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Last active June 11, 2018 13:06
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  • Save tolland/8a2561f0c6f08e21c82a7389b180aa98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Single backticks 'Isn't this fun?' 'Isn't this fun?'
Quotes "Isn't this fun?" "Isn't this fun?"
Dashes -- is en-dash, --- is em-dash -- is en-dash, --- is em-dash
graph LR
A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
A --> C(Round Rect)
B --> D{Rhombus}
C --> D
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Bob-->>John: How about you John?
Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks!
Bob-x John: I am good thanks!
Note right of John: Bob thinks a long<br/>long time, so long<br/>that the text does<br/>not fit on a row.

Bob-->Alice: Checking with John...
Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you?
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