 12, 2019

In my case I needed to add waitForXPath before, just like that:

xpath = `//${element}[text()[contains(., ${escapedText})]]`;
await page.waitForXPath(xpath);
const elements = await page.$x(xpath);

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This was easier for me to understand:

export const escapeXpathString = (str: string) => {
  const splitQuotes = str.split(`'`).join(`', "'", '`);
  return `concat('${splitQuotes}', '')`;

it("escapeXpathString works", () => {
    `concat('test', "'", 'lol', "'", '', '')`

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ggorlen commented Apr 25, 2023

You don't need to use XPath for selecting by text any longer. There's"::-p-text(hello world)"). See this Stack Overflow answer for more information.

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