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Last active February 7, 2017 21:08
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Basic script to push Pingdom data into Zabbix - relies on using the same "item" keys in both systems


This script is used along with a basic autodiscovery (see the zbx_template.xml and the pingdom_ldd.json) to have Pingdom data available within Zabbix and to have Zabbix triggers based on that data.

How it works:

The script:

  1. fetches the Pingdom data through the API, filtered by a tag which relates to the specific Zabbix Proxy
  2. transforms the Pingdom data with jq so that it fits the zabbix_sender data format
  3. pushes the information about available checks to the Zabbix proxy with zabbix_sender

The script:

  1. fetches the Pingdom data through the API, filtered by a tag which relates to the specific Zabbix Proxy
  2. transforms the Pingdom data with jq so that it fits the zabbix_sender data format
  3. pushes the measurements to the Zabbix proxy with zabbix_sender


  1. Pingdom checks have to have a clean naming "<host> <check>" (e.g. homepage) within Pingdom
  2. Pingdom check have to have a tag which allows filtering when fething the data
  3. Zabbix LLD needs to be in place (imported template)
  4. curl and jq have to be installed on the system
  5. A cronjob should run the scripts on a regular basis
set -e
# Zabbix Trapper
# Pingdom
# Transform Pingdom data into Zabbix Trapper elements
_get_pingdom_data() {
list=$(curl --silent --user "$PINGDOM_USER" --header "App-Key: $PINGDOM_KEY" "$ZABBIX_PROXY" )
echo "$list" \
| jq -r '.checks[]' \
| jq -r '{time:.lasttesttime, ,status:.status, responsetime:.lastresponsetime}' \
| jq -r '.time=(.time | tostring)' \
| jq -r '.responsetime=(.responsetime | tostring)' \
| jq -r 'def mapping: {"up":"2","paused":"1","down":"0"};.status=mapping[.status]' \
| jq -r '[.key + ",status] " + .time + " " + .status, .key + ",time] " + .time + " " + .responsetime]' \
| jq -r '.[]' \
| sed -e 's~ ~ pingdom.response[~1'
if [ "x$1" = 'x--debug' ]; then
echo "###### Pingdom Data ########"
echo "###### Pingdom Data ########"
datafile=$(mktemp -t pingdomdataXXXXXX)
trap "rm $datafile" EXIT
_get_pingdom_data > $datafile
zabbix_sender -z $ZABBIX_HOST -p $ZABBIX_PORT -T -i $datafile 2>&1
set -e
# Pingdom
# Transform Pingdom checks into Zabbix Trapper elements
_get_pingdom_checks() {
list=$(curl --silent --user "$PINGDOM_USER" --header "App-Key: $PINGDOM_KEY" "$ZABBIX_PROXY" )
echo "$list" \
| jq -r '.checks[]' \
| sed -e 's/name": "\(\S\+\) /host": "\1", "name": "/' \
| jq -s '. | group_by(.host) | .[]' \
| jq -r '.[0].host as $host | { "data": map({"{#URL}": .hostname, "{#NAME}": .name}) } | $host + " '$ZABBIX_KEY' " + tostring'
if [ "x$1" = 'x--debug' ]; then
echo "###### Pingdom Data ########"
echo "###### Pingdom Data ########"
datafile=$(mktemp -t pingdomdataXXXXXX)
trap "rm $datafile" EXIT
_get_pingdom_checks > $datafile
test -s $datafile || exit 0;
zabbix_sender -vv -z $ZABBIX_HOST -p $ZABBIX_PORT -i $datafile 2>&1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<template>Template Custom PingDom Data</template>
<name>Template Custom PingDom Data</name>
<name>Pingdom Check discovery</name>
<name>Pingdom {#NAME} latency</name>
<description>url: {#URL}</description>
<name>Pingdom {#NAME} status</name>
<description>url: {#URL}</description>
<expression>{Template Application PingDom Data:pingdom.response[{#NAME},status].max(#3)}&lt;1</expression>
<name>Pingdom: {#NAME} down</name>
<description>Pingdom reports that the related webcheck is down.</description>
<expression>{Template Application PingDom Data:pingdom.response[{#NAME},status].max(#15)}&lt;1</expression>
<name>Pingdom: {#NAME} down</name>
<description>Pingdom reports that the related webcheck is down.</description>
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Not working as is with Zabbix 3.0.

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