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Last active December 26, 2017 15:06
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#pragma once
// Original code from
// Code adapted from
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <omp.h>
// Any basic vector/matrix library should also work
#include <Eigen/Core>
namespace clustering
template<typename Vector, typename Matrix>
class DBSCAN
typedef Vector FeaturesWeights;
typedef Matrix ClusterData;
typedef Matrix DistanceMatrix;
typedef std::vector<unsigned int> Neighbors;
typedef std::vector<int> Labels;
double m_eps;
size_t m_min_elems;
double m_dmin;
double m_dmax;
Labels m_labels;
// 'eps' is the search space for neighbors in the range [0,1], where 0.0 is exactly self and 1.0 is entire dataset
DBSCAN(double eps, size_t min_elems)
: m_eps( eps )
, m_min_elems( min_elems )
, m_dmin(0.0)
, m_dmax(0.0)
// Call this to perform clustering, get results by calling 'get_labels()'
void fit( const ClusterData & C )
const FeaturesWeights W = std_weights( C.cols() );
wfit( C, W );
const Labels & get_labels() const
return m_labels;
void reset()
void init(double eps, size_t min_elems)
m_eps = eps;
m_min_elems = min_elems;
// Useful for testing
static ClusterData gen_cluster_data( size_t features_num, size_t elements_num )
ClusterData cl_d( elements_num, features_num );
for (size_t i = 0; i < elements_num; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < features_num; ++j)
cl_d(i, j) = (-1.0 + rand() * (2.0) / RAND_MAX);
return cl_d;
FeaturesWeights std_weights( size_t s )
// num cols
FeaturesWeights ws( s );
for (size_t i = 0; i < s; ++i)
ws(i) = 1.0;
return ws;
void fit_precomputed( const DistanceMatrix & D )
prepare_labels( D.rows() );
dbscan( D );
void wfit( const ClusterData & C, const FeaturesWeights & W )
prepare_labels( C.rows() );
const DistanceMatrix D = calc_dist_matrix( C, W );
dbscan( D );
void prepare_labels( size_t s )
m_labels.resize(s, -1);
Neighbors find_neighbors(const DistanceMatrix & D, unsigned int pid)
Neighbors ne;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < D.rows(); ++j)
if ( D(pid, j) <= m_eps )
return ne;
const DistanceMatrix calc_dist_matrix( const ClusterData & C, const FeaturesWeights & W )
ClusterData cl_d = C;
// 正規化処理を潰す
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < (int)cl_d.cols(); ++i)
auto col = cl_d.col(i);
const auto r = std::minmax_element(, + col.size() );
double data_min = *r.first;
double data_range = *r.second - *r.first;
if (data_range == 0.0) { data_range = 1.0; }
const double scale = 1/data_range;
const double min = -1.0*data_min*scale;
col *= scale;
col += Vector::Constant(col.size(), min);
cl_d.col(i) = col;
// rows x rows
DistanceMatrix d_m( cl_d.rows(), cl_d.rows() );
//Vector d_max( cl_d.rows() );
//Vector d_min( cl_d.rows() );
for (int i = 0; i < (int)cl_d.rows(); ++i)
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int j = i; j < (int)cl_d.rows(); ++j)
d_m(i, j) = 0.0;
if (i != j)
Vector U = cl_d.row(i);
Vector V = cl_d.row(j);
Vector diff = ( U-V );
// L2ノルムにする
for(int k = 0; k < (int)diff.size(); k++)
auto e = diff[k];
d_m(i, j) += fabs(e)*W[k];
d_m(i, j) = diff.norm();
d_m(j, i) = d_m(i, j);
//const auto cur_row = d_m.row(i);
//const auto mm = std::minmax_element(, + cur_row.size() );
//d_max(i) = *mm.second;
//d_min(i) = *mm.first;
//m_dmin = *(std::min_element(, + d_min.size() ));
//m_dmax = *(std::max_element(, + d_max.size() ));
//m_eps = (m_dmax - m_dmin) * m_eps + m_dmin;
return d_m;
void dbscan( const DistanceMatrix & dm )
std::vector<unsigned int> visited( dm.rows() );
unsigned int cluster_id = 0;
for (unsigned int pid = 0; pid < dm.rows(); ++pid)
if ( !visited[pid] )
visited[pid] = 1;
Neighbors ne = find_neighbors(dm, pid );
if (ne.size() >= m_min_elems)
m_labels[pid] = cluster_id;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ne.size(); ++i)
unsigned int nPid = ne[i];
if ( !visited[nPid] )
visited[nPid] = 1;
Neighbors ne1 = find_neighbors(dm, nPid);
if ( ne1.size() >= m_min_elems )
for (const auto & n1 : ne1)
if ( m_labels[nPid] == -1 )
m_labels[nPid] = cluster_id;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "DBSCAN.hpp"
using namespace clustering;
using namespace Eigen;
int main()
typedef Matrix<double, Dynamic, 1> DBSCAN_VEC;
typedef Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic> DBSCAN_MATRIX;
auto dbscan = myDBSCAN::DBSCAN(1.0, 2);
// generate_sample_data
myDBSCAN::ClusterData sample_data;
const auto sample_num = 10000;
sample_data.resize(sample_num, 2);
std::mt19937 rnd;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> rand01(0.0, 1.0);
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> rand10(0, 10);
std::normal_distribution<double> norm(0.0, 1.0);
for (auto i = 0; i < sample_num; i++) {
double x, y;
if (rand01(rnd) > 0.5) {
x = rand10(rnd) * 10 + norm(rnd);
y = rand10(rnd) * 10 + norm(rnd);
else {
double theta = rand01(rnd) * 2.0 * M_PI;
double r = 45 + norm(rnd) ;
x = r * cos(theta) + 50;
y = r * sin(theta) + 50;
Vector2d sample ={x, y};
sample_data.row(i) = sample;
auto labels = dbscan.get_labels();
FILE* fp;
fopen_s(&fp, "result.csv", "w");
fprintf(fp, "x,y,label\n");
for (auto i = 0; i < sample_num; i++) {
Vector2d vec = sample_data.row(i);
double x = vec.x();
double y = vec.y();
fprintf(fp, "%f,%f,%i\n", x, y, labels[i]);
return 0;
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