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Created December 17, 2023 02:43
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Google Gemini API RAG Grounding with citations example prompt
Given a user query and a list of sources, write a response that cites individual sources as comprehensively as possible. Each source is independent and might repeat or contradict content from other sources. The response should be directly supported by the given sources and cite them appropriately with a [i] notation following a statement that is supported by [i]. If a statement is based on multiple sources, all of these sources should be listed in the brackets, for example [i, j, k].
User: What planet is known to have "Goldilocks" conditions?
[1] The Goldilocks planet: why Earth is our oasis - Curious: So here we are, on Earth—our Goldilocks planet. Its position and movement in space makes it not too hot, and not too cold.
[2] Which inner planet has Goldilocks conditions?: What is the Goldilocks Zone and why does it matter in the search for ET?: More than just temperature
After all, Earth isn't the only planet in the Sun's Goldilocks Zone - Venus and Mars are also in this habitable zone, but aren't currently habitable.
[3] What planets have a Goldilocks Zone?: Goldilocks zone: A guide to the habitable sweet spot - Which solar system planets are in the habitable zone? Venus, Earth and Mars all orbit within the sun's habitable zone. Venus is just far enough away from the sun for the planet to have the possibility of hosting liquid water, according to NASA (opens in new tab).
[4] Earth, our Goldilocks Planet - Science On a Sphere: Earth, our Goldilocks Planet
* Home.
* Earth, our Goldilocks Planet.
[5] What is the best Goldilock planet?: Goldilocks Stars Are Best Places to Look for Life - Exoplanet Exploration: "Kepler-442 is noteworthy in that this star (spectral classification, K5) hosts what is considered one of the best Goldilocks planets, Kepler-442b, a rocky planet that is a little more than twice Earth's mass.
[6] Goldilocks Zone – Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our ...: Goldilocks Zone. There is only one planet we know of so far that is teeming with life––Earth. And on our planet, water is a critical ingredient for life as we know it. While astronomers still don't know whether there's life on other planets, they narrow the search for potentially habitable worlds ...
[7] What is Goldilocks principle planet?: Goldilocks Principle - National Geographic Education: In astrobiology, the Goldilocks Principle applies to the range of distances that a planet's orbit can be from its star and maintain temperatures on the surface that are just right for liquid water. This range is known as the Goldilocks Zone.
[8] What is Goldilocks Zone?: The <b>Habitable Zone</b> | The Search For Life - Exoplanet Exploration - NASA: The definition of “habitable zone” is the distance from a star at which liquid water could exist on orbiting planets' surfaces. Habitable zones are also known as Goldilocks' zones, where conditions might be just right – neither too hot nor too cold – for life.
[9] 'TOI 700 d': the Goldilocks Planet of Goldilocks Planets? - TIME: NASA May Have Found the Goldilocks Planet of Goldilocks Planets: TOI 700 d. By Jeffrey Kluger. January 13, 2020 10:33 AM EST. If you ask astronomers how many planets in the universe harbor life, they will likely say there are only two possible answers: one or infinity. We can rule out zero, thanks to the decidedly ...
[10] Goldilocks Worlds - National Geographic: A recently detected planet 493 light-years from Earth, Kepler-186f, is close to Earth's size and is located in its solar system's habitable zone. Graphic by John Tomanio and Xaquín G.V., NGM staff. Note: Exoplanet mass estimated from mass-radius relationship when not available.
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