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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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DailyProgrammer Challenge #213h Solution (Stepstring Discrepancy)
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Text.Printf
(c0, c1) = ('a', 'b')
accum s = 0 : accumR 0 s where
accumR _ [] = []
accumR a (c:cs) = a' : accumR a' cs where
a' | c == c0 = a - 1
| c == c1 = a + 1
| otherwise = a
minMax = (maximumBy (comparing snd) &&& minimumBy (comparing snd)) . zip [0..]
intoRange ((li, l), (hi, h)) st = (abs $ h - l, range) where
range | li <= hi = (li * st, hi * st, st)
| li > hi = (hi * st, li * st, st)
leap _ [] = []
leap n (x:xs) = x : leap n xs' where xs' = drop (n - 1) xs
discr o st s = intoRange (minMax $ accum $ leap st $ drop o s) st
maxDiscr s = maximumBy (comparing $ fst) $
concatMap (\st -> map (\o -> discr o st s) [ - 1]) [1..length s - 1]
main :: IO ()
main = interact (unlines . map (show . maxDiscr) . lines)
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